Because, when we Love Money, everything else and I mean everything else, loses its value.

in religion •  7 years ago 

What is wrong about the love of Money and why did God and his Christ that he calls his Son, still to this breath, say that money is the root of all evil?

Why is Greed one of the carnal fruits of the flesh, produced by the flesh, if we the spirit are not in control and the flesh we wear like a Car and the Driver behind the wheel and the Car has a will of its own is in control on automatic?

Animal Instincts. programmed for survival in what can be a harsh environment. Fight or flight is not of the Will of the Spirit, the I Am, the child of the Spirit. The Body is the Temple of the Spirit.

Just as it was for Elijah the prophets John the Baptist Christ come again or anyone born of a woman.

Like the Genie in a bottle, or the Beautiful Butterfly inside the caterpillar. What happens at the death of your flesh, the Temple. When "they are neither given nor taken in marriage but are as unto the Angels", Spirit.

Flesh begets the Flesh and Spirit beget the Spirit. Mortal must become immortal, born again. Is not about religion but the truth and the reality of existence.

Remember why Jesus/Yahshua calls God/Allah/YHWH/YWHY/Yahweh our Father? All part of the same Spiritual Family. The Same Tree of Life with the Same Creator. Coming from and returning to the same source.

Those that Preach against the keeping of the Commandments and take pleasure from those that do not keep them will be the least in the kingdom of Heaven.

As you do to the least of these you do unto me, Did you give them a drink or did you deny them because of the Gluttony of Greed the Hate of Racism the Bigotry of Pride the Fear of Evil the Laziness of Sloth...

What fruit grows from the branch and you are the tree? Of the Spirit or of the Flesh. Be it good to Meditates Daily, King David says but the Priests and their Preachers say that Meditation is evil of the Devil New Age. Who is Lying and who is telling the Truth?

Then who should you trust and what Follow, the Lie in the Belief or the Knowledge of the truth.

We the people suffer from a lack of knowledge and Truth because too many now in the government thanks to Reagan and those pulling his strings say that Teaching the Children Knowledge is Evil and Ignorance is Bliss.

Using Creationism and Darwinism as the Wedge to drive home their point. Science has yet to find proof of GOD. Science has also found no proof of Good Bad and Evil. Science is not the Study of the World of the Spirit but the Physical world of the 5 senses.

You and I are the greatest proof of God and Good each child born a Test tube containing Spirit. The Same Spirit born into flesh and blood when Elijah was born of a woman or John the Baptist or the Messiah.

The Spirit has a body a mind a heart and is or is not in control over them. Self-Control Self-Discipline Self-Conscious or Conscious of Self. The Mind can be focused on the Spirit or on the Flesh. The Body saying feed me Seymor and the Spirit, the I am saying not yet. The I AM controlling and holding the Breathe or Anger.

The I am choosing to wipe the slate clean letting go of all the reasons for feeling hate anger guilt shame resentment insecure...The Cup that is the heart that Christ says "If you would have this clean, clean the inside of the Cup and the outside will be clean.

Get your own house in order remove the beam from thine own eye first. Judge and you will be judged by whatever measure you judge.

Do not and Do a top Priority to learn to obey just as any child should learn. Discipline to be a Disciple that follows and does and does not according to what the Messiah does and does not as all those that follow that good example of the best of man, not the Worst evil

Deceived into believing that evil is made good and good evil by faith alone. Is the Servant good if their works bad or evil? Is the Tree good if all the fruit corrupt or every branch empty? Is the Child Good if their works and fruit are not being spoiled rotten like some unruly child?

A Mother or Father that forgives them for every bad and evil thing, they do to others and condemns those that are good?

Saying all men women and children are evil and only God is Good. Claiming that is the World reality and matrix that we all live in, Hell on Earth. Then there would be no reward for being Good, Everyone would consider it a weakness to take advantage. A World where might proves right and wealth proves righteousness.

Because in that world everything is for sale even judges politicians lawmakers and law enforcers.

Because, when we Love Money, everything else and I mean everything else, loses its value.

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Incorrect. There's nothing wrong with money. It's the LOVE of money.

(1 Timothy 6:10 NIV) For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

(Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV) Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.

It's only true if you love money more than God.

(Luke 16:13 NIV) "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

I love having money but I love to give too.

Iam not for sale. Death takes no bribes either.