Ramble on

in rambling •  5 years ago 

For years I have found frustration or sometimes even incredulity when I decide to flip on a mainstream news channel. For so many years it has frustrated me. Why do they keep resorting to worse tactics and lower standards of journalism? Well for one it is fully legal for the CIA to fully propagandize the public now. Second of all they have just been going with what is working. So many people say it’s so much more difficult to lie to people in the information age, but I have observed the opposite. With the advent of the smartphone society (I’m not preaching I have one too) it has become easier and easier to trick people. If the information age were to save us the left right paradigm would have to have already been completely shattered. How can people continue these same treacherous cycles? How can they continue to time and time again choose to opt for what they perceive to be the lesser of evils?

There are many factors, but the main one lies within the nature of the R-complex of humans. To continue to perpetuate the fear of the other party and what will happen if they are fully in control easily subdues the minions on both sides. There may be a couple significant differences between the platforms of the parties, but this is all an aspect of controlled opposition. When it comes to the things that really effect us and the things I don’t really want to pay for whatsoever (like the entire budget of the pentagon) neither of the parties show much of a difference. The voting ritual every two to four years also plays into the reptilian brain as well. They use the tactic of divide and conquer to vilify everyone else on the other side of the aisle and it works swimmingly.

So what is the solution? If you are looking to fix the electoral process to finally pick the magician that will save the country and follow through on all of their promises then I would suggest to stop now. Give up. At this point there is no means to repair the electoral process. It is a mind game that offers the illusion of choice and nothing more.

So what is the solution then? Spreading information yes that may help. Using every attempt you have at making people more aware? This may help too. But let me be honest with you. The truth is I don’t know what the solution is or I would already be doing it. Perhaps my entire existence is just one big cop-out. Perhaps I am stuck in some sort of sordid suspended animation. Perhaps I have seen so many pouring their lives into waking others up, while the majority of their attempts have fallen on deaf ears. Resistance is not futile, but when it comes to forms of controlled opposition it becomes difficult to quantize what resistance actually is. Very clever and sensible sounding people could easily be disinfo agents and it is likely that most of us would never discover this. We are not only being misled by the left and the right. We are being misled by divide and conquer tactics used within the counterculture just as it has been since long before I was born. Every time the truth movement has a win they find another means to cause infighting and polarization. I could back all of this up with factual evidence, but that is not what I am doing here. I am just sort of rambling on.

Was it the Mandela effect, or has reality just really been this disappointing? Yes it’s more beneficial to promote optimism, but optimism and good intentions of the few most definitely will not divert WWIII. Until the majority of the populace realizes that the entire power structure is in fact a PATHOCRACY (rule by psychopaths) there will be no progress made. As long as there are people that believe in making America great again or a Green New Deal their program is working effectively. I’m not trying to be pessimistic or promote hopelessness / apathy. I am just confessing that I don’t really know what to do. I cannot possibly convert enough people that will tell two people. And now they have me where they want me. Spewing this self-defeatist bullshit.

You see I was supposed to move to Somalia long ago because of my disregard for this criminal system. I was supposed to have been banished without an opportunity for peaceable expatriation.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
Samuel Adams

P.S. In essence this has been completely counterproductive and only half serious, but it is just what came to mind right now. I have weighed solutions countless times, but perhaps I need to enact these proposed solutions instead of weighing them so much and spending so much time outlining ideas that never come to fruition. Why would I waste time publishing this? Your guess is as good as mine.

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