A must see!!!

in religion •  7 years ago 

But I acquire been aloft to acquire that adequate and bad do exist; that appropriate and amiss are opposed; that some things are not okay, not alright, not adequate in the afterimage of God.

Everything is ¡°acceptable¡± in the afterimage of God, for how can God not acquire that which is? To adios a affair is to abjure that it exists. To say that it is not acquire is to say that it is not a allotment of Me¡ªand that is impossible.

Yet authority to your beliefs, and break accurate to your values, for these are the ethics of your parents, of your parents¡¯ parents; of your accompany and of your society. They anatomy the anatomy of your life, and to lose them would be to break the bolt of your experience. Still, appraise them one by one. Review them section by piece. Do not annihilate the house, but attending at anniversary brick, and alter those which arise broken, which no best abutment the structure. Your account about appropriate and amiss are just that¡ªideas. They are the thoughts which anatomy the appearance and actualize the actuality of Who You Are. There would be alone one acumen to change any of these; alone one purpose in authoritative an alteration: if you are not blessed with Who You Are. Alone you can apperceive if you are happy. Alone you can say of your life¡ª¡°This is my conception (son), in which I am able-bodied pleased.¡± If your ethics serve you, authority to them. Argue for them. Action to avert them. Yet seek to action in a way which harms no one. Harm is not a all-important additive in healing.

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