मा निषाद प्रतिष्ठाम त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समाः।
यत् क्रौंचमिथुनादेकम् अवधिःकाममोहितम्।
One day Valmiki (the person who wrote the ramayana) was wandering in the jungle, suddenly stopped when he watched two kronch (dove) mating. He saw the birds completely absorbed in the passionate mating process. Before he could understand what happened, he saw the male bird falling to the ground. A hunter had put an arrow through that bird, and came to collect the bird as a trophy. Then, the shloka came out of Valmiki in anger. People have different interpretations of the shloka, but what the most accepted one is that Valmiki said "O hunter, as you have killed the bird who is most innocent and not deserving of this harm. I utter these words of immediate annihilation."
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