The True Ark of the Covenant - continuedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in religion •  8 years ago  (edited)

Attention ROBOTS - References in this text can all be found at - The main objective of this post is to GRAB your attention to very IMPORTANT information about a subject that concerns us ALL. It can be noticed that the deluge of posts into Steemit, almost by the second, has an effect of actually diminishing the value of previous posts that actually have something worthwhile to share. People are driven by novelty, newness, and need constant feeding of new stuff to fill up empty spaces. If one is looking for substantial material then a large degree of DISCERNMENT is needed the separate the wheat from the chaff. Here I continue the subject of the recent post on The True Ark of the Covenant, all of which is accredited to JAH.

Ezekiel 34 (precis)
And the Word (Christ) of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, prophesy AGAINST the "shepherds (priests) of Israel", prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Ruler of The Universe unto the Levites:
Woe be to the Levites (the priests) of Israel that do feed themselves! Should not the Levites feed the flocks?

Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed (God's Prophets, whom He has fed PERSONALLY with His TRUTH): but ye feed NOT the flock.

Therefore, ye Levites, hear the Word of the Lord: (Christ is the Word of The Lord - John 1 v 14).

As I Live, saith the Lord God, surely because My flock became a prey, and My flock became MEAT . . . because there was no shepherd, . . . but the LEVITES fed THEMSELVES and fed NOT My flock:

THEREFORE O ye LEVITES, hear the Word of the Lord;
Thus saith the Lord God; Behold I am AGAINST the LEVITES; and I will . . . . cause THEM (the Levites) to CEASE from feeding the flock; neither shall the LEVITES feed themselves any more; for I will deliver My flock from their MOUTH, that they (MY flock) may not be MEAT for them (the LEVITES).

For thus saith the Ruler of The Universe; Behold I even I will both search My sheep and seek them out (John 10 v 11).
As a SHEPHERD seeketh out His flock in the day that He is among His sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out My sheep.
I will seek out that which is "Lost" (the 10 lost tribes - the "House of Israel", which includes the Irish) . . . . ., and will bind up that which was broken (Isaiah 61 v 1 & Luke 4 v 18 and the COVENANT which is kept inside The Ark of The Covenant). . . .
And I will set up ONE Shepherd over them (the flocks - plural - the 2 kingdoms Israel and Judah) . . ., even My "well-beloved" servant, he shall feed them and he (ONLY) shall be their Shepherd (singular).
And I the Lord will be their God, and My "well-beloved" (Matt. 3 v 17) servant a Prince (Son of the King - Michael - the Arch-angel - Daniel 10 v 21 & Revelation 12 v 7) among them; I the "I AM" Ruler of The Universe have spoken it.
And I will make with them a "Covenant of Peace" (the Prince of Peace - and the New Covenant / Testament reconfirming the Moral Law of the Old Covenant and adding a spiritual dimension to it).
Thus shall they know that I the Lord their God am with them (EMMANUEL - Matt. 1 v 21-23), and that they even the "House of Israel" (the 10 "Lost Tribes") are My people saith the Lord God. (All 10 of the so-called "Lost" tribes, which includes the Irish, accepted Christ as their Lord and are called Christian Nations today - at least by name if not by nature).
So the Levites (Priests) were punished, Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple were destroyed and Jeremiah brought The Ark from Jerusalem to Ireland via Tanis in Egypt; Gibraltar; Spain and Cornwall and buried it at Tara in the secret tomb prepared for Teia Tephi*, before he died and was buried in Loughcrew - 21 Sept. 581 B.C.
* As confirmed by the Irish Metrical Dindsenchas, part 1, page 31, lines 23 & 24:-
"No keep like Temair/Teiamur could be found;
She was the secret place of The Way of Life."
Hieroglyphics depicting their journey and giving the date of Jeremiah's death are in Cairn T, Loughcrew; with the date written in stone and it can't be more concrete than that; showing that the archaeologists who say it is stone-age are wrong.

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