H H Hi everyone.. I was on some trending health dialysis and actions across the globe when I came across this and I felt it would be helpful for all, so I want to share some facts about radiation which can be helpful for safeguarding our health/life.. When you say the word radiation to three different people, you'll probably get three different reactions. One may say radiation causes cancer, the other may say the ''duck and cover'' and the third will explain how rays turned Bruce banner into the hulk.. Lol.. RADIATION is viewed as energy or particles from a source that travel through space, light, heat, microwaves and wireless communications(ionizing radiation)..
Human activities and inventions led to a massive exposure to radiation(x_ray, television, cell phones radio, microwave oven e.t.c, and we are also exposed to natural and man made radiation everyday from soil and underground gasses to cosmic radiation from the sun and outer space..
The danger of radiation to our life depends on the strength, length, type and rems of radiation discharged to the human body.. In other words radiation is not necessarily always dangerous.. It becomes dangerous when the body is exposed to 200 rems or more and how can you predict or know that when we are carried away and busy with life daily activities.. So the major possible advice is to keep distance from high radiation mechanism and try as much as possible to go for counsel and medical attention when you notice any of the following effects of massive radiation to avoid PROLONGED CANCER
*quick loss of air (radiation exposure of 200 rems or more
*damage of brain cells(radiation exposure of 5,000 rems or greater)
*damage of all or part of the thyroid but this effect can be reduced by taking potassium iodide.
*damage of living cellsk(leading to cancer)
*damage or reduction of blood lymphocyte cell court leaving the victim more susceptible to infections
*heart failure/death (1000-5000 rems).. If this substance proves educating to you.. VOTE THIS POST..