The Urantia Book

in religion •  6 years ago  (edited)

1-million words over 2000 pages! The only book of thousands I've read on spirituality which claims non-human authorship and written by angels who autograph each chapter. Ahem...

The winter of '93-'94. The toughest winter of my life to date. I moved back into my apartment on Main St. that I had sub-letted out to friends. Jorge had left the book in one of the rooms. It turns out that Hendrix and Stevie-Ray always traveled with it. I passed it on to an archonic 'friend' when I was done with it.

By '93 I was 14 years into this quest and I'd read thousands of books on the nature of reality. And I guess I'd classify this one as one of the humdingers! I started reading it in November and finished it in March. So, what's this planet called? You guessed it! URANTIA! Well...most likely not!

We are in one of the seven super-universes called Orvonton--one which travels around the great central universe of origin. And those 2000 pages go into pretty well most everything you can imagine. Anton and Fonta--the first real humans; it describes all the angels which administer life here; The Lucifer rebellion; Adam and Eve; and yes, the man himself! There is so many of him! JESUS! Will the real shady boy please stand up!

 It turns out reincarnation isn't true! Ahem...

I'm a four with a five wing in The Enneagram so I investigate everything in my own unique way--at least as far as I'm able. Although I'd be throwing darts blindfolded at a South American map as far as finding a vacation spot:D

Anyway, once done with this book beast I had to deconstruct it--so off to the library I went. It turns out Martin Gardner was so impressed with the book that he investigated it, too! Thank the Gods! It turns out it was channeled by Wilfred Kellogg (Cornflakes) over 30 years with the help of a handful of others. See the movie, Road To Wellville, for some insight into The Kellogg's and their Seventh Day Adventism. It turns out that the cosmology espoused therein has many similarities to Adventist doctrine--really no surprise there. A fact on the Adventists so no one can accuse me of bashing them: their diet has made some of the healthiest longest living people in N.A. A diet I've practiced for most of my life although not strictly the S.D.A. version specifically.

By the time you get passed a few hundred of these channeled writings one will notice same patterns and the main one is all channeled material is contradictory! The Gods couldn't be more confused which explains a lot! Ahem...

Look, this is an impressive book by any standard and something humanity should respect and esteem as a work of art and literature...but not much more, in my opinion. Has it helped millions? You bet! But it doesn't mean this book is true. If God doesn't exist then it's one of the greatest religious imaginings in human history.

My opinion today: just another psy-op of our fave cult of 33... That's my Gnostic perspective on it. There's so many of them isn't there Mr. Anderson...

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Great to see someone shed some light on this book... I think Elvis was another who carried it.. not sure ;9)

I was thankful for it at the time but see it in a whole different way these days.
Kudos to you if you slogged through it!

I never made it through that thing, a friend did but we never really had a chance to discuss it. I just love this type of subject matter but I'm not an avid reader. Keep on keeping on ;9)

Feel free to ask me anything about, The Urantia Book...Definitely, one of the most interesting things ever written but probably (most likely) complete and utter B.S.:D

There is an endless supply of BS out there. I'm more of a Celestine Prophesy/ Carlos Castenada kind of guy myself. I used to be in this group that would take a couple of trips each year around to different parts of the world and meditate at pyramids and places like that. It was a decade of fun and exploring. But then the other people started really putting our leader on pedestal and it became bogged down in BS.... putting the whole thing in a vibration that we were originally attempting to escape. I had some awesome experiences, ones that I cherish to this day.

You should get two vestal virgins for getting through the poor writing of Redfield:D
I appreciated Castenada when I was tripping back in the day.
Yup, the experiences are real phenomenologically (see William James) ...What do they mean in the greater scheme of things? Debatable.
My trip these days is to try and convince people to frame their spiritual experiences as speculative metaphysics.

I didn't read Redfield, I listened to it on tape. It was crazy when I really hit the zone outlined by the insights weird stuff would happen, like stuff falling off the shelves at the supermarket when I would walk by. Then I read Castenada, met a Mexican Brujo/Medicine man, hung out with him for a decade and traveled to some really amazing places like Machu Pichu, the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico. The thing I liked about Castenada is that it all boils down to perception and awareness, will and intent which allows you to operate on additional realms... anyway I'm talking your ear off. Thank you for your time.

I think the control drama idea is useful if framed within popular psychology. Adding woo-woo to the idea doesn't really add much to it as far as I can see.
On shamanism, magical siddhis, psi, etc.: it's pretty piss poor from my perspective that the only evidence of such things comes from asserted avenues like Crowleyism with their associated negativities which amount to mind games towards those whom one dislikes.
How about this as a controlled experiment done in a spiritual university: someone who claims psi and Siddhi powers picks a starving family in Africa out of the ether and sends them the winning numbers to a world lottery? It would help if this was repeatable and that the demonstrator is​ able to do this under controlled conditions time and time again. Something like this would get my attention and until such a time I view all Siddhi's as coming from lying archons which is consistent with their mind games​. Please note this comment isn't personal and I'm only addressing the ideas that are out there in the spiritual community.