The Republic of Texas! State Rights. How many are Republics in Exile? Time to get them Out of Exile. Did you know a portion of New Mexico is part of the Republic of Texas? Hear the Sheriff Dejour from CA and Texas! Republic Reborn!

in republicoftexas •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Sheriff Lenka from California and Sheriff Joshua James fro Bernalillo County, New Mexico

For profit prison systems fund the government.

People are led to believe it is their taxes that fund the government, but we have all seen where that actually goes.

If not familiar, here are some examples and I'm sure you are already disgusted with what you have seen them waste money on when we have so many homeless and hurting all around the world!

NIH spends $2MIL to see if a hot tub can lower stress. Are they In the hot tub when they pitch spending our tax payer dollars? $7MIL spent on auto flush toilet that will take pics inside. Congress giving almost a 70% increase in funding WHY?

Facebook post on HR 6666

The Literal battle between Good and Evil General Flynn spoke about right on the home front. A reminder of In the Name of Public Health and the predatory practice of Pharmakeia and Va%cnes. Wolves in Sheep's clothing! Senior Care facilities for Profits!*

About 70% of people in prisons are there unjustly.

These prisons support an unlawful, corporate established government.

This corporate established government does not operate for We the People, By the People nor is it Of the people.

This corporation is like network that puts it's own infiltrators [infilTRAITORS] in place and demands people obey them even though they are not lawful.

They don't even follow Their Own Codes they claim to set forth.

The scales are tipped in the establishment's favor and not that of We the People. . .nor all of humanity.

Those people in the prisons run for profit to fund this unlawful corporate establishment don't have anyone who filed a complaint.

They are to only be jailed if someone files a complaint, but they are in a system just because instigators decided to put them there.

During Magna Carta times when King John was falsely imprisoning people, people stood up against this.

Our Bill of Rights gives all of the people a right to a fair trial, but many do not know their rights as citizens.

When they do not know their rights, these infiltrators take advantage and continue to operate running their schemes undeterred.

People are due an immediate trial where they can invoke trial by peers.

Instead a criminal syndicate has been operating while profiting off of their predatory practices.

They receive 1 trillion dollars Per MONTH!

While regular people remain enslaved to a system in which they have to pay exorbitant prices just to exist.

The taxes are only paying on the international debt, which goes to the international banksters.

Some of these judges in their fake system are so corrupt, they will forge documentation.

When they are caught and ordered to recuse themselves, some all out refuse to do so.

Some of these corrupt judges have been taking bribes and even children from their homes.

The Common Law Court is helping to make a difference for people.

General Orders 100 the Lieber Code can be invoked.

Invokes a distress call stating
May Day, May Day, We the people are being attacked by the people who are entrusted to be our public servants.
Invoking article 33 and article 38 of General Orders 100 of Lieber Code and any other articles that may apply for the defense of the people.

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Calling for a Judicial Tribunal rather than an Administrative Tribunal as all other processes and avenues have been exhausted.

Time to invoke May Day, May Day the Lieber Code!

People have Higher Ground when they take on Common Law and higher law forms like Nature's Law.

It is always mocked and ridiculed by those who have arrogantly and erroneously fed into the mind numbing brainwashing as there is a literal veil over their eyes and mind!

Sheriff Joshua James had decided to run for the corporate Sheriff in Bernalillo County in New Mexico because he wasn't seeing anyone else stepping up and talking about the true issues.

He went to a David Straight conference in Albuquerque which is where he learned about the Republic of Texas.

The Republic of Texas started taking Zoom classes so they could become American National and they invited Sheriff Joshua to come out and speak on that.

While he was out there, they decided after he spoke that they wanted Joshua as their Sheriff if he would be willing to take the job.

The Republic of Texas is a far larger territory than people realize.

It includes half of New Mexico.

You can view it here.
You do not have to purchase to view the map and you can place your cursor on it to see close ups.

He was invited to be Sheriff because Territory of New Mexico overlaps in the Republic of Texas and the treaties will come back into play once it's recognized by more of The People.

The State Court ruled. ..the Republic of Texas supersedes the state of Texas.

The Hague recognizes the Republic of Texas as a de jure government.

A de jour government is the legal, legitimate government of a state and is so recognized by other states. In contrast, a de facto government is in actual possession of authority and control of the state.

