Peanut Butter & Bacon Mielies (Corn) - A @dtube exclusive: A BraaiBoy TV Recipe

in recipe •  6 years ago  (edited)

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If I've ever braaied mielies for you, then you've definitely tried my GO TO "mieliles on the braai recipe"... A mate of mine introduced me to the recipe a few years back, and you know what they say: If it ain't broke, then don't fix it! So for years, I haven't!

In short: The recipe is: mix Marmite, butter and melt it, add a dash or 5 of Aromat. Soak your mielies in the mix for a few minutes. Braai the mielies as per usual and keep basting during the process. Excess sauce can be drizzled on the mielies after they've been braaied.

** Snap of Marmite Mielies at MieliePop Festival**

Anyway, so I decided to break the "if it ain't broke..." rule, and try a new recipe that another mate of mine swears by. It includes bacon... so that was probably what swayed me :-)

Cover in PB & Butter Mix
... and let it soak for a few minutes.
Wrap your mielie in bacon
... and secure with a toothpick.

Because the mielies are pre-cooked, you only need to braai until the bacon starts to crisp.

I'm still in 2 minds about this one though... It's definitely "interesting" (yes, that's what most people will tell you when they're not entirely sure how to tell you they don't really love the food you just made them.... hmmmmmm)... and I will definitely be trying it again... even if it's just to shake things up now and again.

Tip: Sprinkle a little salt on your mielies after as well... I assumed the salt from the bacon (and butter) would be enough saltiness, but it could do with a tiny bit extra.

Liked the recipe... or maybe the recipe was crap but you like the video? If so, then please give it an UpVote and maybe even a ReSteem too. Holler at me in the comments and share it with your friends.
Thought it was crap? Then let me know in the comments below as well... please don't downvote though, 'cos that would just be douchey! :P

Reminder: I've started moving my content over from YouTube and Facebook about 2 months ago, and going forward, all my recipe videos will be released here on @dtube first, and then only a few days later they get shared on YouTube and Facebook. I've also got a few projects lined up that will ONLY be released on @dtube... so there's another good reason to sign up:
Oh yes... and in case you didn't know: You'll even get paid when you like my videos (and any other videos you happen to find and like over here)... WIN-WIN for everyone :-)

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Do you have any recipes or ideas that you would like to see me try out? Let me know in the comments below and if I use your idea there will be a reward in it for you. I don't know what that reward is just yet... but there will be a reward, and it will be cool. ;-)

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How have I not found you on Steem all this while. Food, that's my name. Strange foods, my surname.
Looks totally insane, so I'm definitely gonna try it out. Hopefully I don't mess things up😀

Hahaha... it's pretty hard to mess this one up :-)

Thanks for popping in, I'm relatively new here to Steemit, so I'm just as glad we bumped into each other... I'll go check out your profile soon as well.

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Yeah, nobody wants crunchy bits on their mielie. We usually try to avoid that shit.

HAHAHAHAHA! Well spotted dude.... I LOVE that you get my jokes!
I'll come back tomorrow and give you a proper upvote for a proper share of the bounty... right now my VP is a little low from upvoting too many comments (also I've been downvoting spam a lot this morning too... and that chows up a lot of VP too).

I am the Innuendo Police. lol

The IP. :P

BraaiBoy let's himself out before saying something very inappropriate

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A bounty of 1.000 SBD has been set on this post by @braaiboy!

You'll get rewarded for commenting (well... proper comments anyway) on this post!

strange meal , but look testy, right? , may i wana to try prepaing as your recipe, thank you, upvote for you .

Yeah... it is a little strange... but then again I thought whiskey was also "a little strange" when I was 5 years old... some things just take a little getting used to, I suppose :-)

Thanks for watching, and thanks for the upvote!

welcome, thanks reply and for your upvote comment

hmmm, got this just as I was about to remove my upvote.
hmmmmm.... OK, gonna leave the upvote too for now, but please check my reply below re comment spamming.

Jane, Jane... Jane :-(

I'd already upvoted your comment and went to your profile to follow you when I noticed you are actually just comment spamming :-(

Please stop that! I've removed my vote, but won't change to a flag just yet, because I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're actually manually "comment spamming" as an over-zealous newbie...

P.S. You'll start getting a lot more flags from the likes of @steemcleaners and @steemflagrewards etc. if you don't stop.

Ok @braaiboy , thank you for your advise, I'm actually not spamming, but your are right for speed commenting and i will take your note.

Glad to hear I was wrong... and then right... and then wrong again :P

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I really prefer pop corn to that kind of corn. Anyhow the sauce and the bacon are strange for me together with corn... but sure that if you are hungry that can take care of the hunger.

