Does 'Reverse Discrimination' Exist?

in racism •  8 years ago  (edited)

Reverse Racism

”All Lives Matter.”
”White people get discriminated too.”

These are popular arguments among those who believe in the term.

In my most popular article, I go into detail about the differences between empowerment and objectification. A similar parallel can be made when talking about the differences between prejudice and discrimination when we consider some important factors.

Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group.
For example, a person may hold prejudiced views towards a certain race or gender etc. (e.g. sexist).
Discrimination is the behavior or actions, usually negative, towards an individual or group of people, especially on the basis of sex/race/social class, etc.”
McLeod, S. A. (2008). Prejudice and Discrimination. Retrieved from

I’ll ask Steemit again.

Who has the power?

More specifically, who has the power to act on their prejudice?

In almost all cases, it’s the dominant group (i.e. whites, males).

There are many examples throughout history that back these claims.

For example, Adolf Hitler was not only prejudice, he had the power to act upon this prejudice. Through this mass control and power he held, this resulted in discrimination (which is an understatement) towards Jewish peoples.

The same can be said when we look to America’s history with slavery. African American’s had zero power (again, an understatement) in comparison to white people.

”Racism and prejudice aren't quite the same thing. Racism, rather, is best known as a system in which a racial majority is able to enforce its power and privilege over another race through political, economic and institutional means. Therefore racism can be described as "prejudice plus power," as the two work together to create the system of inequality.” -Philip Lewis

While white people can be a victim of prejudice, but they can’t be a victim of racism, because white people are not oppressed.

”There has never, ever, ever been a national set of laws or system put in place to systematically oppress white people or push them to a status that is 'less than.” -Alexia LaFata

Reverse racism doesn’t exist. Period.


Reverse Sexism

Let’s take what we have learned about prejudice and discrimination and apply it here.

Sexism is another form of oppression.

Here is a refresher of what oppression is:

Oppression: 1. Prejudice and power. 2. The systemic expression of social inequality woven throughout institutions as well as embedded within individual consciousness.

Oppression fuses institutional and systemic discrimination, personal bias, bigotry, and social prejudice in a complex web of relationships and structures that saturate most aspects of life in our society.

  • Oppression denotes structural and material constraints that significantly shape a person’s life chances and sense of possibility.
  • Oppression also signifies a hierarchical relationship in which dominant or privileged groups benefit, often in unconscious ways, from the disempowerment of subordinated or targeted groups.
  • Oppression resides not only in external social institutions and norms but also within the human psyche as well.

Now that we know that, we can focus on the real question.

Can marginalised people oppress those who oppress them?


“No group that faces systemic oppression can oppress the group in the systemic way they have been oppressed.”


I understand that white people and men have their own set of issues. I am not belittling any of them. However, those issues are examples of prejudice, NOT discrimination. It’s not comparable.

Understanding who the dominant and subjugated groups are is necessary for us to deconstruct systems of oppression and seek to equalize them.

If you’re still unclear about some of the terms used in this article, here is a fantastic glossary that may help.

Thanks for reading,

Xoxo vera

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Its incredible how Lefitsts do mental gymnastics in order to 'prove' that black racism 'can't' if blacks can't and haven't formed a RACIST race-based voting bloc and aligned w/other bigoted identity-group voters like Mexican immigrants, feminazi's, liberal whites (the STUPIDEST people in America), LGBT-types, liberal Jews, etc. to form political majorities.

The Left has to blame the many, many, many problems of blacks on mostly non-existent white racism in order to cover-up the fact that the last 50 years of their social engineering has been an abysmal failure.

mental gymnastics? It really quite simple. people of oppressed groups do not have the capability/power to damage their oppressor.. unless you count their feelings... which i don't. how does one oppress their oppressor? got an example of this so called race based voting bloc you speak of? besides the conservatives that is.

You're beginning w/the assumption that blacks are being 'oppressed', which I reject 100%...I can't believe how much bullshit I've heard about racism since Obama (a BLACK guy) was elected!

When a white gets passed over for a promotion or job because of affirmative action isn't that being discriminated against?

Left-wing ignorance, anti-white racism, and the victim/entitlement mentality now border on dangerous people see things that simply don't exist.

It'd be like me saying the NBA teams are racist against whites because of how disproportionately white people are under-represented among their players...

Having a dark skinned president does not in any way mean that we do not still live in a deeply racist society.

