WTF Is Wrong With Sarah Jeong and the New York Times?

in racism •  7 years ago 

WTF Is Wrong With Sarah Jeong and the New York Times?

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So, you may have heard by now that the New York Times hired a new 'tech writer' who, as it turns out, is a big time hateful RACIST. That is, unless you're one of these morons who thinks minority people can't be racist, and only white people can. If that is the case, then pull your lower lip over your head and swallow.


Anyway, this Jeong character, who looks exactly the way you would imagine, compared “dumbass f-----g white people” to dogs, said that “old white men” were “lemmings,” that white people would “go extinct soon,” and used the hashtag #CancelWhitePeople. “Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote in 2014 before adding a graph claiming that “whiteness” resulted in being “awful.” Now that is some hateful shit, and any Caucasian person who said that about any other group of people would have their career crushed before it ever got started ... and rightfully so.

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She's a real sweetheart isn't she? My question is, what in the hell was this woman taught from K through 12, and at the university she attended? By any chance was she inundated with a shit ton of far left liberal crap in her textbooks, and from her kooky left-wing college professors about the evils of Western Civilization, what a lousy country America is, that Capitalism sucks, that Christians are horrible people, and that whites are to blame for all of this? I am willing to bet that she was.

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Why else would she feel this way? Clearly she has been brainwashed by far left elitists who belong to the Blame-America-First crowd, and think socialism is the way to go as opposed to the rotten evil capitalist system that we currently have (which we really don't, by the way). Our educators, entertainers, and journalists are teaching hatred for country, and loathing for one another. Look at what happened in New York City recently. Video shows a black male attacking a 29-year-old white man, and apparently said, “I hate everyone like you, a white b**** h***.”

Jared Taylor, over at American Renaissance, posted an interesting video on July 27, 2018. The gist of it is that he thinks that the Huffington Post has yet to blog anything positive about Caucasians, and wonders why that is. The title of his blog article is HuffPo’s Crusade Against White People. The link is below. What do you want to bet that this woman is a faithful reader of that horrible publication?

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So, what do you think? Do you think these uninformed, impressionable, and mislead dimwits are being inculcated with hate for their fellow Americans based on their race? I do! The saddest part is that the truth is the complete opposite. Western Civ lead the way in abolishing slavery; guess where it still exists to this day. If memory serves me correctly, it was not that long ago (less than 10 years) when Taiwan became the first democratic asian nation ... ever. Consolidated democracies are rare in Asia ... real rare. Now, I don't know what nationality Sarah Jeong is, but she certainly has not been taught world history very well.


Before I go, I would just like to congratulate the New York Times for establishing a new low in journalistic integrity for hiring this woman in the first place, and then to keep her on even after all of this came out! It is common knowledge, by anyone not living in a bubble, that The Times has always had a drastic leftward lean, but this is low even for them. Well, done guys, you have outdone yourselves.


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These racists get patted on the head by other equally racist idiots! WE WILL NEVER be clear of Racism, until we are clear of this type of hate filled racism too! It all goes away, or eventually, we will again see blood in he streets, SMH!

Idiots never learn from History; and I NEVER expect intelligence from the NY Times! it has been an intellectual vacuum for decades; a real wasteland of ideas, and a waste of good paper!

Couldn’t agree more.

They actually think they are intelligent, and they think people care what they say! Arrogance on that level is stunning!

Only ignorant fools with skins as think as a Rinos could function in this environment!

Well said

Thanks, I only wish that they would figure out how pitiful they really are. That would be a fun meeting to watch..."What do you mean we suck?"; ROFLOL! :)

They'll never figure it out.

Which does NOT lend weight to their claims towards Intelligence! The NYTimes is a village idiot convention, ROFLOL! :)
