
in r •  2 months ago 

1155/ Nobody in my Discord Server should be promoted because they are ignoring all of my posts on Twitter, my Discord videos on TikTok, my daily blog posts, my threads, all of this stuff I say about Discord, the brand new Oatmeal Challenge, and the new welcome channel on Discord. 1158/ I made my Discord Server for Oatmeal Heirs and also for builders and yet most of the people in the server are doing neither of those two things which means the server is an epic fail.

Naomi Brockwell; Vacuum; videos: singing videos; watched: The Quartering - The MAGA Wars Have Begun! Vivek & Elon Get Massive Backlash & Much More, Dream Productions 103-104, Outlander 711, Cobra Cast 199 - MAGA Civil War! Twitter is a Disaster, ALEX AGREES WITH ELON MUSK ON THE H-1B, News & Analysis, HARRISON ON THE H-1B DEBATE, Naomi Brockwell TV - No SIM? No Problem, Full House Rewind: S2 Ep.16 "Baby Love" with Special Guest Christine Larkin, My So-Called Gen X Life - 10 'Very Special Episodes' That Traumatized 80s Kids


Screenshot at 2024-12-27 20-48-05.png
Kirk Cameron breaking the 4th wall in Growing Pains in the 1980s

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-27 - Friday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-27 - Friday - 12:43 PM - Discord Log

Darth Loner dropped this meme in my Discord Server. 02:04 PM 1155/ Nobody in my Discord Server should be promoted because they are ignoring all of my posts on Twitter, my Discord videos on TikTok, my daily blog posts, my threads, all of this stuff I say about Discord, the brand new Oatmeal Challenge, and the new welcome channel on Discord. 04:44 PM: 1156/ Fortniteboy911 is fake news because nobody is even trying to do the brand new Oatmeal Challenge. 1157/ My point is mods and higher are not even trying to do anything at all, not even trying, that's called being lazy like losers. 1158/ I made my Discord Server for Oatmeal Heirs and also for builders and yet most of the people in the server are doing neither of those two things which means the server is an epic fail. 1159/ The following people can become owners of the Oatmeal World Discord Server: 1. Oatmeal Heirs, 2. Builders. 1160/ I promise to interact in my server with Oatmeal Heirs and builders, please ping me when you see them.

Twitter Tweets

04:53 AM

I sent that email [email protected] the following email:

The following email did not come from me but instead from a hacker. It appeared as if this email was sent from my email address and to the same email address being [email protected]

  1. But there was no sent email from me to me in the sent folder
  2. I didn't see any sent emails from me to me in the trash folder
  3. This email was found in the spam folder and not in the inbox folder
  4. But I didn't send the following email to myself from myself
  5. It might be possible a hacker sent this email from me to me
  6. But I think the from email address is like a forgery of some kind where it only appears the email came from me somehow but I don't really know

The email as follows:
And the email said "This message is from a mailing list." as seen in this screenshot but I don't know what mailing list. Can this email be reporting as phishing? I think not because it has no links in the email, it only has a Bitcoin address which is a scam or blackmail.

It was an email spoof.

01:31 PM
I want to believe people lost blue checks due to glitches in the code as opposed to Twitter staff going rogue to cause chaos; I don't want to believe Elon is personally trying to remove blue checks from people; we should pressure Elon into setting the record straight of what actually happened so we can all know what the rules are on this platform

Looks like @grok doesn't specifically know why, the following is just generic information that should be common sense and self-explanatory, but here is what Grok wrote:

Why did Elon Musk's Twitter X remove the blue check mark from Owen Shroyer @OwenShroyer1776 of Alex Jones of Infowars?

Grok wrote:
The removal of the blue check mark from @OwenShroyer1776's account on X (formerly known as Twitter) appears to have been part of a broader policy shift by Elon Musk. After acquiring Twitter, Musk initiated changes to the verification system, transforming the blue check mark from a symbol of authenticity and notability to one associated with a paid subscription service. Here's a breakdown of how this might relate to Owen Shroyer's case:

Policy Change: Under Musk's leadership, Twitter began removing "legacy" blue check marks from accounts that did not subscribe to Twitter Blue, a service where users pay a monthly fee for verification among other perks. This shift was aimed at generating revenue and, according to Musk, democratizing verification by making it available to anyone willing to pay, rather than selectively granted by Twitter.

Content and Account Review: Posts from X suggest that Owen Shroyer's verification removal might have been due to the content of his posts or streams. Shroyer himself mentioned on X that his account was "under review" and hinted that a particular stream might have been the cause. This could imply that X reviewed his content or behavior on the platform, possibly finding it in violation of their policies or standards at the time.