We're not looking under rocks. It's evident every day. From history books, to how we talk about it on the internet. To say racism itself doesn't exist is incredibly ignorant.

@kingkrawdad it's like you didn't even read the article.

I'm STILL waiting for one of you people to show me the evidence of all of this white racism you keep talking about...if this is "a deeply racist society", surely, it can't be hard to find widespread and obvious examples of it???


You people can't even see how ridiculous you look...amazing...SJWs see 'racism' behind every bush and under every rock, but it doesn't exist in reality no matter how much you say it does...

I see, as is common among Leftist cowards, that you flagged 2 of my posts...what was in my posts that "triggered" you brahj?

Did you have to find a nice "safe space" to go suck your thumb in?

You can wait all you want

She flagged me for saying I am woman who is not and has not been opressed- She is cynical and evil

All I've seen vera & co. do is regurgitate common SJW claims/accusations w/o any evidence...its just more of the Big Lie/Alinsky-esque tactic that Leftists are masters at using...they simply repeat a lie over and over and over (while shouting down/ignoring contrary arguments) until the lie eventually becomes accepted as the 'truth'.

And its racist-as-fuck to claim "only white people can be racist"...its scary to think about where these left-wing New Puritans want to take America.

I flagged all your posts after that

I flagged you because you flagged all of my posts, lol. It has nothing to do with your gender or level of oppression.

In fact you're still flagging me. It's cool that you have a different opinion and all, but you're not downvoting for any valid reason.

"got an example of this so called race based voting bloc you speak of?"

Yeah, its called 90%+ of blacks voting Democrat in every election and the existence of the "Black Caucus" in congress...and its common for blacks and their leaders (in and out of govt.) to expressly say they're working to advance a pro-BLACK (not all people, not poor people, but ONLY BLACK) agenda.

Its fucking insane the double-standards, denial of black responsibility for their problems, and outright lies that persist in America about one wants an "honest conversation about race" in America...non-whites simply want to use charges of 'racism' as a club to beat white people over the head with.

dude you're fucked.
"When a white gets passed over for a promotion or job because of affirmative action isn't that being discriminated against?"

"Left-wing ignorance, anti-white racism, and the victim/entitlement mentality now border on dangerous people see things that simply don't exist."
Yeah not like that good old fashioned super safe right wing ignorance right?

You're trolling me, right bro?

Its either that or you really are incredibly stupid...these days its so hard to tell.

"You're trolling me, right bro?

Its either that or you really are incredibly stupid...these days its so hard to tell."
tell me about it... in regard to the Clinton vid im an anarchist the libs are no better then the fucking cons.

I'm a libertarian/AnCap myself...and no way in hell do I believe you're an anarchist w/your regurgitation of retarded leftist memes about racism...two pics showing a dozen white supremacists are 'evidence' of white racism? While BLM fucking BOOS when someone says "all lives matter"? How stupid are you?

"I'm a libertarian/AnCap myself...and no way in hell do I believe you're an anarchist w/your regurgitation of retarded leftist memes about racism...two pics showing a dozen white supremacists are 'evidence' of white racism? While BLM fucking BOOS when someone says "all lives matter"? How stupid are you?"

well im a left anarchist and to be honest i don't consider ancaps to be true anarchists... that's not an argument im going to have though.. do your thing with that. A pic with 2 white supremacists is proof of racism so yes those 12 and the countless more are evidence of racism. BLM boo when someone says all lives matter because its like saying all houses matter when only one house is on fire not because they think the lives of other people don't matter.

I can find pics of racist black supremacists too...and, unlike you, I can show evidence that blacks commit more crimes against whites than vice-versa.

When you or any other leftist can show me proof that blacks are 'oppressed' (and not just victims of their own poor choices/culture as well as some bad policy like the Drug War and Welfare) I'll look at it, but until then don't think that you're making any points.

"Cool, but stop pretending that you're making rational/factual arguments..."

lol whatever dude im trying to be halfway civil about this but you're making it awful fucking hard. i could say the same fucking thing about you that's how disagreements work. but since you insist did Eric Garner deserve to die? Walter Scott? Akai Gurley? Tanisha Anderson? Dontre Hamilton?

How many people "deserve" to die? Did all of the white people killed and otherwise victimized by blacks deserve to die and/or be robbed/assaulted? Do I deserve to pay taxes so that lazy/irresponsible black people can keep popping out kids in awful single-mother homes? Do white people deserve to constantly have slavery (white Western European peoples, esp. Anglo-Saxons, ENDED slavery worldwide!) thrown in their faces to guilt-trip them into feeling shame for being white?

