Alert! Alert! Anti-fa has a message for you!

in refusefascism •  5 years ago 

As you know, dear reader, I like to get my news from a variety of places.

One of them comes direct to my inbox under the guise of:


Refuse Fascism

You can probably find them in any number of places, fedbook, tweeter, etc, but so far, I have not found them on steem.

If you have influence with those folks, drop a hint, eh?


In an historic vote yesterday, the House of Representatives impeached the fascist in the White House.
This makes Donald Trump only the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.
Trump responded by doubling down on his fascist threats and rejection of the entire lawful impeachment process.

The question that confronts us all is:

What will we, the people, do?

The divisions at the top of society are extremely sharp.
The situation is highly volatile and unpredictable.
And the potential consequences of how this unfolds can impact not just the U.S., but the whole world.

The most important thing in this historic moment is that we, the people, not act like passive spectators.
We must fight for the interests of all of humanity – which is expressed in the RefuseFascism stand:


Nancy Pelosi opposed impeachment for a long time.
She only went down this road when Trump openly solicited and withheld military aid to the Ukraine to go after the currently leading Democratic candidate for President undermining the legitimacy of US elections, also revealing a deep divide on foreign policy and in refusing to recognize congress's right to impeach vitiating the separation of powers.
In the face of this the Democratic leadership felt compelled to impeach.
But did so on extremely narrow grounds – not indicting Trump for his full fascist program.

But, Trump has lashed out.
He has obstructed and assailed the lawful process of impeachment.
He has falsely played the victim, accusing Democrats of an attempted coup.
Yesterday, Trump invoked the specter of torture and violence while speaking about Democrat Adam Schiff who led the House impeachment hearings.

No one can say – and no one force can control – how this high-stakes, extremely volatile situation will play out.

Will it erupt into even sharper two-sided conflict at the top?
Will the Democrats abjectly capitulate, as they have many times during the Trump presidency?
Or, will the Trumpian fascists do something so egregious that some of the Democrats will feel compelled to respond in a way that opens the potential for struggle from below?
Will Trump and/or his fascist mobs move from fascist threats to extra-legal acts against his opponents?
Will this sharp contention awaken the masses of people through which the pent-up anger of millions who are sickened and anguished over the whole fascist direction of this regime burst forth in protest that changes the whole equation?
Or something else entirely?

One thing we can say with certainty is that too much is at stake to sit back passively.
If Trump and his fascist regime make it through this fight, it will almost certainly mean the further strengthening of fascism in America.
And if things develop in a more positive direction – including the real potential for Trump's removal – it will almost certainly be in large part because we have taken history into our hands by acting in the streets.

This is why we are asking you, on this historic day, to stay poised for emergency actions in the days to come.

And to join with us now in preparing to make January a month of serious and growing nonviolent mass struggle to demand the removal – #OUTNOW! – of the whole Trump/Pence regime.

Here are four ways:

[1] Read about the plans to make January a month of growing struggle.

[2] Mark your calendars now to come to a mass meeting in your area on January 4 or 5 (find listings here) so that we can plan together.
Spread the word and bring others!

[3] Make a generous end-of-year donation now so that we can send volunteers down to DC during the Senate impeachment trial and mobilize protests in different forms every weekend through January.

Another way to support this movement is to purchase our #OUTNOW gear – it makes a great gift, spreads the word, and funds this movement.

[4] Write to us with your thoughts on this moment. (Just hit reply).
What are your fears?
What are your hopes?
What difference do you think mass protest demanding Trump/Pence #OUTNOW could make in a volatile situation like this?
What do you think it will take to move thousands and soon tens of thousands into sustained political protest demanding his removal?
Do you have ideas on the particular role you could play in strengthening and spreading this movement?

Finally, we want to thank you for being part Refuse Fascism and the #OUTNOW Movement.
Whether you joined with us in the early days of the Trump/Pence regime or met us the first time just a few days ago at the pro-impeachment rallies – history is calling on us to pull together now.

Let us rise to this moment.

Let us turn dread for the future into a force for hope, by fighting to make this demand real:

Trump/Pence #OUTNOW!

From the National Refuse Fascism Team
917 407 1286

Now, far be it from me, to tell you what to think of all this.
You gotta decide for you.

But, bear in mind, if your utopia requires armed thugs to persist, it sucks.
Likely, you do, too!

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I don't believe he will be removed.. Republicans hold the Senate

Pelosi is great. She should hang the impeachment over his head until next year, just to keep him from feeling free to rig 2020.

It's all theater to keep the slaves from rebelling, until the cuffs come out.

The first perp walk is when I start beliebing, myself.
IF it is followed by hundreds more.

Any globalists are traitors to the nation, imo.