Introducing: Qurator's Toss Up Thursday! Free-for-all promotion competition - ENTRIES NOW CLOSED!

in qurator •  7 years ago  (edited)


Four days have passed and no new entries will be eligible to win. Please don't post any more comments with your submissions! Good luck to everyone participating and remember that the comment with the least upvotes will win!

Welcome to the 1st Toss Up Thursday Edition - brought to you by the Qurator Project. We have Photo Friday and Tasty Tuesday, but what about all the other content that Qurites produce? We want you all to get more recognition for all your hard work. Thus, we are introducing Toss Up Thursday. This is a free-for-all, anything-goes kind of competition, with a few Qurator twists of course!

Toss Up Thursday will be held the second and fourth Thursdays of the month only. This is your chance as a Qurite to nominate any post that you feel is quality writing and needs some Qurite love!

Come promote anything and everything!

We can ask all members to “toss up” another member's recent post. The rules can be a bit tricky so read them carefully! The short of it all is, showing support and upvoting other Qurites' comments in this post will give you a better chance of winning!

The rules

  • 2 winners every Toss Up Thursday.

  • Nominators have to post a link and a picture of your post. (ONLY 1 ENTRY PER QURITE)

  • Post being nominated MUST be within the last 24-48 hours (this allows for more upvotes on the actual post)

  • The comment with the LOWEST upvote count / LOWEST number of upvotes will win (not value)!

  • There will be a deadline to post comments in order to avoid some members sneaking in at the last moment before this post reaches payout.

Deadline is 4 days after this post goes live. We will edit this post and announce that the deadline has passed and no new comments will be eligible to win.

  • No flagging! Play nice and have fun!

Deadline for comments: MONDAY, February 26, 2018 - 8PM UTC

How do we pick a winner?

The two comments with the LEAST NUMBER OF UPVOTES when this post reaches payout will win a TIER 5 Membership for 30 days from @qurator.

So how do you win?

Copy and paste a link and picture link from one of your recent posts. Then hope you do not get a lot of upvotes on that comment. You can also counter and improve your chances of winning by upvoting the other comments of Qurites promoting their posts. =)

Comment template that you can copy and paste in the comment section to make it easier for yourself:


### <center>[POST-TITLE](POST-LINK)</center>

Let the Toss Up begin and may the best Qurites win! Comment and upvote away!

For more information about the Qurator Project and how to join click HERE

Note: This will be a biweekly competition that we are testing. If this one goes well then we will do another one.

Four days have passed and no new entries will be eligible to win. Please don't post any more comments with your submissions! Good luck to everyone participating and remember that the comment with the least upvotes will win!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Life has it's twists and turns but nothing hurts as much as breaking up with someone you love because of your profession. A while back I met a girl who really stole my heart, We where dating for 2 years and then the trouble started. This was not relationship problems but more inner conflict of my self. I wanted to become an artist but I didn't think "she" would understand that artists don't make a lot on money and there for we would have to live a simple life. I never really told her the true reason why I broke up with her and she probably still thinks its something she did. The truth is that I wanted to do art so I did, after we broke up I became a full time artist and enjoyed every moment of it. But still to this day I wonder if I had just told her the truth maybe she would have accepted my lifestyle choice.
I understand by Daniel Eugene Botha

I think that's so sad Daniel. There are so many maybes that may have happened if you had been able to talk to her about it. What if she also had aspirations, that she had never been able to talk to you about as well? Hope you meet her again. Or life sometimes presents us with the same opportunity under the guise of a new person. 🦋

Thank you for your beautiful comment @allyinspirit I really appreciate it and yes maybe that can happen you never know. I like you, so will follow you for some more advice :)


True. You just never know.

Was great that you followed your heart. And sometimes that does mean that you need be by yourself to develop your relationship with your creative self. But not necessarily for ever. It's different for different people. Some artists thrive working with others while some have to work just by themselves. Sometimes we can be either sort of artist too. 😊

Wow that was well said thank you and you are right. :)

@allyinspirit, I had to stop by your post as well and its very nicely done. I'm sorry but a post like this one deserves an upvote any day! ;) (also the original post has received an upvote from me)

Thanks so much @richeros. I don't mind the upvote what-so-ever. 😊 And I really appreciate the original post being upvoted as well.

This was my only available post and the idea of the post with the least upvotes being the 'winner' really intrigued me. Love the twist where there are 'winners' at both ends. 🦋

Oh wow! What a twist! Also, Ive been wondering how to center my pictures! Ive recently been learning Markdown! Thanks :)

Beef Tips with Gravy and Butter Herbed Noodles

Awesome! Perfectly executed! Thanks for joining in so fast! Good luck!

