Measures For Active Spammers and AdvertiserssteemCreated with Sketch.

in rant •  8 years ago  (edited)

Just a notice that I will stop following and also perhaps, start muting those that keep spamming the same damn thing over and over again. This includes affiliate codes and whatever flavour of coin at the moment. Come on guys, keep it classy and have a modicum of respect for the eyeballs of the community. Do you want a world filled with advertisement for your kids and grandchildren?

It's okay to self-advertise your stuff, but not when they occupy exceptionally large chunks of your every post / comment. I personally find it silly to read a post that's filled with mostly irrelevant stuff like cryptocurrency wallet addresses and repetitive long essays about yourself that can be found in all of your other posts.

Here's a tip - create a personal one-pager website filled with those repeated information and use that simple weblink for your Steemit posts and comments. Your signature doesn't have to occupy all the screenspace in posts and especially, comments. It takes time for people to scroll through, reading stuff, and I can assure you that it's annoying to have to go through largely irrelevant information. Maybe you think it's relevant but I think most can confirm that it's not relevant to 99.9999999% of the universe. Try not to shove advertisements down the throat of users.

Keep it lean and clean! A walking billboard and a body full of corporate logo tattoos are cool but.. yeah..

Sorry for the rant, but I spent one whole night being sick and sleepless. To be honest I almost vomited earlier checking out blogrolls on Steemit for my start-of-the-day ritual.. I'm not even exaggerating.

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I've been using the 'mute' feature for quite some time now.
For that, and other reasons.

I find it hard to use that feature somehow. In fact i got into trouble IRL for not outright blocking / ignoring people. I guess it had to be done at one point..

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

that explains a lot. lol. I wondered. Good on you man. All info is useful.... whether you agree or not. You need to know what the "opposing view" is saying to better contradict them. Never block those who disagree with you; simply so you can stay on top of a topic, and better argue, their points.

Not so much about agreeing / disagreeing, just that completely blocking people seems a little cruel (which i sorta learned a lesson having some batshit insane stalkers on other social platforms which caused me some trouble in the past for not doing the deed of blocking..)

awe.. that sucks. Trollers are the worst.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have not used it yet. I think it's important to know what people are saying/spreading even if the have opposing views. Best way to counter it. Know your opposition, straight out of *Book of War".

My opinion is that everyone has the right to free speech but no one has the right to make anyone listen. If someone is constantly spouting nonsense, is constantly vulgar or becomes abusive...mute is a good solution.

OR...perhaps it's just time to take a break away from a potty mouth.


Excelent point, I have done a couple posts over the last months that included a couple referral links. But I have noticed some people abusing Steemit for the purpose of advertising and posting wallet adresses for donations time and time again. But then again being able to up and down vote here should manage to get things sorted in the long run. Great post!

Yeah I guess we do it once in awhile, although the couple of times I did it, it felt like it wasn't all that relevant for most users so I've been keep it to one or two liners, and ended up eliminating them altogether. It's important to hustle, but I guess it can be kept to a minimum. I'd also suggest using sub tags to make such texts small :)

Shall I post all of my wallets, where I chat and some other information in case you want to tip my comment? ;)

Mitchell was right in an interview the other day that microtransactions are weird and steem voting kinda solves this issue..

I agree ... I am still posting lots of junks ... maybe soon I'd change to a better way of posting and promoting ...

I find this to be quite a good framework for using Steemit :) Hope it helps! (Check out the video in that link, a TED talk)

So that is sound nice, I hope you will make better posting and your reader will enjoy to read it. Even in they busy time, they will give you upvote. If they in free time, they will leave a good comment for you ! :)

That's a fair point. I know that personally I try to have enough content on anything that I'm posting any promotional/tip stuff, but... is it actually too busy? Maybe I should make a promo page and just link to that instead...

You've made me self conscious now.


