What's your relationship type?

in relationships •  7 years ago 

Microbes exist everywhere in our environment. They are not just present, they enter into different forms of interactions with each other. Some beneficial, some not so beneficial, while others are harmful.

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Just like those tiny organisms, we also form relationships with different people in our everyday life. In each of these relationships, we play certain roles that are similar to those played by microbes.

Here are some of them, read and identify which role you play or the kind of relationship you are involved in.


This is a form of relationship in which each of the members of the relationship neither benefits or is harmed as a result of the relationship.

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Neutral Relationship

The both parties could live in the same house, same hostel or the same work environment and neither is affected by the presence of the other.
Neutralistic relationships sometimes exist among friends, roommates or colleagues where though they spend a lot of time together, neither of the parties contribute anything positive or negative to the each others lives. They just coexist.
Some couples are like this too. They just live together, go to work, raise children and keep the home, but they really do not help each other out in any significant way.

Negative Relationships

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Negative Relationship

In this sort of relationship, someone always loses. It is divided into different forms and are explained below.

#1 Competition

A good dose of healthy competition is actually good for all, but then when it is accompanied with jealousy and hatred, that crosses the line. This form of relationship usually exists among ladies, sadly. They are friends alright, but each one tries to surpass the other either in their mode of dressing, use of expensive items, the guys they date and all that.

This form of relationship usually leads to secret hatred or is most times based on it, especially when one party find themselves always losing. The end of such interaction is usually drastic as there must be a winner and the two cannot coexist for long.

#2 Parasitism

This is pretty common and occurs when one partner depends totally on the other for its survival. It occurs amongst friends, couples, roommates, classmates or even colleagues. One of them is a host while the other is a parasite.
Parasitic relationships are not always those that one partner depends on another for money or financial benefits alone. It could be dependency on attention, quality time and things like that. The main point is, what you enjoy from the relationship, your partner does not and is most times hurt by your actions.
Most people are parasites without even being aware. All they do is ask and ask without offering or giving anything in return. Such relationships usually ends in heartbreaks, depression or broken friendship and should be avoided as much as possible.

#3 Antagonistic Relationship

I like to call such relationships abusive. It is one of those where bullying occurs. This could be physically, mentally, psychologically or even financially. Marriages and even some friendships are based on such relationships.
The antagonist bully their partners at every chance they get and the other partner lives in fear and regret. Sometimes they feel there is no way out of such relationships and have simply accepted their fate or they usually do not know any way out.

Positive Relationships

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Positive Relationship

Now this kind of relationship is the type where a positive outcome arises as a result of the relationship. Either one or both parties derive assistance financially, mentally, psychologically, socially or any other form of benefit from such a relationship. The main point is someone gains.
This kind of relationship can be further divided into different forms.

#1 Commensalism

In this form of Positive relationship, one of the members of the relationship benefits from the friendship or interaction, while the other party neither benefits nor is he or she harmed. This kind of relationship exists among lovers where the guy only dishes out money to the lady and gets nothing in return. He is not affected by his giving because he has so much to give. The lady on the other hand has so much to gain as all her financial needs are met.
This also exists among friends where one provides the other one with assistance academically, morally or financially without getting anything in return. The first party is a cheerful giver and expects nothing in return. They are probably one of those who believe in heavenly rewards or the good of mankind. It is not an obligatory form of relationship as either party could do without the other but the Commensal aka cheerful giver decides out of his or her own freewill to help out the other.

#2 Synergism

This is also another form of positive relationship where both members have something to gain from the interaction. I saved this for last because it should be the kind of relationship we should all thrive to attain.

In this sort of relationship, mutual benefits is the main goal. Each member works towards the development of their partner. They sometimes combine their efforts or resources to work towards meeting a goal. This form of relationship is common to business partners and sadly present in only few marriages and friendships.

It is not an obligatory form of relationship which means there is no law that says they must help each other out but they just do it either for the sake of love, commitment made or understanding the importance of synergism.
Couples, friends, colleagues should all try to apply such relationship. It is healthy, lasts long and leads to progress of both the partners and the people around them.

Now that you have an insight into different types of relationships, you can use the above to evaluate the kind of relationship you are in. Is it neuturalistic or mutualistic in nature? Are you a parasite or a host?
Clarifying and defining your relationship gives you a way to move forward and be happy in whatever relationship you might find yourself.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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My relationship is definitely positive....... In all areas.....

Congrats dear... Keep it up!

ah synergism sounds like the ideal place to be! I envy couples who work together in accomplishing a shared goal. It's this unity brought together for a bigger purpose :)

Exactly... You should emulate same