P.S. Here is a Markdown guide

Awesome! Thanks :)

Looking at the photo gives the impression that it's already someone ate)))

It was last nights dinner and it was deeeeeelicious! ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ok, so here is my entry: A weekly condensed news report of what i think is the most interesting news i came across talking about the blockchain world.

Cryptonews 002

I hope i dont get upvotes :)


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I almost never promote my posts but this might come useful to some, so since I have this chance, I am posting it here!
Good Luck to All! <3

How to use markdown style for an appealing, easy to read post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sweet, but we need to see a picture as well to qualify. =)

Thank you for the info, updated!

Understanding Your Mind Palace

I hope this makes you think so hard you forget to come back here and vote.

My first time here hope get only few votes in this comment

Meus caminhos no Steemit

  ·  7 years ago 

Hey dearest @qurator family,
This is a very interesting idea. I like it a lot. And the most fun is the winner idea too.
Great Job @qurator team for coming out with these brilliant ideas.
Here is my entry and no body dares upvoting it, or else :P

Molokhia with Chicken

Or else? Hmmm.... Hehe, heard @scrooger will be swinging by later to spread some chaos. =P


Way to go @scrooger.

I was upvoted too many times with only 0.02 (crying). At least be generous if you want me to lose!! :P

Good luck everyone :D

Love the idea too.

I'm a vegan who loves colour. Not necessarily bright colour but beautiful tones of violets and turquoice. So you won't be getting my upvote this time @theleapingkoala. 😊

Thanks @allyinspirit ;D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh this is kind of fun, to get the LEAST upvotes I see.

Here's a link to my latest post:

Here is a picture I inserted into the post, though not taken by me.


I guess we never know who can win this so I shall give it a try :)

Here's my entry: A video mash-up summary of the last week for me. Food, climbing, and work!


A Bit o' February

Going to take part of this party )) with my project



Find yourself 69 reasons first before voting this =)

This is it, my contribution, have a toast😊



Fight to Live Story #1

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, this is unique. 😂



Random Hand Art

If I understand this correctly you are looking for the worst post of the last 48 hours.


Link to post - also if you click the picture

Please do NOT upvote !

You know I hate you for that @smylie2005, don't you 😋

Only love, my friend, only love! ;)
Ive never followed the rules very well....

This is really funny if you speak Dutch :D

Not necessarily the worst. But one that others may not be able to see the same merit in as yourself.

Never easy to be a blacksmith

The Blacksmith From My Hometown

A funny boy. He is my friend

Beautiful creature. Blends so well with his surroundings. 🦋

That's right! :D

Thank you for this cool initiative! Here’s my entry.

Okay, I'll post my work too - design for a Russian restaurant. Good luck :)


Logo for Russian cuisine restaurant "Samovar"

This may be the most horrible thing you've ever read...or the coolest? Who knows. Vote me up, or don't vote at all, the choice is yours ;)

inspiration image .jpg

art is not mine, just inspiration for the writing

Definitely the coolest! In light of all the flag wars we thought, why not start an upvote war instead and spread the love a bit more. =) Good luck!

All we can try and do as members of this community is try and make it the best possible place for all :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I just posted the latest stage (3) of my 5-stages puzzle game.

Code-Breaking Challenge #1: Bank Heist Stage 3 of 5 - What Do We Do? (Prize Pool Now >4 SBD)

You have to start all the way from stage 1, and it's not easy at all haha!

This is a fun new initiative. Here's my latest post.

How to Make Compost from Leaves

It's essentially about living dirt, not so interesting, right? Just in case you thought about upvoting this comment imma add, plz folo me sir. i wil folo u 2. thnx. nice post.

Might be not as interesting as when the plants were alive and vibrant but I love living dirt too ~ So compelled to upvote. 🦋

I'm a bit conflicted about these upvotes. I never thought getting an upvote would be a bad thing. Thank I guess?

Strange things can happen in the Land of Steem. In this case my upvote wasn't meant to stop you from 'winning' but more an appreciation of your post.

I don't think this game is for me anymore. A bit confusing when it makes people question the motives of others. 😊

Haha, guess I wasn't too clear with that reply. I wasn't questioning your motives. I know you had good intentions, and I'm glad you liked the post. :)

It's a strange game but all in fun. I just never thought I wouldn't want a flurry of upvotes. Hence the conflict, cause I'm still happy to get them.