I actually haven't noticed your sigs (i think they can do with the <sub>small text</sub> style). Anyway.. doesn't really apply to vloggers since the main meat is in the video, and the texts in the posts are understandably the same as Youtube descriptions. Haha! Sorry bout gettin you on the self-conscious side xD

Ah the endless scrolling past signatures longer that the posts themselves! And the long list of addresses for coin! With you on that one, it's a little annoying. I don't really have a signature. If people want to follow they will

humm now that you mentioned, it was mostly son-of-satire signatures for a while, but yeah I got used to space space space space t get through the lines and lines of address this that, I'm here and also there :D you can send me there :::: Although I have to admit that people, myself included, like to get their things across :D so we kind of shove it in anyways, everything if possible :D

I can understand people doing it but I ain't sure if they realise that people don't really follow any of the links. I never click on a link in a signature and I am sure I am not alone!

oh that's probably true, it's inefficient to shove things into people's hands, even if the info is good, they have to ask for it :D I've tried that a few times and realized people didn't even read the first paragraph, 50% botvotes 50% activity out of which 30% was "stimulated" meaning I went and asked for some feedback which is really time consuming, earning views and all :D

buut yeah I wanted to make a nice elaborate post where people can get carried away and then get their asses off the phone/net/pc/device buuut it turns out they want a different thing and the constant flow of information has them hooked enough :|

haahahah I was waiting for some laughs, :D after the "flood gates" have been lifted :D yeah I was wondering weather we would get a instagram, total puke of a media :| I mean spam, since everything there seems to be about some wow moment, but yeah here we have our own thing :D everybody riding the news train and everybody chasing stats :)

Take a step back and master the craft, of swimming in spam :)

I'll end up not reading anything :P

Yeah in fact, next post all about staying sane and not-very-reactive to minute news and noise.. its an art :p

Comes easy I've mastered it mostly, it took me a few years :D and many failing "experiments" but yeah, I'm not sure where it was from "Think for yourself, question authority" :) mostly it's learning from the greats, that is the quote from me, the cheat :D if you have good input and good management you will manage to make a good whatever it is, so the more you know and the least you fall for people's lies and mistakes the less you would make in the long run :) while keeping your head sane in the process, since nerves and rage are only there for you to damage yourself it seems, or others

You speak my mind !!!
I am creating my personal content thinking of my great great grandchildren who will be able to access our truth, beauty and whatever but not damn drama nor spam! Keep it sophisticated and authentic please! See the opportunity to tell your unique stories.

Haha.. i'm not trying to gentrify and make stuff uniform, but i hope there's a clear line for spam and keep stuff clean for others :)

Exactly !!!!

;) ;) ;) I have an ICO in progress now for PDIVX check it out. POE algorithm and no premine

Proof of Excel is the most innovative stuff I've come across in cryptoland..

loooooooooool I hope it goes trendy we can save the world :D

I love the idea of a one page lander with some relevant personal links, wallet addresses, whatever etc. That'd definitely cut down on the scroll wheel usage :)

well maybe if we get the editor to work in HTML :D people would find it easy to make their sites

That would really makes things flow easier.

< p>
you can press F12 or whatever brings up your developer console in the browser, see the code and tell me if that looks like flowing easier :D just joking but formatting and proofreading takes as much time as writing it seems :D graphics not included :D
< /p>

Exactly, making things look nice and fit into place is as time consuming as preparing some text or graphics/pictures at times.

I think that's the best. Nothing wrong with it being in posts, but it's just quite annoying if it occupies more than half the actual content..

The huge promotion wall, it really does get old, whether it's a spammed up youtube description box or a Steemit post, it's something the world can do without.

Unfortunately there are some high rep people that get great payouts doing posts like that. This means there are more and more copy cats every day. Cloud mining scams are rampant. See that junk don't mute them do one better flag them. Spam and scams are valid reasons for flagging.

Hmm will consider your angle. Is genesis mining a scam btw? I've been using it for years, but I've only kinda advertised it only once in a post, like a personal review..

I haven't read your personal review, but I did read one at and the conclusion was: legit but not profitable. I was tempted to try Genesis mining but now I think I'm going to pass.

@darthnava did a post about this very same article:

I'd say that it's better to DIY. But only if you've the space and patience for it. The best thing is that you actually own the hardware and get to sell it. Don't bother with ether mining contracts, it's going to switch to POS anyway..

Are you saying POS will completely take over POW? If I understood correctly, I think there is no more Proof Of Work with Steem, for example.

Can't say for sure but you always have to ask yourself one question when it comes to cloud mining. If it were profitable why would they not just mine for themselves? Sure it might look like you make money because price goes up but you would have made that money just by buying and holding.

