The first augmented reality combat game available on iPhone and Android.
ICO date: 29.8.2017 — 29.9.2017
Token Sales: The pre-sale will start 1st Aug - 28th Aug
50,000,000 RCC during the pre-sale.
Pre-sale bonus is 50%.
Minimum investment is 50 ETHER
50,000,000 RCC tokens will be available with the following free bonus tokens on a first come basis.
Once Ler one sells out it moves to Ler two and so on. No minimum investment.
Bonus: (TBC)
Tier one 20,000,000 RCC with 50% bonus coins
Tier two 15,000,000 RCC with 30% bonus coins
Tier three 10,000,000 RCC with 10% bonus coins
Tier four 5,000,000 RCC with no bonus coins
Any unallocated or unsold RCС Gold will burned