Relationships Nowadays

in relationships •  6 years ago 

Hello there folks ! How you all doing? Hope you all good. So , here I come with my 3rd blog on the topic “Relationships” ! Have questions ? Don’t worry , got all those covered up! However , my name is Ishaan Bhojwani and let’s start.

The Term “Relationships”
Seems to be complicated , right? Yes it is a complicated term ! So what are relationships? The word is divided into two parts : The first being “Relation” and the second being ” ships” . Wow! Isn’t that exciting? Now what does this mean? It is simple , the first part means a relation and the second part refers to a ship or a journey which two people aboard and drive ! But what is a relation really? The answer would be different for people but all opinions would contain this point : Relations are those “bonds” or “connections” one create for happiness and not for their own advantage. Wait , isn’t the last part of the line seeming to be false ? Yes it is. Some are just for advantage and do not consider about the feelings of the partner whereas some are relationships which just consider the respect , care and love for the partner and have seriously nothing to do with personal advantage. This is a connection between two people which makes them happy and make them achieve their best possible state 🙂 Why is this so? We will discuss in the following sections.

Examples Of A Relationship
There are many examples of a relationship ( Best one is discussed the last section ) You can have a relationship with sooo many people in your life. You can have a relationship with your family , lover , relatives ( Only few lol ) , teachers , friends , colleagues , spouse , pets , brother , sister , grandparents , niece , neighbours ; and as in a profession student, pupil, patient, ward, nurse, convict, inmate and more and more. Some people keep relationships till the end ( Friendship in most cases ) , Some people don’t keep relations and end it . Why? Let’s see.

The Betrayal
Here comes the hard and the sad truth about relationships. About 70% of the relationships fail in this whole world. Like , How rude can people be? Well it is not always that relationships break with just stupid reasons. Some people have genuine reasons to break the relation and the relationships which break like this are only 10% in percentage ! People just leave. Sometimes with a reason and sometimes without any reason ( like just disappearing suddenly ) Believe me , both these situations hurt but when a person whom you trust so much , leaves suddenly without a reason , then that feeling is the worst. You feel a hell lot guilty and think over all the mistakes you made for days. But when a person leaves , he/she leaves a shadow of themself in your life. You constantly try to bring them in your life , you say sorry , you try to make their day better by doing certain things like helping them and what not! But the sad part is , they don’t even care 1 % for your efforts. But why this happens?

                            Why Do People Leave?

As said, people leave for number of REASONS. Some are logical , some are stupid , and some just create questions. But the question still remains in our hearts. “Why has he/she left us?” We ask this question so many times. We even start doubting upon ourselves ! Consider this : When people leave us like several times , we do act like we don’t care anymore or we do not have any thoughts in mind , but deep inside out soul , we not only once but more than once ask a question that , ” WHY? ” and “Why me only?” Guys , I am not trying to rule or grumble but in my opinion, the question WHY ME is not correct because you know, thousands of people ask themselves this question ! Then how it is just you ?

Well that talk was quite off topic. So our question still remains unanswered. In my opinion , people leave because they just come to take advantage. ( just talking about the stupid reasons people give ) They say that ” You don’t match up to my expectations and I don’t think you are of my TYPE!”. What the hell is this? Didn’t you think this when you just started a relation with me? However, when people make their profit or correctly saying , when people make use of yourself , then they leave. This feels quite awkward but yes this is the truth.

                                  The Best Relation

We know that this society contains some poisonous people. Well I am also one of those and maybe you are too. We have left someone in some point of our lives and regretted later badly. But there is a relation which is a best and perfect one. It’s not of two lovers , not of two friends…naah you couldn’t guess it , right? This is the relation between a mother and a father with their child 🙂 Your mother can be your bestest friend and your dad can be your greatest and constant supporter ! 🙂 Relatable? These two people are the only people who listen to your bad words after an argument with them and not say or even think a single bad word for you ; these are the people who allow you to make mischiefs and forgive easily ; these are the people who do not judge you based on any of the factors ; these are the people who always have your back when you fall ; these are the people who sacrifice that last bite of their food to make sure you do not feel hungry ; these are the people who earn and dream just for you ! Yes guys , your mom and dad are the only people who will never let you go even they have a war against you. Rather , they will stand with you and are ready to fight the whole world for you ! They sacrifice their sleep for your health , make food for you late at 3 AM in the night. They always want you to succeed leaving behind their personal wishes 🙂

I know we all get scolded from our parents and might also think that we do not mean anything to them ! But you know what ? They will still care for you. They care for your tears and constantly want you to smile 🙂 Don’t shout at them or say bad words to them :’) Those words hurt you in the end and you feel super guilty ! Rather , listen to them , sit with them , talk to them , tell them your biggest secrets and tell them how much you love them !

If you liked today’s blog , then first go and hug your parents and tell them how much you love them 🙂 Like , share , comment and subscribe for more nourishing posts 🙂

Thank You 🙂

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