When the Race Card wont work, UK politicians call “Uncle Tom!”

in racism •  6 years ago  (edited)

When the Race Card wont work, UK politicians call “Uncle Tom!”

This week Boris Johnson became UK Prime Minister, and in response the most revolting reactions from the political left have exposed grievous hypocrisy.

Its not news in these days of polarised politics that the “Race Card” has become Visa of choice for many left-wing politicians and social commentators.

During the Euro election campaign, Jeremy Corbyn managed to infer anyone who didn’t vote Labour was a far-right racist, while other left-wing politicians like Caroline Lucas or Emily Thornberry throw the words “Racist!” and “Fascist” around like emotionally manipulating confetti. Prejudice against white people is a matter of historical record from people like Diane Abbot or Yasmin Alibhai Brown, while others like David Lammy don’t seem to be able to send Tweet without a race centred lens. We are told that Labour, despite being the second party since the BNP investigated by the ECHR for institutional racism, is the “anti-racist” party, always with the inference that only a racist could vote for anyone else…

So, its fascinating to observe that narrative fall apart, now the most ethnically diverse cabinet in British History has been selected by the new Prime Minister…

QUOTE: “Boris’ new Cabinet is now all in place, and not only does it match Tony Blair’s total for the highest number of women ever at the top table, it also delivers the highest ever number of BAME Cabinet ministers ever, and – as Sunder Katwala points out – “as much ethnic diversity around the Cabinet table this morning as there has been in the rest of British political history put together.” It also contains the highest ever number of Leave voting ministers…
Need to know stats for Boris’ ‘Modern Britain’ cabinet:
Voted Remain: 18
Voted Leave: 15
Women: 8

Which echoed the achievement of the Brexit Party a couple months before who instantly doubled the BAME representation in the entire EU parliament in a single election…

While BAME Green MEP Majid Majid, proudly declaring his anti-racist credentials, got turned away at the door of the EU Parliament for “looking like he didn’t belong”

It does not take much objectivity to see that things do not add up here. In the hysteria of seeing Brexit Party top the Euro Elections, and increase the number of Brexit supporting MEP’s from 24 to 28 since the last election in 2014, despite only being founded 6 weeks before, followed by the fall of Theresa May and now the election of Boris Johnson, the mood has become deranged.

I happen to like Magid Magid: seems to me his heart is in the right place and he can see all is not as it should be in the EU: but his fellow Green MEP, Alexandra Phillips, is another matter.

She believes western society is run by “Fascists racists homophobes and misogynists” and specifically blames men, who are middle aged, and happen to be WHITE, with all she sees wrong in society (despite sharing that same “privilege”)

But last night, July 25th, she really went off the deep end, proclaiming Boris Johnson a “fascist” and “we must bring him down” (demonstrating a potty mouth too!)

I can confirm these tweets have been subject to a formal complaint to the EU for bringing her office into disrepute.

One might think this would be bad enough. But this morning, two major figures within the Labour Party pushed things to the extreme.

Firstly Labour MP Clive Lewis, who had been featured on the BBC just the day before, tweeted to BAME Conservative MP James Cleverley that “"black members of that cabinet had to sell your souls & self respect to get there" and further smearing “you serve under a racist PM”

Then, Labour supporting Editor of the magazine “The Canary”, Kerry Anne Mendoza claimed any BAME member of the Government was a “turncoat of colour”

All this from the party of “anti racism”?
Just what IS going on? Have they all gone mad?


Casting an eye across the Atlantic can bring some enlightenment.

In the US, since the election of Donald Trump, a movement called #WalkAway has grown at rapid speed.

The Democrat Party (the US left) has long presented itself as the anti-racist party and very successfully demonised the political right as the “evil racist ones”, especially through the opinions of Academia. This is despite the Democrat Party being the historical party of slave ownership pre the American Civil War, links to the KKK of the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in the last election, and failing to support the 1960’s US civil rights movement until after it was polling over 50% support.

The use of “the Race Card” reached an endemic fever pitch during the 2016 Election campaign, but the political message of Donald Trump of restoring American primacy via MAGA proved irresistible to the electorate.

Since then, President Trump has tackled the issues of the BAME community, especially in inner cities, with alacrity, and produced movement on issues American people of colour have been seeking for decades. He has brought jobs to these communities in a volume never seen before, and BAME unemployment is now at the lowest ever recorded levels. As a consequence, since the election his polling with BAME communities has been going up month after month after month.

Celebrities like Kanye West, and rising political stars like Candace Owens, have brought forward the argument that the fear of racism has been used to control the views of their communities: against their best interests: and characterise the #WalkAway movement as “leaving the Democrat plantation”, which also trends as #BLEXIT.

The response to this has been an outpouring of hate and loathing targeting Owens and others from the political left.