The Republic has been unlawfully annexed.

The Texas Civil Code states that the Republic of Texas and the State of Texas hold control.

The Supreme Court ruling supersedes at Civil Code, so the Republic of Texas holds ALL power.

The STATE OF TEXAS is in all capital letters. ..these shows it is a de facto government used in an attempt to take away power, authority and sovereignty from the Actual ruling land.

Thus the STATE OF TEXAS is a foreign agency operating on our soil acting as our government.

It is a $250,000 dollar fine to impersonate a publicly elected official.

Let's see, just how many impersonators do we have? #YouAlreadyKnow

They have signed a faulty oath of office to a corporation/agency/truly a mafia.

For Texas to claim and restore their Republic is the first of many dominoes to fall since Texas in and of itself is it's OWN Nation with it's OWN Constitution.

They can go back to their own constitution as all fraud is to be cast off; therefore, the revised version of the constitution in Texas can be obliterated as it was Never a true governing system or code of conduct since the co opting of the government in 1871.

The Republic of Texas has begun restoring their Article 3 Common Law Courts.

They have started their first Common Law Court and are in the process of opening up two more.

In the New Mexico part of the Republic they will be opening up their Common Law Court as well.

The only thing that keeps the Republic of Texas from having an international status currently is because they're not registered through the UN.

You all know what a luciferian entity the UN is.

If not familiar go here,


The UN is Not a de jure government, but de facto, an entity? An Agency? You decide.

So they are not going to go register with an unlawful entity.

In the past most who did not agree to join the UN were many times taken out by the mafia with bombs, missiles.

They were there as a kingdom that rose up feigning to be for humans with false flag humanitarian efforts as satan was the First Virtue Signaler.

The Republic is being set up nationally with guidance so everyone everywhere can do this locally.

People have to learn about what it really means to be a good Sheriff one that is working For the people, By the people and Of the people to be Their Protector rather than protecting the agenda of the de facto government.

What the New Standard should be for Sheriff.

The Position of Sheriff is a very old post to hold.
It was intended to create a buffer between the People and the Government.

  • They wanted an independent body to ensure people's rights were not trespassed upon.
    #1 job is to ensure that his or her people are protected.

So the sheriff is either Constitutional or a Career Politician.

You cannot be Constitutional and a politician, to be a true sheriff representing and protecting the rights of the people. . .you must be 100% Constitutional.

If they are Not Constitutional that is a clear tell that they are part of the constructed fraud.

If the sheriff has his or her deputies on the street pulling people over for traffic infractions where no one got hurt or filed complaint. . .in order for them to detain anyone there must be someone hurt or a filed complaint.

If a sheriff's deputy is pulling people over without one of those two reasons. ..they are perjuring their oath.

If the sheriff is allowing agencies like CPS to go to people's homes and removing their biological property

If you are allowing IRS to be infringing on people's rights to life, liberty and their property they are perjuring their oath.

It is difficult to find a sheriff today doing his job.

The de jure sheriff and people knowing their rights will bring the narrative to the rest of the world.

Sheriff Joshua will not be taking a paycheck.

Even their corporate constitution states in the beginning they must hold up the original constitution.

In Their codes and statutes it also says All Rights are Guaranteed!

Do they count on the populace Not knowing their rights?


It is a servant position, so no salaries are drawn.

As de jure sheriff you are bonded by your word.
Your word IS your bond.

Not elected by the corporation, but By the People.

It IS Divine Intervention.

People can decide if they want to be on the side of the racketeering/fake corporation/fraud of a government or on the side of We the People.

The de jure Sheriff's disqualify corporate deputies or not abiding by the Constitution of We the People.

The de facto government really do operate as pirates, so they don't take themselves out of their fronted positions.

The enemy thrives in complication and confusion.

When a sheriff de jure receives a formal affidavit. . .so it is sworn under penalty of perjury that someone was injured or something happened to them, everything must be based on

It gets submitted to the sheriff, everything is notarized and he calls the grand jury.

The Grand Jury assembles and the case is brought by the Grand Jury.

Thus the injured party invokes their own court. . .their own Common Law Court.

A jury appears of people who know the injured.

The sheriff appoints the foreman of the Jury and it is to be a very simple process.

