I have gone through a lot in the past, have gone through difficulties strong enough to weigh me down for life and hold me at a point.
I have tried to go forward in life and make progress but each time i try i fail and it discourages me from trying again it stops from taking another step forward.
I think it's time to forget the failures of the past and move forward, cause when i look back all i see is failure, pains, discouragement and reason to remain down.
A friend once said a failure is not someone that fails while trying but rather a failure is a person that fails and refuses to try again. Gold has to pass through fire to prove its worth, the trails and hurdules of the past is just to make me a better me and push me forward
I have decided not to stay down and grieve at failures of my past but rather i will take another bold step forward.
Though bridges have been burnt but there where lessons learnt.
I might not be able to predict my future but i should be able to make it what i want it to be like.