Saturday was just crazy

in racing •  6 years ago 

So my father in law had a medical procedure done and it caused some issues, yeah that is what we will call it. So anyways he was supposed to drive the race car this last Saturday. Of course, the doctor said he wasn't supposed to drive the race car. So it took me all day calling him a pussy before he finally gave in and said fine. Let's load the car up. Well, I wanted to go to Warrensburg but that is a longer drive so we went to I-35 Speedway. That was obviously a bad idea. We got up there and found out that the whole damn county was out of water because of a water main break that they could not locate. How in the fuck do you not find a water break that size. So needless to say the track is dry. Well, we are here and not going anywhere so we get the old man strapped in the car and send him out. he comes in and says the car is to tight. Here is the basis of our sayings on what the car is doing.
Tight is when the front of the car hits the wall first
Loose is when the ass of the car hits the wall first
Horsepower determines how fast you hit the wall
Torque determines how far you move the wall when you hit it
So we talk about what to do and he says just make it turn. Ok, bossman. So I monkied around with our new cheater suspension part I came up with and lengthened the right side bar a half inch in the rear. He goes out for the heat race and the car is bad fast. So we don't do anything except put a 3/4 inch spacer on the right front rim to move it out. he goes out for the feature and starts 10th. drives his way up to 6th place and the race is red flagged. The ambulance has to take off for some reason. Well, we all soon found out it was because there was some drunk or high chick passed out in the porta-shitter. They were thinking she had a seizure. Then her drunk ass boyfriend decides he is going to just drive off with her. The crowd of people that are standing around by now side with the paramedics that she needs to stay there. Well, the drunk guy and his friends decide that is not what is going to happen.
Let me stop you there for just a second and remind you we are at a dirt track with a bunch of rednecks
Ok with that being said we will just say that it turned into a complete free for all. Like an MLB clear the benches fight. So now all the infield crew have to bail out and go to clear shit out. Meanwhile, the race cars are all sitting on the track stopped. So after the cops show up a good 20 minutes later and it all gets sorted out . So now the cars get to finish the final 10 laps. Of course my father in law decides to NOT warm the tires up. I am up there yelling at him " what in the fuck are you doing?" but he can't hear me. green flag drops and he gets a fucking train ran on him. Not one, not two, not even 3 cars pass him. 4, 4 cars just walked past him that he had previously been walking away from. Ended up 10th for the night. We will just say that neither of us was happy with the choice that was made. With that being said he was very happy with the cars handling and our other driver will be back in town next week to hopefully drive the wheels off this thing.

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Wow, maybe you shouldn't of been yanking his chain. Glad all is well and just some hurt pride.

At least the car is getting a work out. His doctor did say he shouldn't be there. Maybe it just slipped his mind to "Warm up the tires". At least going into next week, you know the car is doing good, and everything seems to be tight and capable. Just a few minor drive issues from mid-points.

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nice to read this post