Honestly I haven't really 'stratergized' this at all. It's just for fun, I get to see good new content and haven't really been too concerned with winning. Thanks for taking the time to comment and upvote, I still appreciate it.

Truly appreciate your response @soulturtle.

I see that you also appreciate the Seed of Life. Lovely to connect with you now. 🦋🙏🦋

Lovely forms @richeros. Compelled to upvote. Sorry. 😊 But I did upvote the original posting as well. 🦋

Sorry but this is the only upvote I didn't like receiving in here, guess you had to so then it's fine :) Thanks for the positive feedback!

I understand the nature of the 'game' but I actually only upvoted the images/posts I really liked, not with the view of eliminate my 'competitors.' 😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I very much hope you won't upvote. 😋


Monomad Friday Challenge - Flowers

Sorry Neli, but I love it. I can't bring myself to upvote images that I don't actually like. But love the idea of the competition. 🦋

Aw, don't be sorry :-) It is all for fun.
I am very glad you like my photo. :-)

Aw, OK then. 😊 It's a great concept isn't it?
Your image reminds me of Georgia O'Keeffe and I'm one of her biggest fans. 🦋

So many interesting things you guys do; I'm definitely going to have to reapply to become part of your initiative!

Bright Blessings!

This is the best idea yet!

i like its information and i vote

I have submitted my entry but i have an observation to make and possibly a solution.
Going with the rules. Its clear enough that those who commented first are no where close to winning. So with that people will always until the last day before posting. Also, some may delete their and put a new one.


To make it really fun, beneficial and battle of the fittest. You can try this suggestion.
Let it run for two or three days. Then assign points from zero to 100. Any one that comments during the first hour or two gets 100 points like that until it gets to the last hour to stop accepting entries to be zero points then for the number of upvotes. A grading system can be used like say. Sum up all the upvotes for the entries then for each person, they get a percentage share based on the individual's number of upvote. This is added to the first one so that any one with the highest becomes the winner.

We really hope people play by the rules. Thank you for the ideas and solutions here. Luckily after the comment has been upvoted it cannot be deleted. Only edited. So foul play should be easy to spot then. The blockchain holds everything so we will pick it up.

The point systems look really cool but the admin behind it seems a little much. Just won't have the time to monitor it all...

For those who are commenting now... Not the best tactic, commenting closer to the deadline will be much better. We are hoping that the members return and spread some upvote love before the competition ends. In short, those who really want to win will think of their own strategy. =P

Really do appreciate the input and suggestions. Thanks =)

I also thought: the earlier I post the smaller the chances ...
But who cares - it's just for fun and the idea to win with the smallest amount of upvotes is ingenious.
It's not always about winning but to have fun :)
Really like the idea.

While having fun. We seek some profit


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have another suggestion @qurator :)
Only 100% upvotes are allowed because where I can make ONE upvote, the dolphins etc. can make 100 upvotes.
As the number of upvotes counts they have 100 times more chance of course ;)

there are several ways to vote for under 100% as a minnow.
at the bottom there is a way to upvote through steemworld for the % you want
there is also a plug in from tamper monkey that allows you the slider

Actually, I agree with some of the suggestions.
Commenting in the last hour will only make it similar to bid bots. If you got many with a low number of upvotes, say 0 upvote, how would you decide the winner?

I think to make it a win-win for everyone, I suggest that
1- upvotes should be at 100% (this way, the losers will get some rewards and it will lower the number of sabotage possible). Otherwise, if someone has more than one account, they will be able to upvote everyone with 0.1% and make everyone lose.
2- When someone upvotes the link, should comment why they upvoted. Just Like @allyinspirit is doing. This way, people will be compelled to interact with the post they upvoted.

Just a suggestion ;D

Sir @qurator please do read this. I think that is going to be unfair for those who already submitted their post earlier, because some people will going comment an hour before the 4 days end, while most of use are already been exposed and gained a lot of upvotes from those participants, lol. Sorry for the confusion and for this irrelevant comment for this contest, but I'm just trying to express my thoughts sir.

All about the strategy here. That's why we have the deadline in place. =) This will be the first of many Toss up Thursdays. We hope to see some better strategies later on. =P

Well observed and maybe a secret you must keep to improve your chances =)

Lol, it's my fault, I wish I never said that, they can use it as an advantage. Your Toss up Thursday is such a nice idea and so interestin. Thanks for letting everyone to participate. Good luck for everyone of us.