Is There Anyone Out There In A Higher Ranking Position In The Chinese Underworld To Explain This To Justin Sun?

in reality •  5 years ago 

Justin sun just tweeted:


"How big is it. Decentralized grandson. Sun brother is everywhere"


I replied with:


He seriously does not understand what wrath he is bringing upon himself with his actions and words.

& it has nothing to do with politics, money or anything like that.

He wants to be a "giant" in the world of crypto, so he claims, yet he literally is isolating himself in those markets with his actions.

I mean, seriously, how can anyone out there explain it to him that he is not helping himself one little bit, in fact he is literally isolating himself and will be the cause of his own demise with what he is doing.

He obviously does not understand what the crypto and blockchain scenes are all about.

& it seems that maybe the only way to get him to understand it is for one of the underworld bosses to order him to stop ruining it all for them.

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