Censorship or Policy Enforcement: Some users on X speculated that the removal could be seen as a form of censorship or related to the controversial nature of Shroyer's content. However, without explicit confirmation from X, this remains speculative. It's also noted that other users have experienced similar removals for various reasons, suggesting that individual account actions can lead to the loss of verification.
Subjective Application: The application of these policies seems to be somewhat subjective, as noted by users discussing similar cases on X. This implies that while there is a general policy regarding verification, the execution might vary based on individual account activity or content.

In summary, while the exact reason for Owen Shroyer losing his blue check mark isn't explicitly stated by X, it aligns with Musk's broader changes to verification, potentially compounded by specific content or account review actions taken by X.

01:59 PM
Grok on the fluoride vs Alex Jones debate

02:30 PM
I don't know if this music video is based on a true story but I did enjoy the song; the story itself is sad and I'm sad to hear about it; the lyrics are brilliant

By the way in unrelated news, somebody said I was and I quote, "Omg u r so fwd i like it tho :))."

Fwd usually means forward, I think it means like too honest or direct; perhaps even rude or too honest in a bad way; I think being direct is better at times than being like fake and possibly deceptive in beating around the bush; in my life, I've TMI meaning shared too much information you might say; I've been too direct, aggressive, and the list goes on and on; you might say I scared people away, that I gave people bad first impressions, that I failed to counter Oatmeal Fake News, that I burned too many bridges, that I try too hard in life in general on everything, that I'm way too specific like a nerd, that I am too generic at other times sometimes, that my tunnel vision blinds me, that my passion turns to anger, that I don't translate what I'm trying to do and say enough, that I'm way too distracted working on too many things leading me towards failing it seems at many things in life in general

03:04 PM
Democrats stole blue?

Democrats were red like the red coat British who tried stopping George Washington and 1776

On television, blue was used to represent the Democrats in 2000 during the presidential race between Al Gore and George Bush Jr

But the Democrats were red before 2000

King George of England was red, the Democrats were red; the Democrats stole the rainbow and the word gay (happy) from us; they are always trying to steal everything from us

Are they also stealing Kanye West's name or I mean Ye's name even as he returns to the Elon Musk Twitter X platform?

2024 SATA 01
2024-12-27 - Friday - 07:43 PM - My Files Outline Log

Was copying this 2024 SATA 01 hard drive or another name is 2013 Toshiba SATA laptop hard drive HDD and I think it is not SSD. This is from a newer Larry laptop. This is the current nickname for this drive. Seen in the stats above, looks like I was able to copy almost all of the alleged files minus roughly 100 files. Not totally sure what did not copy. Maybe nothing important. Outside of the drive it says 750 GB. The exact date on this drive is 2013-09-20. DC +5V.

This hard drive was inside the Toshiba Satellite L75D-A7280, AMD A6 Quad Core, 6 GB RAM. Windows OS probably less than 100 GB. Remaining 45 GB might be relevant to me. Maybe not all of it.

Drive stats
537,151 items, totalling 145.3 GB (145.1 GB on disk)
Drive size: 736.8 GB

537,056 items, totalling 153.0 GB (154.1 GB on disk)

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Dream Productions 103-104

2024-12-27 - Friday - 01:50 AM - Dream Productions 103-104

Episode 3 introduced not just Riley daydreaming, envisioning future Riley, but it also introduced sleep walking which was brilliant how that came about. Episode 4 introduced lucid dreaming which was the opposite of sleep walking as she was aware she was dreaming. But she does not always remember her dreams.

Outlander 711-712

2024-12-27 - Friday - 02:54 AM - Outlander 711

She marries the guy as it looks like they killed Jaimee off screen. They brought back Jaimee Fraser at the end of episode 11. His luggage was on the ship but he wasn't. The ending of that episode was so good, I could not wait for the next episode where the guy said hey we were both fucking you Jaimee, punch, roll theme song. George Washington appoints Jaimee to be a leader of an army but then said Congress would have to formally approve the appointment, that meeting between George and Jaimee was intriguing. I also was watching the dancing.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 5 AM. Awoke around 11:50 AM. Singing videos. Vacuum. Breakfast: 12:23 PM. Lunch: 01:10 PM. Dishes. Nap for less than an hour around like 06:00 PM. Compost. Mail. Trash. Dinner: 07:28 PM. Installed Ubuntu onto a second laptop, finished that up around 09:10 PM. The first laptop was like a week or so ago, see logs for more info. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 12:23 PM. Lunch: potatoes, one glasses of tea, 01:10 PM. Nuts. Dinner: milk, rice and beans, 3 more glasses of tea, 07:28 PM. Chinh Pham Son 0232: 2024-12-27 - Friday - 09:26 PM. 1. 072-073 Nothing Sell Buy. Estimate. Guess. Tramp is a traveling beggar. Precisely, specifically, exactly. Savages. It is said that Santa is fat. Determination is never giving up. Wimpy, book 3, page 223-264. Chimed in. Waist. Kilt. Break free. Grip. Aisles. Ante.

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