You're arguing like an emotionally unstable chimp brahj...the 'racism' you think exists is mostly illusory...

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+me nor any leftist or any person at all can show you anything because you refuse to see it.. you got it all figured out in your mind anyway that's just what you people are like and that's why im done with this. enjoy the rest of your sad and hateful life.

...or maybe its because you haven't shown me any actual evidence that blacks are 'oppressed' in America?

Dude...I'M MIXED-RACE and have had some racist shit said to me in my lifetime (more from 'minorities' than whites) maybe this is why its easy for me to call "bullshit" on this kind of nonsense...

"..or maybe its because you haven't shown me any actual evidence that blacks are 'oppressed' in America?

Dude...I'M MIXED-RACE and have had some racist shit said to me in my lifetime (more from 'minorities' than whites) maybe this is why its easy for me to call "bullshit" on this kind of nonsense..."

well that's your opinion man.. we don't and wont agree so lets not waste any more of each others time.

Cool, but stop pretending that you're making rational/factual arguments...

"How many people "deserve" to die? Did all of the white people killed and otherwise victimized by blacks deserve to die and/or be robbed/assaulted? Do I deserve to pay taxes so that lazy/irresponsible black people can keep popping out kids in awful single-mother homes? Do white people deserve to constantly have slavery (white Western European peoples, esp. Anglo-Saxons, ENDED slavery worldwide!) thrown in their faces to guilt-trip them into feeling shame for being white?

You're arguing like an emotionally unstable chimp brahj...the 'racism' you think exists is mostly illusory..."

you wanted proof racism exists in America and i gave it to you. the generalizations you make about people of color are disgusting. You claimed to be of mixed race before but i honestly doubt that very very much. the way you talk you could be a card carrying member of the KKK. You say Im arguing like an emotionally unstable chimp while 90% of your arguments are just ad hominem atacks. im done with you man you make me fucking sick. you wont get another reply.

Run along son...go find a "safe space" to suck your thumb in and leave the serious talk to the adults...


You can tell how much she cares for debate when she ends her rant with

Reverse racism doesn’t exist. Period.

Check out these 2 terribly confused, weak, and angry BLM activists run away from a discussion...its fucking sad and tragic what the Left & so-called 'black leaders' have done to young black people...

i believe racism exists, I just don't believe reverse racism, as vera likes to call racism on white people, doesn't exist

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Anyways i believe the more you talk about some subjects (the same with feminism) the more you reinforce and make it relevant

Leftists are the most irrational people in America...most of these clowns are probably rich white suburbanite children who've never met a real-life negro...but who think they understand the plight of the poor suppressed black man...a visit to a ghetto would cure them of their naive (and frankly insulting) views of blacks.

Dude, I'm from Chicago.

Isn't that the Liberal anti-gun utopia where black people shoot about 20-30 of each other every weekend?

And I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence of this 'oppression' of blacks you've mentioned...

“No group that faces systemic oppression can oppress the group in the systemic way they have been oppressed.”

I think this is SO important for more people to remember when considering these issues.

So much of this I think is based on perspective, experiences, and honestly, age. In a different era, these opinions were almost considered cultural norms for many. It is hard to turn that battleship around with some people now, though that is not an excuse either for harboring opinions such as these.

You raise some very good points here in this piece!

Ehh i read it and am just reminded of this...

You are so stupid

I agree 100% hope you're ready for the incoming shit storm though.

As always!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

That "Dear White People" movie was funny, although that character was contemptible, but so close to reality for the mixed-race person who has to overcompensate one way or the other. I've seen it over and over.

Growing up as one of 2% white minority in a 95% black Caribbean country with 100% black government and zero representation of whites in any public offices [except for one policeman!] I just have had a much different experience than... i think... most white people in the West.

Discrimination of course happens in this context. I don't think we can claim to be the dominant group here although most of us are middle and upper middle class and tend to have a big focus on entrepreneurship and business. Given the type of enterprising people that came here willingly, it would make sense that the descendants would be focused on business.

I don't know what it's like in a white majority country, that hasn't been my experience. We tend to get overlooked in the whole 'white people are xyz' thing.

Race and racism is such a contentious topic, it's rarely fruitful over the internet, but I love to talk about it 1on1 in person with people. It's something that I've had to deal with most of my life, being the odd one out most of the time.

