IntroduceYourself posts on Saturday, December 2, 2017

in report •  7 years ago  (edited)

The following users have made their #introduceyourself post yesterday, Saturday, December 2, 2017. The list is in Alphabetical Order:

@abeeryaswho I am
@adamjordenclarkI Left Evangelical Christianity to Join Steemit – Introducing A New Theologian To Steemit
@agampase69Welcome Steemit Mania
@akmalbastamamIntroducing myself
@ale2000joseNueva etapa con Steemit
@amgrrIntroducing myself at Steemit
@angelicafernandeHola steemit // Mi presentación
@azmanzulkiplyAnd We're Rolling!~
@b92iziPower Ledger News and Price Prediction 2018
@baartNouveau sur Steemit , ma présentation
@bahacelikHELLO MY NAME İS BAHA...
@brianlewisMy Name Is Brian and This Is Why I Joined Steemit + Self-Verification
@ced000ABOUT ME
@chickendaysThat's One Step on Steemit! (Introduction)
@chocobo244Savings Makes Up About Children Teach The Kids Essential Lifes Skills
@cmgsdWho I (we) are
@countrykerrieHomeschooling Writer Mom of 5 Works in the Country
@cupofjoe3474Hello Steemit!
@daltonoNew Digital Artist on Steemit
@dammieoThe Real Me! 💁
@darry27Introduce Yourself
@deancarterHola Steemians!! Just wanted To Introduce Myself Newfoundlander Living In Playa Del Carmen
@desconocidoMe presento a todos - I introduce myself to everyone
@dheny.enjoyMemperkenalkan diri
@diss0nanceFirst Post: Hi I'm Diss0nance! (let's play some Hearthstone!)
@djr.scubadiverPersönliche Vorstellung bei der Steemit Community / Personal Introduction at the Steemit at the Steemit Community
@dodleakerDeep State Leak
@donovan313Welcome to my channel: THE PLAN
@dontbethesameIntroducing my world of travelling & sports....and our lovely dog :- )
@dospordosIntroduce Myself: Hi, I'm a Filipino coolkid who makes art!
@drewyboyIntroducing ME! Andrew "Drewyboy" Twelftree - Crypto Enthusiast and Marketing Junkie
@drizzzaIntroduction to the start of my steemit adventure.
@edwaardmMi Primera vez!
@ely04The proudest moment of my life.
@emicableINTRODUCE YOURSELF: Travel, Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Content Creator Here! :)
@emilclaudellMy first day/ night at Steemit
@emmanueladam91My introductory post
@esther29kCześć, salut, hola, hello
@estream.studiosIntroduce Yourself: eStream Studios : Fun gameplay videos and gaming industry news!
@ezinwakelvinHello Steemians - From Nigeria... An introductory introduction..
@fit4business21It's The One And Only Brian! Intro
@fromoverthereHello Steemit World! ... all the way FromOverThere!
@haseeb96My introduction
@hitmeasapIntroduction Posts. The New Target Of Spammers? - Be Genuine When You Welcome People!
@hopebankSpreading the Seeds of Hope Steemit Wide: Introducing The Hope Bank Project
@hormigaobreraCumpliendo protocolo: La Presentación.
@husnon-shalehThis My Introduction, Terima Kasih Atas Pengenalan Steemit
@iamandyI Am Andy
@identistA Dentist from India and my husband introduced me to Steemit 😊😊
@inmybrainİnteresting life about me
@intellixIntroducing Myself #introduceyourself
@invariable.museIntroduce Yourself: Creative type. Music & such. Holder of alt coins, son of Zeus's nephew's IT guy
@itsfittsIntroducing Myself, The Hopeful Cynic, Looking for Progress.
@jarliz11ESTO NO PUEDE ESTAR PASANDO?!?!! #IntroducingMyselfIsFukingHard
@jeksaturdayIntroduce Yourself: Who the f*ck am I?
@josyextraoI'm also on this amazing platform. thanks to @richforever
@kaerpediemHello!! This is An Introduction of Sorts
@kermodebearHi, I'm Kermode Bear!
@kosh7Kosh here! A friendly Introduction
@kylomonHi Steemit Community
@lazyadHonored to be here
@lizsavageAnother Day, Another Bio.
@luciadiazHola Steemians! Welcome for me :D
@luckyjuly24Presentación-introduce yourself
@mamabear4Introduction Post
@manyvoicesThe voices of many; the voice of none
@maylibertyHello Steemit Community: I Am VERY Shy, But I'm Ready For My Intro - My Name Is May Liberty & I'm Not Just A Nurse!
@mnmlegerDouble E Blessed Homestead and Bee farm steeming up the interwebbs mirror!!!
@moscatoWade Oval Wednesdays
@muazikramThanks @jerrybanfield for Steemit suggestions and tutorials.
@musavuralKantin Cafe introduceyourself
@myleskshupeMy introduction post.
@n8borealisIntro: Exploring the world
@nainglinnintroduction myself steemit commuity
@netslumsHello World 3.0
@nishagargExcited to be on SteemIt
@official-sparkyA new minnow has arrived - Re Introduction of Sparky
@paniazhbetkaПривет, Steemit
@pataphysicianA pataphysical introduction
@photohunterIntroduce Yourself
@plainjaneIntroducing Myself
@polszaNew profitable upvote bot ! Come and check us !
@ray123Hello Steemit! Introducing Myself - 12 facts about me...
@riflemanAllow Me To Introduce Myself.
@rizal1992Introducemyself (introduce)
@robertmatyusFirst Steemit post+ 30day experiment?!
@rohitanowIntroduce Myself - My First Post in Steemit
@rotimijohnNow I tell you about myself.
@rubaintroduce myself
@samadovichintroduce yours self
@sarcasmonlySarcasm :D (introduceyourself)
@senseibabsIntroducing myself
@serflashHoney-do-man and traveler.
@shuazir(Introduction) How I get myself interest in Art
@simulasyonÇalışma masamin üstü altı çok karışık yardım
@sircryptoniteIntroduction: SirCryptonite
@skippy3411Introducing myself....stories and photos to come!
@snailplantHello! Introduction from Washington and Colorado!
@spaceninjaIntroduction! Journalist, auto and tech enthusiast, aspiring writer. Occasionally known to be funny
@speakerblueSpeakerBlue's SongList #1
@stahlbergIntroductory post
@stormlight24Hello Streemit world! I'm happy to join you
@suppermani Wish you a Merry Christmas - in advance (my first post)
@tangerinewildMucho gusto.
@tboanprodsNewbie Newbness! Hi all!
@terrorfirmaHello! from a monster and nature loving artist living in Florida
@tgpremHow I ended up in STEEMIT that is going to be world famous
@thomasjmitchellMy introduction ~ World Ocean adventures
@thot2wordThe Unremarkably Ordinary
@travelstoriesHello Steemit mates: Who love Travel Stories?
@tuitupouIntroduction and travelling
@universIntroduction to Getting Started New To Friends
@vduxGood Morning, Steemit!
@vicabuanIt feels like I was given the time to write again. An introduction.
@votesMy Upvotes for 2. December 2017 - #1
@winmentalHallo Zusammen - Kurze Vorstellung von mir
@xaxhmorrisonKnow Your Potential - Graphic Design Fun - My Introduction
@yogagirl89No FB, No Twitter, BUT.... I am on Steemit!
@yonglerosalesIngreso al universo steemiano
@zwaffiliateHey Visionaries

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