Heaven and Hell. 'IF' There is a Heaven and Hell ?

in religion •  8 years ago 

'IF' There is a Heaven and Hell ?

Its time to focus our thought on heaven and hell.

Is  heaven,  as we have traditionally pictured?

 Is it a green space filled with our loved ones whom have died. Is it a quiet and comfortable spot from which our deceased  family watch significant events like graduations, weddings, family reunions.

Hell, is this the opposite?

 A place of eternal turmoil, pain and suffering.Is it the kingdom of the Devil and will our souls burn there for eternity if we live a less than good life?

Do we have any actual proof of these places, we take a look at NDEs near death experiences and see if they can answer this question.

People whom have died and came back tell their story.Some say yes! these places do exist and give a description of what they saw.

Also the role of faith in the afterlife.Are there other options do we have to go to these places at all.

Different religions offer us different ideas on death, they have different ideas of heaven and hell we take a look at those differences.

 Have a watch and let me know if you believe in heaven and hell.

I would love to hear your thoughts..  please comment below.


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Please watch: "Time Travel 'IF' We Can See The Future?" 


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