What was the best relationship advice you ever got?

in relationship •  3 years ago 

Have realistic relationship and romance expectation.

Your partner cannot read minds. Tell them when something is upsetting you. Not everybody is skilled at reading body language or between the lines of whatever you’re saying.

Admit when you're wrong. Don't be a jerk about it when you're right (and apologize if you are). What is more valuable to you: your pride or your relationship?

Give each other space.

You must give your partner everything you have (love, understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance) and expect the same in return.

Just because a relationship ends doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good one or a successful one.

Never lose respect for each other, as in, never disrespect your partner by calling him/her names, bad words, etc.

If its important to one of you, it's important to both of you. None of the "you're making a big deal out of nothing" because that's a one way ticket to poor communication.

Someone who doesn't treat you the way you want to be loved doesn't necessarily mean they don't love you. That helped me think of new ways to appreciate people and made me feel less irritated. I used to expect people to behave the way I wanted them to, but that is nearly impossible 90% of the time.

Reduce your temper. We shouldn't wonder, "Where did you go wrong?" when he apologizes. Men and women have vastly different perspectives on a variety of issues, and it's difficult for them to discuss them when they disagree.

From time to time, express your gratitude to your partner. Rather than anything else, people yearn for acknowledgement.

Each partner should strive to give more than they receive.

Ask yourself, "Do I want to choose intimacy or anger?" before starting an argument or getting angry about something minor. It might seem obvious, but checking in with myself in this manner has helped me identify when my feelings are getting the best of me in any given situation with my partner, and it teaches me that most things aren't worth fighting over.

Don't start doing stuff you are not willing to keep doing later.

Operate with caution. Just because you've been together for a long time doesn't mean you can disregard the other party's psychology, silence, hesitation, and other information.

Don’t talk bad about your partner to friends/family.

Never get into a relationship for any of the following reasons: sex, pressure from friends or family, to fill an empty gap in your life, or to become happy.

Don’t lose yourself trying to receive your partners love.

Women don't want you to solve the problem, they just want you to listen and empathies.

Make sure to travel with your partner, if possible, before asking them to marry you.

The person who cares least in the relationship has the most control.

Always remember this: When you fight, you’re fighting to improve the relationship. You’re not fighting against each other. Stop taking things personally.

Get good at forgiveness.

In a good relationship you have three people: you, me and us. You need to take care of all three.

If there’s no trust then there’s no us. Trust is essential to a relationship working out.

It’s not u vs so, it’s both of u vs the problem.

Talk to your partner, not everyone else about your relationship.

Love is a choice.

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