A Pro Reseller's Clever Trick For Getting Free Money Or New Items Out Of Thin Air

in recycling •  4 years ago 

To not sacrifice the promotion of recycling and environmental awareness, I'm posting this on both Steem and Hive. With unique followers on both platforms, I want to reach and motivate as many people as possible. My view is that we all share one planet, regardless of what platforms we use. Plain and simple.

I found this Dyson fan today and knew this busted and partially coffee-covered clunker would magically turn into a guaranteed $300 in two weeks.


The unit powered on, but the air didn't work. This didn't matter one bit.


Because below is a solid trick for getting free money, or new free items that are often upgrades (when there are discontinued models).

Manufacturer Recalls Are Golden Tickets:

From years of experience, I hustle the manufacturer recall game like a champ.

Many people toss or donate items that don't work, or have an issue for the precise reason they were recalled.

The irony is that people are too lazy or naive to not do 30 seconds of research to see that they have protection or options to have it remediated.

In many other cases, recalls are voluntary, so perfectly working used items are still eligible. This is perfect for me, and means that you may have items chillin' around your homes or businesses that could be worth checking.

Also, if something is broken, you can also get a free repair as the worst-case scenario if money or a new item is reserved for unrepairable items. If that route is the case, you can then use/keep/resell it. Not too shabby! Many items are discontinued, so repairs apply mainly to newer things.

Rinse & Repeat:

Once you know of an item and the process, it's super easy to repeat when you come across one again.

For example, I found this same exact model before without a power cord attached. This would've been trash to the 99%, but I was able to magically morph it into this brand new upgraded replacement that sold for $295 about two days after I got the new replacement.

Free money from nothing = fun.

Proof of shiny sealed new upgraded model:


So Easy:

Today, I called Dyson for 5 minutes to confirm, and then filled out their recall form. I'll be going to UPS down the street tomorrow with only the item, and they'll handle all return shipping for me. I also called UPS to confirm that it was all in line. Bingo.

Since I'm not one to miss any profit potential or environmental impact, the small flat circular base stand of this model (not pictured) sells online for $35 used. They're hard to get these days as a discounted part that often breaks. I made sure to look for and find that loose in the same clear bag full of toys and headphones to get even more out of the deal... and to help a buyer out there who needs the part.

The new upgraded Dyson model should be here in 2 weeks.


But wait, there's more!! A lot more.

https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls is a great site to see what is being recalled. It's also a good idea to cross-check this with things you have to make sure you're not at risk for hazards. Some are clear-cut warnings, and some are optional. Either way, tons of knowledge here.

Bookmark this site now. I'll wait.

This site is also helpful to make sure you don't buy or sell used items from here that may be risking harm.

As another personal "repeated" example, I've bought 2 Fitbit Forces at thrift stores for under $20 (one was sealed new).... and got $140 checks in the mail for each. That's a $240 cash profit for mailing in a little bracelet in package with a prepaid label they sent me. Couldn't be easier to do. The checks arrived within about a month.


These companies HAVE to honor their recalls (whether mandatory or voluntary). In many instances, it's also wise for your safety, so take full advantage.

There will always be more and timelines usually don't expire.

This could be gold for some of you, or you can simply elevate your "being thrifty" game.

Feel free to share if you'd had any recall stories. Maybe I'll be able to step my game up since I come across so many different types of things.

Thanks as always,

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I bet Gary Vee is your God! :D

I've heard of him but haven't really looked into him. I can't remember what he does, but will refresh my memory tomorrow. So... I win the bet.

Dude that guy is a legend man, you should look him up. One of my heroes man!

I think I did once and wasn't able to get into it. It was a long time ago so I don't remember anything. I'll give it a second chance per your suggestion... Not sure if you've noticed, but you vote some posts 100% and then instantly vote them to 0%. It's happened 2 or 3 times to me lately. I'll take 50% if that's easier!! haha

It's not that bro. It's just that since I'm renting out my power, my up votes are are not that much of a worth. I was actually embarrassed to be honest. I'll make it up to you on the hive side. <3

Ah, no big deal. They just showed as consecutive 100% and then 0% on the same post. Might be some weird setting. No need to make anything up, just thought you had a funky setting going. Don't be embarrassed at all. I powered down most on both and my vote is a penny here now.

Woah, nice tips for my noggin'
Thanks Matt :D