The midterm elections are rapidly approaching, and the “blue wave” that was once a guarantee to retake the House has lately dwindled. This has caused a variety of conservative pundits to falsely claim that Republicans have an increased advantage in the upcoming midterms, despite lagging polling numbers. President Trump and Republicans are campaigning with the utmost rigor, as the threat of a House controlled by Democrats would completely neutralize Trump’s ability to have a single legislative victory in 2019 and 2020. With the knowledge and pessimism that the Democratic Party has an advantage, the Trump Administration is moving to pass immigration reform before the midterm elections, causing speculation that he will incite a second government shutdown. On the other hand, Democrats continue to campaign on the issues that are inconsequential to Trump and Republicans. The harsh rhetoric on impeachment, Russia, and gun reform may be responsible for alarming Republican voters to make their way to the polls and vote for Republicans in congressional and local ballots.