Allergic to BS (an introduction)

in religion •  8 years ago 

In my “about” page I mention the “institutional church”. Watch out those can be bad words when used on the outside. Those words can take on many different meanings, and can be based on a person’s life experience, or even from a definition a certain pastor or author conjures up.

I personally think there is no way we could ever define Church as God created. But, if you held a gun to my head and made me define it, I would simply define the “institutional church” as any form of church (small c) that man tries to set up in an effort to create what God has already created.

The Body of Christ, or the Church (big C), just IS – and I cannot define what IS is.

His followers are His Church – the actual Body of Christ. So in some form or fashion (and there is no RIGHT way), we are His hands, we are His feet. God has no other way for Him (Christ) to be seen in the world except through His Bride, the Church.

I read a lot, and I see many times authors of blogs or books mention church (little c), and Church (big C) as I did above as an example.

So here is my first question to start this blog…

Should we as His followers ever use the term church (little c) when talking about the Bride of Christ? Isn’t the Church always a Big C?

I think if we are called to be unified in Christ, we should always use the term Church no matter the circumstances. I see the use of a small c as being divisive. One person has his church, and another has their church, but in reality should we not all be part of the same Church?


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It is important to understand, I think, the distinction between church, a legal and transient institution, and Church, an eternal 'thing' for a lack of a better word. You can be a member of any church but that in and of itself doesn't guarantee membership in His Church, in my opinion. I suppose one can merely claim this or that, but fruits follow those who believe as evidence that your faith pleases God. I would even add that a very specific list of fruits follow those who believe.

The religion of Heaven wasn't revealed to man to foster loyalty to man and its creations, but to connect man back to God as was his condition before the fall. If the vehicle of a church helps ones journey back to Gods presence, then every step should be taken to benefit from it. To be clear, it is possible to practice church like activities outside of any institutional hierarchy. It is necessary to gather together in His name so we can bear one another burdens and speak freely about the concerns of our souls.

I think we all can be part of the same Church. But at present, in my view at least, there are way too many divisions between the christian world to come together and add to the table what we have to offer.

Just some quick thoughts.