"According to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers were fallen angelic beings, described as being both the sons of God and the sons of heaven who were assigned to watch over humans. It’s understood that the women’s beauty on earth was so great that they caught the attention of the watchers"
"22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 23Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. 24So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."
"12And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain"
""And they said, ´(If the Prophet is true and sincere in his claim) Why has not an angel been sent down to (help) him?´ But if We had sent down an angel the matter would have been decided, then they would not have been respited." (Surah al-An’am, 6/8, 9)"
"I created the jinn and humankind only that they worship Me." (Surah adh-Dhariyat, 51/56)
"And the jinn did He create of smokeless fire..." (Surah ar-Rahman, 55/15)"
"Yaldabaoth said to the authorities with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of god and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light.
They created through their respective powers, according to the features that were given to them. Each of the authorities contributed a psychical feature corresponding to the figure of the image they had seen. They created a being like the perfect first human and said, Let us call it Adam, that its name may give us power of light."
"Michael of Nebadon is a title (like King or President are titles). A divine being of the Michael order is uniquely endowed by the Creator (God) with certain powerful creative prerogatives.
There are at least 700, 000 such Michaels in the Superuniverse of seven trillion inhabited worlds; each one presides over a universe. Each universe contains the potential for ten million inhabitable planets.
According to The Urantia Book, Michael of Nebadon is the creator and divine administrator of our local universe home of Nebadon. Our Earth is located within Nebadon and falls under the efficient and loving watch care and jurisdiction of this magnificent and faithful Son of God.
Michael of Nebadon chose our planet, out of nearly six million of the inhabited worlds within his embrace, as the world on which he would live a human life, to show by example how a human being, even on a troubled and backward planet like ours, can live a divine and Godlike life"
"Through the deciphering of the disc more was discovered about these Wingmakers:
“The creators of the time capsule referred to themselves as WingMakers. They represented a future version of humanity who lived some 750 years in our future. They claimed to be culture bearers, or ones that bring the seeds of art, science, and philosophy to humanity. They had left behind a total of seven time capsules in various parts of the world to be discovered according to a well-orchestrated plan. Their apparent goal was to help the next several generations of humans develop a global culture; a unified system of philosophy, science, and art.” (5)
Other Capsules would have been found
Much more can be said about things related to the Wingmakers, the Labyrinth-group and their experiments with time and the curiosity of this alien Corteum group."
"the Sumerians worshipped the Anunnaki."
"These ancient gods of Mesopotamia had wings, wore horned caps, and possessed the ability to control all of humanity. Sumerians revered the Anunnaki as heavenly beings who shaped the destiny of their society."