Very interesting to hear about a different experience.

I wrote a bit about my experience here a month ago. It's passed the payout time, so that's not what my sharing it is about, if you're interested in that different experience.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Who has the power?

More specifically, who has the power to act on their prejudice?

In almost all cases, it’s the dominant group (i.e. whites, males).

Power is something that is only available to individuals and groups that can function as a cohesive unit. Individual men and many groups which are primarily composed of men have power, because they are able to make a decision as an individual or group and act upon it. But men overall do not have such a decision making capability, the vast majority of men are as divorced from the houses of power where important decisions are made as everyone else.

In the case of acting upon prejudices, everyone has the ability to act upon their prejudices. It's those who can do it with impunity who have power in this case. There are some men who have this kind of impunity, and many who do not as they would be ruined for acting upon them. The same is true among other demographics.

Do you think it is possible for a man to be disempowered despite the being a member of the dominant demographic? If an individual man is disempowered, impoverished or politically isolated, but holds racist or sexist views, would you consider him to be a racist or sexist despite that disempowerment?

Power is something that is only available to individuals and groups that can function as a cohesive unit.

As in, "the dominant group," like I stated.

Do you think it is possible for a man to be disempowered despite the being a member of the dominant demographic?

Yes. Due to a large variety of factors. Take gay men, for example. They're still in the "dominant" group of males, but simultaneously in an oppressed group. They don't have as much power.

If an individual man is disempowered, impoverished or politically isolated, but holds racist or sexist views, would you consider him to be a racist or sexist despite that disempowerment?

That's prejudice, which is just as bad in my opinion, because it assists those who do have the power to segregate.

How does "the dominant group", which I assume you mean men in general, act as a cohesive unit? How do we come to a decision about what to do as such a unit?

Politics. That's how.

Yes. Due to a large variety of factors. Take gay men, for example. They're still in the "dominant" group of males, but simultaneously in an oppressed group. They don't have as much power.

Is it possible for a member of the dominant demographic to be disempowered in any way other than also being a member of a minority demographic?

I'm talking about social, economic, and political power... so in that sense (in my experience) not really, no.

Let's imagine there's a person in solitary confinement. This person sees one other each day, who delivers a meal insufficient to be proper nourishment. Any attempt to communicate is met with rebuke. This person is a straight, white, cisgendered, able bodied male. You would consider this person powerful?

The reason I ask this question is because I want to find out what your underlying concept of power is. I want to understand the nature of how members of a particular demographic inherit 'power' through membership alone, or if it is necessary to be involved in a decision making process, executing a decision or benefiting from the execution of a decision to inherit 'power', or through some other process. Traditionally power is considered to be the ability to make and execute decisions which have an impact on other people not involved in it. But this trait is neither universal to all individuals within any demographic, nor exclusive to any demographic, nor does it apply to a demographic as a whole which has no collective ability to act in a unit this way.

A person in solitary confinement doesn't have much social, economic, or political power. Regardless of the fact that they're a straight, white, cisgendered, able bodied male, I wouldn't consider that person powerful.

However, some people do inherit power through that membership alone. Like they say, "it's not what you know, it's who you know."

a lot of valid points, and well thought out and explained, I really enjoyed reading this :) upvoted

Glad you liked it :)

To be absolutely honest I have encountered more black racists in my life than I have white. I am a white male who is poor living in a predominately black town in the south and I have have never oppressed anybody of any color. Everyday I have people look down on me because of the color of my skin and my supposed white privilege. I have worked and worked hard for every thing that I have and Im still poor. People speak of white privilege as it is something that makes all white people richer and all others poorer. when that is Far from the truth. In my experience white privilege does exist to some extent but only for about 15 % of the White community. The rest of us still have to work our fingers to the bone just like anybody else.

WHITE PRIVILEGE IN 'LIBERATED' SOUTH AFRICA (aka: leftists destroy another country!)

Nice post! I upvoted but please consider reading this and maybe make your post more readable which will help your following :)

That's a really passive aggressive way of getting people to look at your article, haha.

A post like this is clearly written from a victims perspective. not objectively.

White people absolutely CAN be discriminated against. Just ask anyone who is Irish or Scottish lol. The problem with the term 'white people' is you're lumping everyone in the world whose skin is lighter than brown together. That's way too broad and there are far too many subgroups that have nothing at all in common.

Valid point.

I'm Jewish, so I get that. I'm referring to the "majority."

