Recipes From Japan #120

in recipe •  7 years ago 

Recipes From Japan #120

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Spinach Salad

Recipe Servings: 2
Preparation Period: 5 Minutes
Cooking Period: 5 Minutes
Total Cooking Period: 10 Minutes


two tablespoons toasted sesame seeds, splited
two tablespoons water
one and half tablespoons soy sauce
half teaspoon white sugar
half (eight ounce) package fresh spinach
one pinch salt


Put one and half tablespoons sesame seeds on a plate; use the bottom of a pot or heavy measuring cup to crush the seeds. Move to a dish. Put water, soy sauce, and sugar; blend dressing.

Bring a small sized pan of water to a broil; put salt. Put spinach and cook till wilted, no more than one minute. Strain spinach into a colander and rinse with cool water to stop the cooking process. Squeeze spinach with hands to remove moisture. Slice into strips.

Put cooked spinach in serving dishes. Drizzle dressing on top and put remaining sesame seeds as garnish.


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