She has also testified to congress on the issue of “White nationalism” where she stated:

"The biggest scandal in American politics is that Democrats have been conning minorities into the belief that we are perpetual victims all but ensuring our failure. Racial division and class warfare are central to the Democrat party platform. They need Blacks to hate whites, the rich to hate the poor. Soon enough it will be the tall hating the short"

Another powerful voice for this new awareness is Brandon Tatum

And there are many new You-Tube Channels like the excellent BCP, Black Conservative Patriot

This represents an increasing movement that rejects the oppressed victim narratives of the past in favour of a colour blind embracing of the American Vision for all.

..Has been the defining ideology that Owens and the 1000’s of other activists from #WalkAway are rejecting and abandoning.

Taught in universities as holy writ across the western world, especially in the UK, this ideology states that White people have all the inherent advantages. Therefore their “privilege” must be taken from them and given to BAME people to balance out these inequalities so BAME people can compete fairly in society.

A full exploration of “White Privilege” ideology is beyond this articles scope, but a consequence of “affirmative action” favouritism is it is still favouritism and becomes in itself a source of injustice.

We see this in Britain when organisations like the BBC openly advertise jobs as “white people need not apply”. https://metro.co.uk/2018/01/19/bbc-criticised-for-banning-white-job-applicants-for-trainee-role-7243601/

And when power in society is gained by the tone of the top 1.5mm of your skin and no other reason, that becomes something to protect: or see that power go to someone else. As a result, rather than unite society behind a shared vision, it fractures it, by setting these communities against each other in a power struggle: and this extends beyond race and into sexuality too, as can currently be seen in the brutal culture war between Male Gays and Female Feminists/Lesbians for control of science fiction franchises. Intersectional doctrine creates division and conflict: a cynic would say, a perfect tool of divide and rule: exactly the criticism now placed at the door of the US democrats by the #WalkAway movement.

What happens in America usually comes to the UK within a few years. The UK is clearly ready for a #WalkAway movement of its own. Can the first signs of this be seen?


The fear of the Trump revolution amongst the UK left is self-evident. All Left politicians condemn President Trump by reflex with the usual “racist sexist fascist” trigger words. A full exploration of the falsity of this can be found in my previous article here:


So there certainly seems to be a strong defensive reflex against any risk BAME Britons will reject parties like Labour or the Greens.

But it seems like the UK left itself knows it is losing relevancy for the concerns and ambitions of BAME Brits.
This recent article from Left Foot Forwards tries to examine the failure of UK Labour to find enough BAME candidates to accurately reflect the ethnic make-up of the country:


After noting the BAME population of the UK is 14%, it notes: “the number of ethnic minority candidates selected by Labour to fight marginal seats so far, is barely touching ten percent and some have even been replaced by their white counterparts.”

In other words: the number of BAME candidates Labour can find is DROPPING, not rising…

The article also observes that somewhat notoriously race obsessed UK Politician David Lammy “recently voiced his concern at the ‘depressing’ fact that the natural party for ethnic minorities had failed on this once again, even whilst the Tories appear to have more visible ethnic minority MP’s rising to senior positions and cabinet roles.”
Going on to suggest that there must be structural inequality reasons why BAME candidates find it hard to stand for Labour, even while they are increasingly standing for other parties and getting into government office, it seems clear the UK left is struggling to explain or address this.

It couldn't be that the far-left politics of Labour and Greens just isn't as attractive as other policy platforms for BAME people to stand for and represent... could it?

The article also mentions “In 2017, Dianne Abbott openly called for all-black shortlists” and laments that BAME male candidates are losing out to white female candidates now the Labour Party has been giving priority to increase its female representation.

It seems it never rains but it pours in institutional “diversity” land… its a very long time ago that left-wing politics was ever about letting nature take its course and people find their own place in society, and it only takes a little objectivity to see how the left has become the architect of its own problems...


Which brings us back to todays tweet from Clive Lewis and Kerry-Anne Mendoza.

In the context of the movement going away and beyond the intersectional prison of enforced privilege upon which the left has built its ideology over the last few decades, vs a well entrenched system used to being able to define the whole social debate on race, if a BAME person can’t be loyal to THE ideology of BAME people (in largely privileged white middle class left wing minds), it must mean those people have sold out!

To be an “Uncle Tom” was of course an insult given to BAME people who helped slave masters in the pre US Civil-War times of slavery.

How unedifying to see those same implied slurs in 2019 today from politicians & opinion formers who simply can’t comprehend that people of ALL colours are free to support whatever movements or ideas or political parties they wish: REGARDLESS of skin colour.


The ever-growing worldwide patriot movement makes it clear: love of shared values and society are what counts: BRITISH first, [ethnicity] second, AMERICAN first, [ethnicity] second, and the same in every other nation of the world.
The next few years will see the social dynamic between the old and new perspectives play out:

Certainly, the world I stand for sees race as something to be celebrated and explored, but not to be rigidly imprisoned and defined by.

Its our unity as a society that makes us strong, successful and prosperous: not the perceptual irrelevance of skin tone.


John The White

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