The Word creates new life!

in reliquary •  6 years ago 

Thank God himself! Because through His Holy Word everything was created.

Everything that exists in the whole universe, I am referring to everything great, all glorious, all magnificent that exists, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the earth in all its exuberance. You verify that the seas, the forests, the birds, the animals, the children, everything that was created was by means of the Word - the Word of God - He only used the hands when he made the man and the woman, besides He He created everything through His Word.


And that word, friend and hearing friend, still has the same effect, the same power to create a new life. If God created all the planets, satellites, all the infinite with His Word, you will not be able to create a new life in you? Of course He has power for that, only the Word, more nothing.

But the Word that He sends, which he transmits through his servants, can not be any word, it has to be a word that is extracted from his Word - the Bible - so when we send the Word of God in this case it is that come to life for those who hear and practice that Word.

People have intense conflicts in this world, because many say they are God. Each one is said of God.

The Catholic says: "No, I am from God!"

The evangelical says: "No. I am from God!"

The Jew says: "No. I am of God!"

Muslims say: "I am from God!"

And so on, every religion goes towards itself to the god who believes.

But, my friend, my listening friend, we are going to use intelligence, we are going to use reason. We are going to eliminate the passions, the feelings, the emotions, and the use of the intellect. Let's see what Jesus says about people who are of God. We'll see.

Could it be that Jesus once spoke who was of God, identified who was of God? Yes. He identifies.

If you read the Gospel of John, chapter 8 and verse 47, Jesus says the following, look only:

"He who is of God hears the words of God."

But when he speaks here, whoever is of God hears; that verb does not mean to hear simply, because many hear me now and enter through one ear and out through the other, it does not mean anything.

The devil also hears the Word of God, he hears. Now, just practice the Word of God, just obey the Word of God, those who are of God. Whoever is not of God does not practice the Word of God. Hey, he can hear, but he does not practice. You can know it, but it does not practice, it is not from God.

There are many theologians, pastors, bishops, missionaries who preach the Word of God, hear the Word of God, but do not practice. Of course, these people are not God, although they have titles of pastors, bishops, etc., etc., etc.

Jesus says here: "Whoever is of God, hears the Words of God." That is to say, whoever belongs to God obeys the Words of God, follows the Word of God.

Jesus said: "He who loves me follows me, hears my voice and follows me." (Who loves me and does not follow me and does not hear my word, does not obey me, does not love me!


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Good Reflection Sister, the world was dark and inert until the word of God came and began to create life, objects and plants. His word vivifies us.



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Amen Sister, valuable messege, Now, just practice the Word of God, just obey the Word of God, those that are of God.

"The creative energy that made the worlds is contained in the word of God, and when we read it we have an audience with the Almighty."