Fases de Superluna Roja - Red Supermoon Phases

in redsupermoon •  6 years ago  (edited)

Foto secuencia del Eclipse lunar del 27 de Septiembre de 2015

Sequential photo of the Lunar Eclipse of September 27, 2015


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@jonathanaverac hello and welcome on steem! Thas Your pictures? if not, You need to post sources, see my guides on how to do that, i am upvoting Your post, as part of PlanktonGrow program. Would You like to know how You can get more support? how to engage in more ways? i gather great steem guides, tools on my post here, come see, click my name: @planktongrow.

Thanks for using @edensgarden!

Hi @planktongrow. Yes, this picture is mine, in fact all the pictures that I upload in my social networks, are mine or I have certain rights because I appear in them. I will visit your post, thank you very much for the welcome. Best regards.