We Create Our Reality

in reality •  8 years ago  (edited)


Our beliefs are a magnet that create our reality.

Our subconscious mind is like a computer, and it has many different programs that we have loaded into it, either with our thoughts or by listening to and accepting other people's thoughts about us. And we've been doing this throughout our life.

All the programs in our subconscious mind have been put there by thought, and it's thought and thought alone that will create a new program and override the old one.

When you first start to think thoughts that you can do anything, you'll feel the rejection from the "firewall" of our subconscious mind, which will make you think that those thoughts aren't true. But as you keep planting the thought that you can do it, eventually those thoughts will become a belief, and you will have changed the program.

Working with the knowledge that your thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and beliefs are all a dynamically interconnected feedback system, will change your whole paradigm of cognitive behavioural system.

The birth of excellence begins with our awareness that our beliefs are a choice. You either choose beliefs that support you, or you choose beliefs that limit you. You should always choose the beliefs that are more aligned to success and the results you want and to eliminate the ones that hold you back.

In order to be successful, you have to believe
that you can do anything you set your mind to without limitation. You have to believe you'll achieve your dreams & visualize you doing so, even if it seems so far out of reach. You have to believe that you are worthy of these achievements regardless of your past.

Become comfortable with the uncomfortable,
then stay with the uncomfortable,
because that's where things grow.

Your thoughts can create your future. Mind your thoughts.



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Very true @starangel first thing to get succeed is to beleive onourself and keep working towards it. we should never mind the failures in between and treat that as our opportunity to learn from it.

Imagine the influence the media and entertainment has on our thoughts, thus our beliefs and reality!

Yes, you're absoultely right. And that's why me and my brother stopped watching T.V. and now we are very conscious about what we feed our mind with. "Where focus goes, energy flows".

The first step to achieving a goal is to define it, even if it's just in your own mind!

Very true, so many people never even decide what it is they truly want. I think that's the first step is making a clear decision about what you want your life to be like. Lots of people want money - ok, why? What would you do with it? How would you live?

Yes, people like to stay in security and that's why they see money as the only thing which can give them complete security. People want money to fulfill their endless desires more than anything. Desires never ends, and so their longing for wanting more and more money also never ends. Lust, greed and power are the three main core factors behind them.

Nicely written and so true :) As Bob Doyle says, "Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones." :)

Thank you! ☺

So very true @starangel and what a lovely post!

Thank you, @jaynie! ☺

pleasure :)

Anyone who thinks this is just estoeric nonsense should look at their facebook page. The more of a thing you like -or dislike for that matter - the more of it you get. It's the digital version of minding your thoughts. Thanks for the post.

I really appreciate @starangel for giving some thing to think about. Expecting more from you!

Great post....upvoted frnd....

Upped and resteemed! Even if it's a bit late!
Dream your reality true! And everything is possible! Leave the comfort zone and create your own reality!
Excellent @starangel!