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hahaha... give it a try... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

I have... questions. How do you say mielie? My-lee? And what is Braai?? I understood the posting for the most part just because of the context but those terms specifically I don’t really get. HOWEVER, this looks crazy and I must try it! Cheers!

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Thanks for popping by...
Mielie is pronounced "Mii-lii" .. like Wii, the gaming console :-)
Braai is BBQ (or more correctly grilling actually)... every South African is born with a "braai tong" in their hands :-)

Please do try the recipe and let me know what you think.

Thank you for the explaination! South African food, I’ve never made any! I will try it very soon, thank you :)

This particular recipe isn't really "traditionally South African"... but I've got many more videos on my channel that are if you're looking.


Looks insane, man. But I love PB, bacon, and maize separately.
Might be a real winner together :D I would def give this recipe a shot when I get the ingredients.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Same... I was very skeptical at first... now I'm just "not sure".
P.S. When you do try it... make sure you add a tiny sprinkle of salt once grilled ... makes both bacon flavour pop out a little more, otherwise the sweet is too overpowering.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Cool, will do. Read that tip on your post too, must be really crucial then :)
I just had beef stew in PB sauce earlier so I'm definitely intrigued by your recipe ... and craving.

Then you might be interested in in my previous video (chicken kebabs) too:
Replace the Sesame Oil with Peanut Oil, and add a dash of chilli... YUM!

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Not so sure about peanut butter, the rest sounds good, I love mielies cooked on a fire @braaiboy

Same... but it tastes pretty good... just "vreemd" as they say in Afrikaans... NB try not to eat too much of the molten PB & Butter... My cameraman and I were gulping down spoonfuls of the stuff... THAT was yummy!!!!

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Will have a braai this Saturday. Will definitely try this, but will start with your original recipe since it is new to me...
Mouth watering right now... Remind me to avoid @braaiboy 's posts!

hahaha... yeah, I've heard my videos are "safest" to watch after you've eaten and not before :-) ... but they're the most inspiring to watch when hungry :-)

Re the original recipe: Ooohhh yeah.. that's yum too!

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Jislaaik nice to come across a post from a fellow South African ...and about a topic that we are unequalled in ...Braaing !!! and nogal "Mielies" ...Mmmmmm ...proud to be a South African !!! Will definitely try this one out !!!

Hey Dean,

lekker to bump into you too... We've got a group on discord where all of us Saffas hang out and chat... check out @teamsouthafrica and the discord link:

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Is that a traditional recipe from where you are? Are there any vegetarian alternatives?

In this form it's not even remotely traditional...
a "Traditionally South African" corn on the braai would be to grill it without any basting (maybe some butter) and then smother it with butter and Aromat (effectively yellow MSG and spices... hahaha... kidding... sort of) afterwards. While it's not vegan because of the butter... that counts as vegetarian, right?

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Ha Haaaaaa - Peanut-butter?!? Well none of your recipes have failed us so far! So I am willing to try it! - (Plus, if all else fails there is beer to wash the taste down with!)

haha... thanks for the vote of confidence!
P.S. Please remember that I do admit that there are 'better' ways of doing it... but definitely do try it out... it's always good to try new things :-)

I saw the marmite ones - I am just used to - 'n mielie is n mielie' LOL
We get so set in our ways that, we don't always try out new things, so I am grateful for these great posts of yours...

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This looks interesting..never tried it before..

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I know, right?
Prior to making the video... neither had I... give it a bash... it has potential :-)

Will definitely do 😉👍 All ur recipes look yummy...lucky I am very adventurous in the tasting new flavours 💛

@braaiboy u should try to make food with a beefer. visit my blog if you have interest. Will create many meals in my new selfmade beefer in the future.
p.s your foodie creation looks very tasty :)

Sure thing... Send me one over to South Africa and I'll check it out :-)

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Spinach-and-Cheddar Slab Quiche

Unbleached all-purpose flour, for dusting
1 sheet (14 ounces) frozen all-butter puff pastry, such as Dufour, thawed
10 large eggs, plus 1 egg white
1/4 cup white sesame seeds
10 ounces frozen chopped spinach, thawed, drained, and squeezed dry
3 ounces cheddar, coarsely grated (1 cup)
1 1/4 cups heavy cream
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

Super fun video. Thanks for using the bounty app!!

Oh no... THANK YOU for creating it... Best thing that could have happened to me on Steemit (OK, I lie... 2nd-Best... sorry, but GINA still holds 1st place in my heart :-)).

Anyway... I've been wanting to do this with all my videos, but the admin would have just been impossible... and now I can.

P.S. Hit me up on discord BraaiBoy#4913 ... I've got a few ideas/dev suggestions for future releases if you're interested.

P.S. Unfortunately you don't get a comment upvote... that would just be unfair to everyone else :P

What do you say @Magic8Ball... Is Peanut Butter a good idea?

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