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The data that is cited is accurate in general - it is not accurate as to how folks feel about the police in general of both races IMO - and indeed, part of it is the MYTH that the video points out. THAT said, the policing of the past few decades in general has been badly screwed by the absurd drug war that is disproportionately focused on blacks to boot. Generally the cops are good folk who only want to serve and protect - but their coziness with lawyers and quotas set to generate revenue for the politicians - make them less than everybody's favorite profession. Throw the militarization aspect in and you have a force often distrusted regardless of skin color.

So.. in general I agree with the findings...that said, it would be nice to see the outrageous examples of policing abuse to lead to prison for those conducting themselves improperly.

And eveybody cand buy a weapon this is a big problem look at this...