in religion •  8 years ago 

1 peter 5:7 to "cast all our cares and burdens, and worries upon him, for he cares for us". God cares about you and for you; therefore you don't have to worry. The bible says "but in all things through prayers and supplications with thanksgiving, make your request known to the lord" (Philippians 4:6). Instead of getting anxious, go on your knees and pray to God. Don't let anything be so big enough to get you to worry, because God is your source and sustainer.

When your mind is stays on your need instead of God who is your supply. peace is actually the absence of anxiety. peace is the product of staying the mind on God's goodness and loving kindness. (proverbs 4:20)

@geeboy geeboy1.png

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nice post @geeboy

thanks @silvia

Well needed scripture