Update on Widespread Election Fraud and the Red Herring. Hear an update from President Trump's Lawyer, his campaign managers and Bill Stepien. What to do and where to report. If you see something Say something and be Vigilant!

in redmirage •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Hear a report on this while doing chores and working here,



Human rights attorney Leigh states on Nov. 7th,
A report from Trump Campaign and his attorneys

  • Media does Not call elections a standard has already been set forth in our democratic process
  • No longer a fight about a president, but rather an attack on free and clean elections for our Constitutional Republic
  • Your country is not Free if you cannot trust the electoral process and That IS the foundation
  • Widespread voter fraud equals banana republic
  • President Trump isn't fighting for the presidency, but rather our Free and Safe Election process for all to be able to compete on a level playing field rather than a biased owned system.

At this point on Sat. Nov. 6, 2020

  • late ballots still dropping uniformly breaking in favor of Trump to where Biden's lead is down to 20,000 when just a few days ago it was 5 times that.

  • They will continue to go in that direction. If not, it they end up within 1% there is an automatic recount/and or a party can request a legal recount by law. Yes, those committed to truth still abide by the law no matter how many on the side of anarchy or anything goes until they get their way try to run a staged show to do otherwise. Won't work on Patriot and Guardians' watch!

** Georgia**
**Hear the Georgia Election Official state, "We're going to find that people Did illegally vote!"
Double voters and people without qualifications to be registered to vote in the state of Georgia. That Will be found!

  • Going through a recount. Sec. of State Brian Kemp is a patriot.

  • Many overseas ballots from the military that are outstanding, so it is likely going to be weeks before Georgia can be properly tallied. Once again, no matter what MSM attempts to claim, they Do Not have the authority to call elections. They are not the Rulers of our Republic. Talk is cheap when they cannot back it up with evidence and the Constitution.

  • Evidence of illegal ballot harvesting in multiple counties there in Georgia. The recount Will shine a Light on this. All fraud will be shown. Red Wave was expected, it will turn out in President Trump's favor they are all attempting to create their own illusion as usual with their "Red Mirage" distraction tactic they had planned for months (likely since Trump was elected the first time if truth were told).


Notice their very own Warning! Interesting don't you think?

  • Statistically impossible voter turnout as actual numbers don't lie so already referred for investigation
  • Multiple counties "hearing" deficiencies in ballots

putting addresses and signatures on ballots when they did not arrive with them


  • Claiming 58,000 mail in ballots they still haven't counted and 68,000 provisional ballots.

Provisional ballots, also called affidavit ballots, are given to a voter when a question arises about that person's eligibility. Such a situation may occur if your name does not appear on the voter rolls, or if you did not bring proper identification, or, in some states, if you received a mail-in ballot but are trying to vote in person instead.

  • Many thousands of voters there in Nevada who are evidenced to not be legal voters.
  • Lawsuits have been filed
  • Clark County D.A.'s Office has been notified along with A.G. Barr and Dept. of Justice

**Rest assured inconsistencies, anomalies and election issues will be addressed and the correct avenues of justice taken

90 days prior new voting laws set up in Nevada

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According to this local news station KOLO TV,

Imagine not having to meet various deadlines to register to vote in Nevada. Instead, during early voting or even on Election Day, you can register and vote all at the same time.

”And they are also going to be able to register to vote online from home during the early voting period and then go to the polling place and case a ballot,” says Wayne Thorley, Nevada Deputy Secretary of State for Elections.

Same-day registration is just one of the many new laws Nevada's Secretary of State must contend with before the presidential election in 2020.

The office is working on ways to connect the same-day registration, probably online, confirm it and place it in the system along with the votes cast.

Once Nevada reworked their voter laws just prior to the election to allow more unconstitutional ballots to be cast, for instance,

  • Massive mail in voter/voters
  • Two or three ballots going out to people with multiple addresses
  • Voter lists not up to speed
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots going out multiple times 2, 3 or more times over to different addresses


  • 80,000 mail in votes 105,000 provisional ballots still outstanding

Once again,

Provisional ballots, also called affidavit ballots, are given to a voter when a question arises about that person's eligibility. Such a situation may occur if your name does not appear on the voter rolls, or if you did not bring proper identification, or, in some states, if you received a mail-in ballot but are trying to vote in person instead.

  • Biden thinks these will break in his favor the Trump campaign has reason to believe otherwise considering the provisional ballots alone that are not constitutional.
  • The Trump Campaign was barred and prevented from having observers in the process even after the courts ordered Pennsylvania to stand down and let the Trump Campaign workers also observe.

Why do they attempt to subvert voting transparency?


  • Numerous irregularities on election day
  • The recount has started

A study that just came out. . .
Mathematicians, Statisticians and Economists have conclusively now weighed in and stated that the Biden math is not just statistically improbable, it is *Statistically Impossible!

For example,
*The voter turnout in Wisconsin annihilated the historical 66% by almost 30 percentage points.
**the odds of this occurring are 0.00000189% or 1 in 52 million!

  • Statistical analysts have noted that this 5 point deviation was not only a statistical improbability, but virtual statistical Impossibility.

  • Biden also clearly fails an accepted test for catching election fraud that is used by the State Dept. and forensic accountants.

  • There also happens to be a record number of 90 year olds registered to vote during a pandemic, more so than at any point in history.

Here is a list from the following article of over 14,000 dead people who either voted in Wayne County Detroit or were registered to vote.


How are We the People going to get Transparency and Accountability in our Voter Elections where legitimate, legal citizens are by the protection of the Constitution and rights granted to us to be able to have our voice heard. ..not the "perpetuated and made up voices" of a certain globalist entity using one of the parties to further their own agenda?

President Trump wants people to know that there are three things we should be ready to stand by and do.

  1. Donations if you are able as they have to maintain thousands of attorneys to fight this battle
  2. If you notice or hear any voter irregularity at all report to the Trump Campaign at 1 800 895 4152 or try to notify Project Veritas
  3. Go to rallies if you can, go to protests

This is a Spiritual, PR and Narrative battle.
It is important to let the world know where we stand as the world has been watching how We the People handle the globalists' attempts to cheat our elections and try to weaken us.

This is Why you must Always be Testing The Narrative!

If elections are clean and on the up and up wouldn't there be nothing to hide?

The transparency is required for a Constitutional Republic.

In remembering that this is first and foremost a Spiritual battle and the evidence we have brought to you before showing they use their black magick and accessing demonic forces to carry out their agenda. . .See more evidence below in sources from Hamilton's Corner.

Below the following report you will find evidence of where these dark forces are coming from and what is at play.

Thank you Ronnie Stapleton as Seen on Xephula for the following apt link. Shows the lengths these diabolical radicals will go to in order to steal! Sad.








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