More SJW crap trying to politicize Game of Thrones

in rant •  6 years ago  (edited)


If you are not up-to-date on your G.O.T. get the frack outta here!


In their never-ending conquest to suck the fun out of anything and virtue-signal to the moon and back, the SJW's (Social Justice Warriors) are out and looking for fault in the way that a fantasy fictional story handles diversity quotas and anyone who is not white. It doesn't matter if they can ride a dragon or can come back from the dead or if they have magical powers, just provided all of them are minorities.

So in a recent idiot-outrage incident a columnist who writes OP-ED pieces for The New York Times named Kyle Munzenrieder unironically wrote a piece entitled "Game of Thrones Keeps Killing Off Entire Immigrant Populations, And It's a Problem."

In this eye-rolling collection of garbage he not only gets his facts about the show wrong but attempts to equate the storyline to real life and kind of suggesting that G.O.T has something against immigrants and that is why the wall was built in the first place (not true) and that the Dothraki are hated because they are outsiders (they aren't hated, they are feared, and they are also a pretty savage tribe.)


Kyle is referring to the latest episode and the Battle of Winterfell in how the Dothraki are the first ones to attack and are rather unceremoniously eliminated and quite rapidly. It doesn't matter to Kyle that this was merely a way to effectively show us exactly how tough the competition is as their lights slowly fade in the distance, or that their slaughter throws Danny off her game and she deviates from the plan.... nah, it was because: racism.

Kyle seems to me to be the type of person that would ruin any party by interjecting political views into just about anything. He is the type of person who can never be satisfied because he is constantly looking for something to complain about - there is no pleasing people like Kyle - his very existence revolves around finding things to complain about.

Kyle also shows a profound lack of understanding about how the entertainment industry works when he finishes his article by saying

The show could still find some way to address these themes and questions that once seemed central to the themes of the show. Unfortunately, it's killed off so many immigrants and foreigners that it's left itself very little to work with.

This is the final season Kyle, the episodes were finished a Looooong time ago, there will be no re-write just to please some triggered idiot who finds fault in everything. While the rest of the world is actually enjoying this ride, this final season that most people have been dying with anticipation over, there are some jerk-offs who are going to try to ruin the party, any party, just to have something to say.


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The SJW is a bad joke product of a generation completely indoctrinated in an ideology. Not to mention that criticizing Game of Thrones for this kind of thing does not make sense, one of the best characters in the series is a dwarf, women have a lot of power, dragons and armies at their disposal, if that is not to be inclusive under the SJW standards then I do not know what the hell is what they want.

Well it is because they can't be pleased no matter what someone or a show does. There are some funny articles out there about shows that were made specifically featuring mostly minorities and alternative lifestyles and the SJW trigger-fish lashed out saying that it didn't have enough trans people in it.

Kyle sounds like the type of person that hangs around the comment section of every single news story on Yahoo. You know that one guy that always has to go there... Maybe he should be talking to George R R Martin about his concerns. See how far that gets him...

Those SJWs and their agendas, they want to ruin everything and make arguments with no sense

I love the series and am always waiting to see a new episode because I think it's great! Not many series have such a high rating after 7 seasons.

I'm surprised to read about this article you are talking about. I really don't understand why journalist have to do such things. Looks like some have no limit at all, they are capable of everything just to get attention. Not good!

"Game of Thrones Keeps Killing Off Entire Immigrant Populations, And It's a Problem."

Is that for real? Oh, my... ¬ ¬'

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I regret that I loaded a silly game away from her

great post!