Watching Stand Up Comedy and Its Importance As a Comedy Role Model

in reletionship •  3 years ago  (edited)


The art of watching stand up comedy has always been one that many people take for granted. If they are lucky, they get to watch at least a single comedy routine on TV or in a comedy club. Sadly, most people have never had the pleasure of watching stand up comedy and it's surprising just how much the entertainment industry values it. Stand up comedy is arguably the best kind of comedy out there today and some of the best stand up comedy performers around are George Clooney and Bill Murray. Even those who have never been able to watch stand up comedy regularly find it fascinating to see what funny things can be said about the everyday events in their lives.

The art of stand up comedy is often criticized for being a waste of time, but for those who are willing to give it a chance, there are some very funny jokes that can be found in today's stand up comedy. One of the best comedians to ever have a late night television show, Bill Cosby is one of the most recognizable faces in stand up comedy. His trademark jokes about women are still funny fifty years after his death. His trademark joke about a man-eating dog food and then pooping in a garbage can because he feels like a failure, has become a punch line.

Other great stand up comedians include Dave Grosso, Cheech and Chong, and Jeff Dunham. Most people have seen some of their routines, such as "I'm so sexy my ex boyfriend weds me", or "She bit me, I love it" but you can also find other amazing stand up comedy lines in all of their shows. Not only are these characters entertaining, they are also very funny jokes that will make you laugh no matter how many times you see them. When it comes to watching stand up comedy, you may be surprised at just how many times you can giggle at one of these routines.

Watching stand up comedy is just like having your favorite radio show coming to your home with the funniest jokes. The jokes are usually delivered in a funny way and the audience gets into the punch lines very quickly. Often times, you will be watching a very familiar face when a new one comes on stage. You can tell that it is not just a typical stand up routine because the audience will react to the new funny jokes with a sense of surprise and even be entertained for a little bit.

When watching stand up comedy, you will notice that the more times you watch the show, the more hilarious the jokes get. The difference between watching stand up comedy and watching a routine on TV is that on TV the crowd responds to the jokes that they hear. They respond to the jokes with clapping, cheering, and even throwing tissues on the stage. The reaction of the audience to the different acts in stand up comedy is what makes the comedy show.

It is very hard to find a routine on television that gets your heart racing every time it comes on. The best shows are the ones where you feel that the person doing the comedy routine does not have a clue what he or she is doing. Watching stand up comedy, you will see that most of the routines deliver on their promises of funny jokes, but they also do a pretty good job of telling the audience what they should do while watching stand up comedy. When you watch stand up comedy, you can tell that the comedian knows what he or she is talking about because of the delivery of the jokes.
Watching stand ups is similar to being at a comedy club. There are other acts on stage than the stand up comedian.

Sometimes, there are jugglers, magicians, hypnotists, and professional speakers, and sometimes the stand up comedians will copy other comedians. The only thing they will have in common with the other acts is the delivery of the jokes. When you watch stand ups, you will find that there is always a pattern to what happens. The jokes are delivered in a pattern that will keep the audience laughing and enjoying themselves.

Watching stand up comedy and watching how good the jokes are will teach you what makes for a good stand up comedy performance. You will see the repetition of words, the building and then breaking of the rhythm, and finally the delivery of the punch line. You will also begin to understand the flow of the jokes and try to incorporate these into your own jokes. You may not be able to think of a punch line right away, but with repetition and the building of the delivery of the punch line, you will be able to think of one down the line. This can help you to build your jokes into a routine and make them more successful.

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