I'm going to propose a series of articles in which we will search with mathematical proofs if the planet Earth is spherical or not. Today we start with some anomalies in form of islands that can be observed from the Italian city of Genoa.
The curvature of the Earth
This graph represents the curvature of the Earth according to "official science". The table on the right indicate how many meters should hide the horizon depending on the distance from the observer to the objects. For example, if I look at a ship from a beach which are separated by 10 kms of sea, the boat sould hide in the sea 7'84 meters.

Click here to see it enlarged
Genoa in the clouds
As we can check in the next video, can be seen the islands of Elba, Gorgona, Capraia and Corsica from the Italian city of Genoa.
If we are not experts in Mediterranean geography, we go to GoogleMaps:

Fine, now we measure the distance beetween Genoa to the north extreme of Corsica:

Them we go back to the top table for check how many meters of Capraia should hide due to the curvature of Earth: about... ¡3 kilometers!
Wait a moment...
Don't we especulate early, we must check from where was taken the photo. If we observe the next aerial photograph of Genoa, it seems that was taken from one of the mounts that I point out you below.
Click here and here to see it enlarged

Translation: Zone that we can observe in the image (white).
Possible points from where was taken the photo (blue).
Since minute 1 of the video we can see a plane crossing from right to left and descending, logically landing in the airport.
Both points that I've signaled are quite similar in altitude, that is what we are interested to know (privately, I think that is the right one).

These points are located about at 1200 meters above sea level. If we deduct to the 3 km this 1200 meters, we have 1'8 km. This 1800 meters would be which sould hide this island under the sea.
Many questions
If the Earth is round, how is possible to see the island of Elba from Genoa if it is to 200 km of distance? It should hide 1800 meters and tthe highest Elba's mountain is at 1019 meters, the Mount Capanne.
¿Si la Tierra es redonda, cómo es posible ver la isla de Elba desde Génova si está a 200 km de distancia? Debería esconderse 1800 metros y su pico más alto es el monte Capanne, de 1019 metros.
You can use the above map's legend for this.
To name another example, if we fix our view in left part of the island of Elba (the one on the left in the enigmatic photograph), we can see the lower part of the island when maths assert that this is impossible.