The Disadvantage of Raising your Frequency

in raisingfrequency •  7 years ago  (edited)

As we embark on our journey of raising self-consciousness,
we automatically also raise the energetic frequency we exist on,
as we strip off layer by layer of ego and our divine core starts shining through brighter and brighter.

As many beautiful side effects as that might have for your life, it has one seemingly negative:
Some people you have had close bonds with may become an energetical mismatch to you and you might lose the closeness and familiarity you once had with them.

Your understanding of yourself becomes deeper, and so become your expectations for interaction.
People who do not develop alongside you will soon start feeling foreign.
You will still try and stay close to them because of the loyalty and commitment based on the long time of interaction, but you will not manage to re-establish the feeling of closeness.

There will be some familiarity and comfort, because you feel like they “know” you,
because they know many things ABOUT YOU.
But you will soon realize that knowing YOU and knowing ABOUT YOU is not the same thing.
And that this past person they know is maybe not who you are at core, but just your ego,
which you actually want to let go of.
And staying with people who see your ego instead of your soul obviously puts you in a role of acting out of ego again, instead of supporting you in letting go of it by seeing whats underneath.

An obvious example of this kind of connection is our family.
If you have family members of mediocre consciousness, who have negative focus and affinity to living in the past,
it will be an impediment to your growth.
Not because they “drag you down” on their level. No one can drag us anywhere.
It is just a mechanism of us humans, being social animals, to adjust our frequency to those around us.
Because we want to establish connection.
What will happen is that every time you are around people who are on lower frequency,
you will immediately adjust yourself in order to not lose the connection with them.

You may think now, if you manage to be so present as to not allow yourself to fall back into past patterns even in the presence of people who strongly invoke your past self, then you might help them raise their frequency.
Yes, this is possible. But to be completely honest, it is a tough task, and you need to be extremely strong for this.
Its like comparing hiking up Mount Everest alone, or hiking up Mount Everest carrying someone on your back.
You will need extreme strength if the other person is not willing to walk themselves.
In other words, if the other person is in resistance to growth, there is not much you can do.
You can try, but chances are you will exhaust yourself and not come very far.

You cannot change people who do not want to be changed.
You cannot carry someone up Mount Everest who doesnt want to walk themselves.
Even if they are lying on your back reassuring you how they want to walk themselves, but still,
they make no attempt of getting off your back and walking themselves.
You might want to think about where and how you want to use your powers,
and if it is maybe more supportive for you to find fellow hikers.
Maybe if you have a few fellow hikers you can carry one person up with more ease, but point is :
Everyone needs to start walking the path for themselves in due time.
All you can do is have patience for their processes and acceptance for where they are.
Try to remain in your level of presence and peace despite the clash with the lower frequency.

What you might find to happen then is that circumstances of life rearrange themselves in order to bring those people further away from you.
If you are meant to be a lightworker and to help other people, and you are truly dedicated to that path,
life will take care of you and protect you from beings that would harm your energy field and disable you to work.

This might happen in pleasant or unpleasant ways.
In the easiest form the person in question might just be physically removed i.e. move away.
Worst case they might throw a tantrum at you out of the blue, blame you for unreasonable things and simply search for reasons to cut the bond, because they too dont feel pleasant being next to you.

Their ego will feel that it is not getting what it used to get before from the connection- which is probably an negative energy exchange on ego level, so it might bring up the big guns and attack you in order to get some negative energy out of you to feed on.
If they neither get that nor manage to break their own ego pattern ,they will simply leave,
blaming you for some imagined wrongs you have done to them.

People with dismatching frequencies can simply not co-exist in the same space. This is like a physical law. One person will have to adjust the frequency, and chances are high it will be the empath since the egoic one is not even aware of those fine-tuned happenings.

But if you are an empath on the path of light, life wont allow for you to be distracted or pulled away from it, hence will clear your way of the things and people that do not support you in this purpose, so that you can have power to help those that really want to be helped.

Even if you as a lightworker would sacrifice and surrender to the ego-driven person’s frequency just to not upset them or keep a connection, chances are life will not let this happen and arrange circumstances for you two to be separated, because the ultimate goal of life is to see us evolve, see us shine, see us raise our vibration and support those who are willing and ready to develop themselves.
Once you have commited to this path life will do everything to support you.

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