Introduce Myself: Kris Kemp

in relationships •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi. My name is Kris Kemp.

I'm an actor, writer, musician, photographer living in New York City. Currently, I'm living in Bushwick (area of Brooklyn), Brooklyn, New York, a 20-minute subway train ride away from Manhattan.

The Life of a BackGround Actor in New York City
For my day job, I am a BackGround (BG) actor aka "extra" for movies and TV shows. What is an extra? See the people in the background of that movie or TV show? (Neither do we. That means we're doing a good job.) Those are extras. Yes, we actually get paid to walk around in the background. We are the blur in the background, walking wardrobe, atmosphere, Bactors (Background actors), skins.

Me, playing a 1920's type, on a upcoming movie.

My job is really simple. Show up. Shut up. Be obedient.
Show up on set on time.
Shut up (be quiet) during the filming. Usually, we are pantomiming.
Be obedient. If the Production Assistant (PA) asks us to walk to the corner, wait 3 beats (3 seconds) then enter the store, we do it. We obey.

What I will be Writing About
Living in New York City on a budget
My experiences working as a BG actor on film and TV shows
Understanding relationships and female nature
How I make money online and how you an make money online, tool
Using technology to enrich your social life
How to be happily single no matter where you live or what age you are
Photo stories & video content of my adventures exploring New York City
How I wrote my first novel and how you can write a novel, too
The little known method for finding properties--land, houses, mobile homes--that you can buy and flip for profits
and more, a lot more
If you have a topic you want me to write about, feel free to email me at [email protected]

Landings that I assembled above the spring in the backyard of the 9-acre property in Old Town, Florida

Why So Many Interests
I've traveled a lot of different paths in my life. At one point, I lived in a single-wide mobile home, that sat up on concrete blocks, on 9 acres (half of it underwater) about a mile from the Suwannee River. Then there was the time I lived in Burlington, Vermont, worked at a moving company with a bunch of angry, miserable guys. I write about that experience, using the memory of Jill, the edgy photographer, in the rails, my first novel. I spent 4 months backpacking across Europe (France and Germany) and I document this in How to Travel Europe for $1.50 a Day or Less. So many adventures, experiences, that I am going to share with you.

Writing ebooks
Typically, I learn about things that I'm interested in, take action in that direction, and document the experience. At the end of the day, I usually have an ebook, a journal, or a website as a result. So far, I've written 3 ebooks ...
Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
How to Travel Europe for $1.50 a Day or Less
The Shift Diet

Music projects
Years ago, I had a Christian music project to raise awareness of, and support for, the persecuted church. Around the same time, I started developing the script for, and composing songs for Dumpster Diver the musical.

Common Themes
Although I have a variety of interests, they share the common theme of freedom--time freedom, health freedom, financial freedom.

Time freedom: finding apps, websites and other technology tools that will enable me to be more time efficient.
Health freedom: incorporating simple tactics to eat well and feel better.
Financial freedom: working smarter, not harder. Developing creative projects such as ebooks in order to make money online.

To find out more about me and my projects, visit

The Fall colors of Central Park, Manhattan, New York

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Thanks Tommy! :)