in recipe •  7 years ago 

PLANTAIN! We all have seen plantains before, if not as a long-leaved, succulent plant, then as a local foodstuff sold in the markets, on the streets or groceries. The bunch is green which turns yellowish when ripe. A lot of people prefer the ripe ones especially fried, others though, make a variety of food from the unripe. 'Plantain chips' is a common end product of particularly the unripe, especially in Nigeria.

Well, I never have seen myself as a 'good cook', not even a 'cook'. I mean cooking has never really been my thing. I recall, growing up I would choose any chores that was not in the kitchen or had to do with cooking. This has been me. However, recently, I tend to be developing interest in cooking. I make my meals; lookup some cooking steps; even call my Mum and Sister to get cooking tips! It is exciting though.

So I had my unriped plantain with which I made this delicious porridge meal. Follow me:
I selected a bunch of few fingers. 20180113_125500.jpg

After washing and removing the peel, I chopped into small pieces. I added onions, pepper, salt, and cubes of seasoning, and water then placed it on fire to boil.


Fish was preferred, so I picked some to be added. Separately, the fish was seasoned with the necessary ingredients for some few minutes.


Soon enough however, the plantain, still on the fire, was cooked so I added the already seasoned fish, crayfish, and other ingredients as required after tasting, the allowed the pot covered amd steaming for a period of about 3 minutes.

Palm oil was added next. I took some measurement so as to avoid adding in excess.
Meanwhile, I got also freshly plucked vegetables (pumpkin leaves) which I washed and chopped.


This was the last to be added in the pot and after a careful stir to achieve an even mixture, my plantain porridge was done and ready.

I really enjoyed this too would.
You've got plantains? Can you try this?

Special thanks to my Sister.

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I love plantain enchiladas! Thanks for sharing, such a healthy meal too!

Yeah thank you