@zathras I don't think that's the right question to ask. It's almost like asking if landscaping is so profitable, why aren't equipment rental shops doing landscaping themselves? Perhaps the equipment rental shop has developed a profitable and repeatable business model to service a particular industry. The two things are mutually exclusive.

The finance world has constantly innovated secondary markets to offload risk and provide a discounted immediate return in exchange for shrinking the length of time for finacial instruments (annuities, bonds, installment agreements, structured settlements, etc.). In a sense, Genesis Mining (and other cloud mining services) are applying this idea and the concept of an equipment rental shop to create a hybrid business.

While I don't believe cloud mining is a scam, I don't think it's for everyone (like crypto speculation). Before going into cloud mining, a person needs to figure out if it's the right tool to achieve the results for the plan they have (if they have one). They need to educate themselves on the product and market as well, then decide to jump in (or not). Remember, crypto skeptics always point to Bitcoin and all other altcoins as Ponzi schemes.

So far, it has worked for me, but with everyone bombarding Steemit with get rich quick stories and affiliate codes, this place has taken on a tone of QVC or Amway. Personally, I find myself using the mute key an awful lot lately.

That's true! It would seem like a pooling of coins to give coins to others and maybe not truly renting and giving out minted coins. I guess I'm fine with genesis mining since the affiliate thing isn't a multi-level incentive with uplines / downlines.

It's not so much a scam but simply something that gives a terrible ROI in practice.

It is! Good thing it's only about 5% of my total mining ventures (the rest i do it myself in some shoplot lol)

I hope my little sig is okay. I do see some that are a pain to scroll through when you are trying to get to the comments. Steemit could do with a hotkey to take you straight there.

Yeah I actually like your format, it's brief and useful enough.. :D

I wish there was a way to include it automatically. If we get that feature then it should limit the size of the signature.

Hmm a limited sized autosig feature.. not bad!

how would that work, sounds a bit dull, when we have unlimited markdown space, why limit the ending, people should b able to sign their names on 2-3 pieces of paper, it's the thing nowadays :D Actually that got me thinking how would people react if you pooled their weekly social media comments and they had to review them

it has one click the comment button before opening the post :) and make sure you spread that across since nobody knows about it except for me :) I'm smart :D

Not sure I'd tried that before, but it's neat. Of course you probably want to read the post first and then get back to there. Google has hotkeys on Gmail etc, so it's possible to use them to navigate.

Yeah I've always been a fan of hotkeys :D although they tend to stack up and soon enough you are stuck with something just because you know the hotkeys :D I've been experimenting with mobile versions of sites so I doubt there will be that functionality, plus I rarely visit my email :D since it's just work or at least 90% ad since I'm out of it, have to say it's a bit heartbreaking finding a full inbox with nothing from a real person in sight :D

also it's a good way to start reading from the bottom up or seeing the highest grossing comment

If anyone thinks I'm overdoing it, please say. I welcome criticism. Thank you everyone who is following and good points @kevinwong

I dont take not of names that much, but yours is nowhere near, although i think you could try using the sub tags for the signature part. For example <sub>Small text</sub> will appear like Small text :)

Thanks! I will try to mess around with it. I've never used Markdown before Steemit.

Used your advice in my latest post. Cheers!

Totally agree with you, spam is now everywhere, let's keep one place free from it! Let' s not carry the dirt in our home.

Well said, just remember that those rules only hurt the legitimate authors (that was the claim for this part of the fork) meanwhile while I was goofing around here, guess what spammers were spamming even without rewards, botvoting in the thousands, so yeah I didn't see why that would be a good thing, but it makes things more simple :)

so I'm sidestepping all spam, having my feed mostly consist of consistent good authors that actually give a damn :) maybe muting somebody for a day since my flag is very weak, btw after you mute people you can unmute them in the settings of your account :)

You mad bro?



Groggy and temperamental today.. lol

Just trying out my new signature. I have tried to keep it lean and mind the aesthetics of white space whilst still promoting myself front and centre

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

What he said!

I've been weeding our my followers page😔

Please don't delete me :)

Hehe thank goodness for nsfw function 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Welcome to the Steemit Mega-signature! I agree @kevinwong! I hate them!!