Understanding Learning to read Al-Qur'an
Education Traces- Learning to read the Qur'an consists of three words, namely learning, reading, and the Qur'an. The three words can not stand alone but have a close relationship with each other. So that all three have an integral understanding of the meaning of learning to read al-Qur'an or about learning to read Al-Qur'an.
The word "learning" is a translation of the word "instruction". The term is heavily influenced by the flow of holistic cognitive psychology, which places students as the source of the activity. In addition, this term is also influenced by technological developments that are assumed to make it easier for students to learn everything through various media, such as print materials, television programs, pictures, audio and so forth. So all that encourages the change in the role of teachers in managing the learning process, from teachers as a source of learning to become a teacher as a facilitator in teaching and learning. As Gagne quoted by Vienna Sanjaya. In his book Learning Strategy;
Oriented Standard Process of Education, that learning is "learning is a way of learning that facilitated", which means "Learning is a series of events that affect the learner in such a way that the lesson is facilitated."
So according to Gagne, teaching or teaching is part of the instruction (instruction), where the role of teachers is more emphasis on how to design or arranged various sources and facilities available for use or used by students in learning something.
In terms of "learning" is more influenced by the development of technological results that can be utilized for learning needs. In this case, students are positioned as the subject of learning that plays a major role, so that in the setting of teaching and learning process students are required full activity even individually learn the lesson materials.
That's what distinguishes between learning and teaching. If the teaching or teaching term puts the teacher as the "main actor" providing information,