Beware scammers - Fyrstikken is here - Feel the Fear!

in rant-entertainment •  7 years ago  (edited)

Every single day individuals direct message me to get into some crypto-scam, hoping for a quick buck and no responsability. Well, there has been plenty of scamcoin-developers and scam-exchange operators that has gotten what they deserve through law enforcement, or they fucked over the wrong people and got what they deserved anyway, let me rant a bit about that here:

So How To avoid crypto-scammers and other story-tellers... Like a Boss!

  • Never get sidelined or sidetracked by someone who wants to talk with you in private, always consult with a group of people you trust before making a transaction decision, do real research and sleep on it.
  • Just because "something new" is released or "about to be released" does not mean you should get in on it. The easiest way to scam the most money is to create hopes and dreams that people will believe in, clash on a nice logo and pay $100 to have a botnet go crazy on twitter, trollboxes & IRC for a few days: "HopesAndDreamsCoin will go to the moon, invest". Avoid that.
  • Make sure you belong to a diverse community of potential advisors. and SteemSpeak Discord has a lot of old timers and no-bullshit attitude. Don´t be shy, if something seems too good to be true, it often is - except when it is not, so make sure you get in the "know-zone" before you do anything irrational and irreversible.
  • A Friend is just an Enemy with a Secret Identity. Don´t fall for the friendship-trap. This is a Dog eat Dog World, and most people get fooled right here on the Internet, so make sure you do not become one of them.
  • Do not store more money then you need. Diversify your digital assets and money and make sure you lock them in with a secure password and a 2 Factor Authenticator on your Phone or elsewhere.
  • Remain Sceptic - People need to prove themselves worthy of your trust.

Welcome to the Internet of Money :)

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Thanks for the practical advice in navigating through the 'wild west' of cryptocurrencies. FOMO - fear of missing out--is also a natural tendency many people have and scammers play on it. If an opportunity is truly a good one, it will still be a good one after giving yourself time to step back, think, and do some due diligence on it. Upvoted and resteemed.

Your cursing rants make me giggle like a little girl....thank you😍

lmao :) @reddust

Just wait till that Nigerian prince gets with the crypto....

Is that you, Dr. Yozef? I´ll send you 1 Bitcoin and you send me my distant relatives inheritance, right? LMAO

That is correct, send me 2 and I'll even send you the inheritance of my own relatives.

Yes, but it has been seized by the government and I am in hiding. If you send me 3 btc I can bride one of the government workers and send it all to you so you can send it to me. you can keep 10% of the total amount. Can I trust you to do this for me? Trust is very important for me.

Do you want to trade some shitcoin?

Absolutely :) hahaha

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Tell me, where can I find them?? :)

Hahahaha, I love the Brownpaper!
Where can I invest? Didn't see a crowdfunding with some ShitCrowns or something like that available for many many non-shitcoins? :)

Just hearing that soundbite I would not mess with you!

lol, good to know :D

some weeks ago, a guy from canada ask me if i want to trade with cryptocurrencys. i say, why not. so he showed me a page which promises every day 3 - 7% profit. deposite was with bitcoin and ethereum but payouts only in dollar :D
minimum investment 1,000 usd in crypto money
his commission 12%.
i said to him that i will have this company in look for a while.
later, i read in a forum that it was fake and a hyip-system and many people was scammed...

Good thing you did some research. It could have been you.

right :-) and thank you for your post about this topic ;-)

Any site that promises a guaranteed profit wouldn't be advertising it. Guaranteed profits are always kept secret. If you know how to guarantee yourself a profit, why would you tell anyone else? You would just do it and keep re-investing yourself until you were rich.

ALL sites that guarantee a profit are scams. I really do mean ALL of them.

I (try to) guarantee a profit (when/if possible)?

you are right :-)

Do not store more money then you need. Diversify your digital assets and money and make sure you lock them in with a secure password and a 2 Factor Authenticator on your Phone or elsewhere.

This is very important! Only a few months ago someone was trying to steal my Reddit account.

Good post, people need to be reminded of this stuff!

This is very important! Only a few months ago someone was trying to steal my Reddit account.

indeed, people try to steal all kinds of things now a days.

Good post, people need to be reminded of this stuff!

thank you

very informative !! A warning to those who wants to engage in crypto ;-) thanks for sharing ;-))

your welcome @fernwehinja

God bless you @fyrstikken :)

you too, @moon32walker

Oh great, warn them, why don't you? Now how am I going to sell those GoldenGateBridgeCoins, hm?

damn, son. You should have written a post about it on steemit: "Should I invest in GoldenGateBridgeCoins?" - they would have all said no :D

But each represents a square inch of original Golden Gate Bridge paint! Really!


Hey, I love MacGyver!

fuckin macgyver haha

I will sign under each paragraph listed above

Good to hear.

Useful tips, thanks for sharing fyrstikken.

You are most welcome, @stylo

thanks you are the angle I never had

But, but I don't have any friends...
...maybe part of this rant is an understanding of why.

Tis Funny because Tis True!!! This shall and must be shared upon the Twittershpere!

Really?? Every single day??
Great advice!!

Few years ago a scamcoin-developers invited me to join his scheme.

I got out quickly.

Shame people do that though. :)

Great reminder!

Before I get anywhere, I study a lot of information to draw conclusions. Your information is very useful for hasty decisions.

I have 20 shitcoins to trade for 25 turdtokens but it costs 1 BullshitTransactionalCredit to complete your total destruction...

can it be escrowed through a filter?

Yes, a 35 mPonzi filter at -3% interest..

Hey fyrstikken, the only reason I ended up here was for hopes and dreams.....are you telling me that was luck? Oh dear oh dear oh dear. That's burst my bubble alright!

Solid (and logical) advise! Thank you for the warning and how to deal with the scammers. To be honest, even the best sounding proposition with the best marketing materials can still be scamming in the end. The difference between dreaming something up and writing it down in a whitepaper and make a cool looking presentation and the actual execution of it are two totally different things. What is your view on VIVA? I like their story, but they have a LOT of challenges and need a LOT of money to be able to roll everything out the way they describe in their whitepaper.

Excellent information @fyrstikken

Excellent post dear friend @fyrstikken I very much agree with you, thank you very much for your wise words and your advices

The funny thing is that you were talking about STINC during this rant. Do you think they received the message?


Hail lord Fyrstikken! :-)

Crypto wouldn't be crypto without the plethora of scammers! I agree though they are pretty annoying but easy to spot.

Thats an upvote and a re-steem. I loved it!

useful tips for me ..thanks.

My friend, I should have followed you over here from facebook long ago! Follow me on here everyone, I am new and still learning.

Thank you for the post. Have been scammed a couple of times with cloud mining websites. Will take your advice into consideration. Thanks again!

Happy Hour, After you download DiscordApp let me know your user name or you can try to find me @battleaxe on is the invite code , this is for those who upvoted to express interest, if you are not on the list you need to upvote to join or you can't jump in on another's invite. ;)

Important tips!
Thank you!

Great advice and I agree totally with how we need to be on the lookout for anything suspicious. These days, crowdsales are EVERYWHERE and new projects are coming out of the woodworks on a daily basis. Even with strong management teams and innovative concepts, chances are that not all will succeed. If there is even a hint of questionable signs, then we've got to be extra vigilant before investing a dime. Thanks for sharing!

TCSB is your speciality @fyrstikken - Taking Care of Shitcoin Business!! Good man you are these days ... hell all the days of time since your birth!! #janitorsunited P.S. Free RS since you unblocked that large turd from cubicle 4 last week :)