Irish people were considered (not terribly long ago, mid-to-late 19th century) by English & American intellectuals (teaching at Ivy League Universities, lol, some things never change!) in some instances to not even be fully human...but as a kind of "missing-link" type of ape.

Irish people were also used as slave labor and were actually treated WORSE than black slaves. Black slaves in America were also FAR better off than slaves owned in Islamic societies--which is why we see large #'s of blacks in America but not in Muslim nations.

The shit that passes for informed commentary (like this article by veralynn) these days on serious matters is fucking appalling and is really nothing more than modern biases (once again ultimately disseminated by university-level intellectuals w/an agenda) being parroted by ignoramuses/useful idiots like veralynn who simply don't know better.

How The KGB Used Leftists As 'Useful Idiots', to Destroy America

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I understood it in the sense that white can´t be discriminated because of their lighter than brown phenotype. Being associated to certain a nationality or religious belief has of course always the potential to become oppressed, independently from the predominant skin color within that group.

So you're basically saying it's only discrimination if the two groups differ in the way they appear?

"While white people can be a victim of prejudice, but they can’t be a victim of racism, because white people are not oppressed."

I'm simply pointing out the problem with the term 'white people.' There are groups of people that fall into the supergroup 'white people' that HAVE been discriminated against and oppressed. That kind of makes the whole article invalid. When talking about issues like that, you have to clarify who EXACTLY you are talking about. You can't say "ehh most people with light skin, close enough." Hahah.

I'm talking about it in regards to reverse discrimination, so I think it's perfectly relevant to word it like that.

Do you think the fact that black males commit a disproportionate % of violent crime (and crime in general) has anything to do w/how they're viewed and why they're locked up at a disproportionate rate?

Where are these black people w/o criminal records (and who are qualified) who can't get jobs?

Whites are still the majority in America, so is it really a surprise most politicians are white? Seriously, where are the laws which bar black people from running for office? Why are black-run/black-majority cities often such awful places?

Are you blogging in order to arrive at the truth, or in order to push propaganda and a bad ideology?

vera, where is this "every day" racism you refer to? Yes, you can find racism in history, but EVERY race/culture had/has feelings that they are superior to others (some just had more success at enforcing these claims of superiority). If America is SO racist against blacks, surely you can point to some major things, discriminatory laws, widespread violence against blacks, blacks unable to get elected to office, be hired, get into college, etc? Seems to me like people generally bend over backwards (to a fault IMO) to NOT insult blacks--but THEY can say racist shit, even throw around the word "nigger", all they want and no one says "boo" about it.

From my perspective as a mixed-race person (white-latino) in my early 40's who has had racial insults hurled at me from BOTH sides (but more from other latino's) and have lived in SoCal as well as the South, I have a little experience in this matter.

To hear some people like you talk, you'd think Jim Crow if not outright slavery and lynching still existed...


If America is SO racist against blacks, surely you can point to some major things, discriminatory laws, widespread violence against blacks, blacks unable to get elected to office, be hired, get into college, etc

There IS widespread violence against blacks.

Police in the U.S. are incredibly bias towards black people. In fact most people in prison are black when white people get away with the same offenses.

Even black people with ZERO criminal record have issues getting jobs.

And, yes, a majority of people in office are white.

Regarding the title: NO.
Racism is racism, differentiating it into predudice-light and predudice-heavy based on a person's skin color is RACIST nonsense.
Racism is a human problem, not a caucasian one. In Japan, the heavily hated on people are from Korean descent. Nobody cares one bit about white vs black there. Its not their hatred. Not their racism.
Only here. That's about how universal this subject really is, all about the U.S. Not about Caucasoid vs Negroid , not about race AT ALL.
We need to get a grip on ourselves and DEAL WITH IT.
If we really claim we want a color blind society, we need to shut the hell up about RACE. A few years ago, its all I heard "colorblind world".
Nobody ever cared about that, not really.
We need division among the population in order to remain powerless, and few of us realize we're feeding the slavemaster oligarchs their power by fixating on this pointless garbage.
On a side note: how do you feel about "LA RAZA"?
An organization specifically named "The Race" all geared toward returning the southwest States to hispanic rule, or dictates, or ownership?
Its really quite fuzzy. But would you consider these people racists?
Meet and talk with one of their members, watch their videos, listen to the rhetoric... tell me.
They're not white, they're not black??? Sound pretty much filled with racist hatred though.... hmmm.