Ways to Raise Your Expectations When Losing Love

in raising •  4 years ago 

It seems like every time you turn around the news, it is another high profile celebrity that has been caught cheating. This begs the question: Does cheating have to be part of your relationship? Are you just as likely to be cheated on if you are not as open and honest with yourself as you would like to be? The following are 5 ways that you can raise your expectations:


The first way that you can raise your expectations is to plan a realistic and successful future. If you expect to find a great guy and he never shows up, you are probably going to become suspicious. You will probably start asking questions, thinking about how you could have been evicted from the apartment and what the real score is. When this happens, raising your expectations for a good guy to show up eventually may not seem like such a bad thing after all. Plan for a successful and realistic future ahead of time so that you do not get discouraged when the time inevitably comes when you are no longer waiting for that good guy to show up.

The second way to raise your expectations is to do the work necessary to get back together with the one you love. This includes putting in the hard work necessary to rebuild the trust between you two. Work on making sure that you can trust this person enough to share everything that goes on between you two. By setting reasonable expectations, you will be able to maintain your standards even when the other person is showing signs that they are willing to bend the rules a little.

The third way to raise your expectations is to know when to raise them and when to just let them go. Many people are tempted to raise their expectations too high before they have given the relationship the chance to grow and adapt. While this can sometimes work in the short term, it usually makes both partners feel frustrated and discouraged when the relationship doesn't live up to their high hopes. It is better to hold off on raising your expectations too high. In the end you will probably feel much better if you lower them a bit and see what happens.

The last of the ways to raise your expectations is to think big. People often get caught up in the day to day thinking. They often fail to realize that a big change or new development is taking place. If you think big, you will also be able to think clearly enough to acknowledge when something isn't working out the way you had hoped. The more clarity you have the better chance you have of keeping your relationship working.

When you are faced with the prospect of a break up, try using these three different motivators to help you be persistent. Try not to give up and try again. Think big and think positive. Use high expectations to build your own personal reward system for staying the course. High expectations can motivate you to keep at it, even when you feel like giving up.

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