Cryptocurrencies have taken the financial world by storm in the last few years so it's no surprise that Crypto Trading is growing in popularity day by day. For this reason, we are here To know "RBITEX" Exchange Help To Buy And Sell Your Crypto And Also Convert Your Assets Into Your opinion For what You waana buy. You Can Trade In This Exchange With Effective Price Range.
As We Know The financial system where cryptocurrencies can be used as a commodity. The Cryptocurrencies are borderless and often transcend it has regulatory classifications. The RBITEX Exchange Is The Indian Exchange, And We Know In India There Are several Exchanges Currently Working like BuyUcoin, Wazirx, BitBNS, CoinDCX, Coinswitch, etc.
So There Are Many Exchanges In India And Their Interface And their Trading Pair's Also The ServiceS Is Weak But With the "RBITEX EXCHANGE" It's feels Promising And unique also they're offering digital asset traders a platform with incredible features which will outperform all current exchanges. With the general Trading Interface rBitex exchange will be unique in all aspects and completely revolutionizing the digital asset trading platform. - ABHISHEK JAIN"
rBitex Ventures Private Limited is a Fintech company based in India, that seeks to launch a
global marketplace for all cryptocurrency assets.it is building a robust and fully compliant platform that offers a broad range of peer-to-peer cryptocurrency-specialized solution. These include a high-frequency trading platform capable of real-time spot trading and margin trading and over the counter trading. With The Diligent Trading Interface It's Gonna Be Have More Potential in Cryptoworld in future For Sure.
RBITEX Exchange will be a game-changer for sure in digital assets trading. It's already Stepping into the industry in 2020, And The rBitex team has equipped itself with all the tools of digital asset trading and has drawn its conclusions based on research and observations against other exchanges itself. rBitex Exchange will be the best upcoming digital assets trading platform to watch out for in 2020. Be among with RBITEX for first traders to enjoy the rBitex Exchange experience stick With RBITEX.
• User-friendly and attractive interface :
With a user-friendly and eye-grabbing interface, rBitex Exchange provides a convenient and smooth platform that is bound to set standards With in the market. rBitex Exchange will also enable you to trade from multiple devices with ease.
• Real-time Statistics :
Get accurate Details and real-time updates on how the market is performing and don't lose out on profits. rBitex Exchange provides great Visuals ease in interpreting statistics, Market Data and its making it one of the best exchanges that will guide traders to success with notifications and updates on current market To get to know about Users Assets. updates of gains and losses tailored to your interests and market trends.
• Social Trading :
Conversations are the key part of Exchangs and in the BITEX its happening whether you are there or not. Share knowledge, observe and learn from the trading community, converse with trading experts, and get tips and tricks for making profits.
{Newbies can explore – follow, monitor the strategies of the expert which helps understand the parameters to look for to make profits and learn trading faster. Our social trading feature provides a network infrastructure, where users can meet and chat with investors, and make new investment friends share the adventure and excitement of investing}
• Trading Security :
rBitex Exchange team has developed
a watertight exchange to ensure the safety of users funds and wallets. Unlike other platforms that have recently been prey to hacking, rBitex Exchange provides several layers of protection to ensure both wallet and funds are safe. The platform also uses KYC (know your customer) regulation for the Identification of all users and international standard of compliance.
• The rBitex Exchange is a top performance trading platform that will be able to support most popular cryptocurrencies of a market. All assets on the rBitex Exchange platform will be paired directly with INR, besides BTC, ETH and USDT. And as a indian Exchange it's has A "INR" Pair that convert Assets In Rupees so Indians Can Withdraw Directly In Their Wallet To Bank.
• Performance :
rBitex Exchange it has a platform with well equipped with a matching engine that can support more than 1,50,000 transactions per second, It's A Really Great Thing That makes Transactions and transfer more faster. And its allows rBitex to confidently boost among its competitors of being one of the fastest cryptocurrency exchange platforms in the world. It processes transactions very swiftly, making sure that all orders are completed and never be stuck or terminated due to the matching engine being overwhelmed. So That's Why I'm Happy To Show This Project To You Guy's. Project Looks promising And It's Gonna Go far Better Than That in Future. I Wish A Great success ahed.
rBitex Exchange platform considers security as its highest priority. And Aslo The security Is The Highest Concern Amoung User While traders enjoy the benefits and opportunities of cryptocurrencies, the security of cryptocurrencies remains a blockade that downplays its acceptance as an investment asset. rBitex Exchange seeks to provide the safest exchange platform that traders can rely on and investing by adopting the following security protocols :
• About 95% or more of digital assets will be stored in a cold wallet, which will ensure protection against theft or loss.
• Timeout will be initiated on all inactive sessions to protect the trader data from getting stolen.
• Payment and personal data will be stored with a very secured and advanced encryption algorithm
• rBitex will use HTTPS(SSL) to protect the platform and traders against malicious attacks such as SQL injection, DDoS and cross site scripting.
rBitex Exchange also seeks Attention to implement industry at best standards and approaches, in terms of user's security and as well as the security of the exchange by adopting the following measures for user authentication:
• Google 2FA Authentication
• SMS Authentication
Thanks for reading this article and using your precious time on here. For https://www.rbitex.com/about they are trying to build something great and unique. We saw dozens of projects without any single usability and we witness their extincion. And on the other hand "rBitex Exchange" team have a solid idea and they almost finalized their products and services. So in my opinion there isn’t any reason for RBitex Exchange to be successful. and i Appreciate this Unique Idea for Their rBitex Exchange Coin "rBitex" To be A Better Perform in future For sure Good Wishes For them.
- Token Name: rBitx
- Token Ticker: rBitx
- Token Type: Ethereum ERC-20
- Total Supply : 500,000,000 rBitx
- Website Link : https://rbitex.com/about
- Telegram Channel : https://t.me/rbitex
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/rbitexexchange
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/rbitexexchange
- inkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/rbitexexchange/
- Email Address : [email protected]
- TOKEN SALE Buy&Sell : https://rbitex.com/about
- BitcoinTalk Username : lani123lani
- BitcoinTalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220105
- Telegram : @lani123lani
- Etherium Address : 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923