The Justice of the Peace is not there to determine ruling, he or she is just there to ensure that it is constitutionally compliant.

The judge is simply the referee to ensure the law is in compliance.

The Justice of the Peace is not there to rule and sentence.

In the corrupt system there are bankers in a private, for profit court system they rule and run, thus the populace never gets a fair chance.

The deputy is basically on the road to Bring Customers in as this is how they fund themselves.

So they issue a ticket. . .the autograph is in a box because they are extracting that autograph to bring it to the principal at the court where the bonds are being issued.

It's a bit performance and pay out bond.

They need the person as the living human to come into their circus court or show court because the living beings are assumed to be the assurety, but in fact you are the creditor, you are the beneficiary. . .you shouldn't know about this.

If they want to assess your trust shouldn't matter as the human is the beneficiary.

You see. . .the nefarious set up a system to trick you as they are not allowed certain access without your permission, so they manipulate you and put you into a "conned," contrived system. ..a matrix if you will where they attempt to co opt all the actual law, universal law or common law, so that you THINK you are subservient to them and must obey them.

You ARE Sovereign. It's all a con job!

Thus it is theater it's a show.

It is benefiting Them and not humanity.

They have tricked humans into forgetting that they are made in God's image, they are the gods if this world and have dominion and authority to stop allowing the evil ones to take leadership and rule.

These other Sheriff's willing to support the corrupted system and didn't keep their Oath to the people rather than the traitorous corruptors are at war against the people, the constitution and the Republic.

Will they make the decision to just walk away or continue to be at war against the side of good?

They can
Sign a new oath to we the people
Or continue the way they have been enriching their coffers and see how it shakes out.

They have been given fair warning.

Peace Officers the People's Posse

Under Republic of Texas' Constitution guarantees people a position.

Those willing to move to Bernalillo County and are veterans, Sheriff Joshua has stated he will be deputizing them.

Sheriff Joshua will also be taking over the Albuquerque Police Department, so he will be using those vets to vet the former deputies and police officers.

They will vet the people as well so they can have the largest sheriff's department in the country.

In Bernalillo County they are number one in homicides, home burglary, car burglary so he figures what do they have to lose?

Keep bringing up the candidates for sheriff who haven't ended the crime and corruption year after year, decade after decade or. . .make a difference?

Bring in someone who has never been a part of that corrupt system and open all the doors so a light shines on all of that darkness?

The People's Posse will be helping the sheriff so they can police their own communities.

No one loves the communities more than the people who live there.

Many of the state police and other officers do not operate in their own community. . .they operate somewhere foreign. What would it be like to have people looking out for the well being of the people who are part of the community?

There were 33 states that formed Republics when they were abandoned.

This means that they can be reclaimed, including the state seals and state flags can be reclaimed from the national archive in those states.

Your state is your own country essentially.

Commander and Chief Trump cannot take jurisdiction over your country or state, only over the Republic as the 19th President of the Republic and handle the foreign affairs.

The domestic affairs were meant to be handled within the country of the state, the State Republic.

Need to go back to the way it was intended to be under our Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation.

Everything is still there, the corrupt can only make it appear as if it has been removed, but only WE can remove it.

It all still exists, may sit in exile, but Still Exists!

Need to grab it and Lay Claim to It!

Thank you Great Warrior Jimmy Gunn for these following two links. Excellent link helping to empower people and help the reclaim their God given liberty. Just because they try to trample on it, doesn't mean we need to give it up freely! Just because many Republics across the United States are in exile, doesn't mean we can't get them out! Go #WeThePeople

Are SCOTUS Rulings Signaling an American Comeback?


UPDATE Facebook Post 7.14.2022

Thank you to all Great Warriors and Guardians with #truegrit
The real deal doesn't do it just because they're Warriors. . .You all heeded the Call! #TheCalled

Matthew 9:37-38
37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
THANK you for being Them! #lightoftheworld
John 1:5
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Just because the hateful and arrogant don't see now, rest assured, There WILL be a day when it will all be Crystal Clear! #LiftTheVeil

Just as we have watched people come and go. . .as #ThomasPaine called them back in 1776 #SunshinePatriots, I believe the modern term is "fair weather patriots." [only with us when winning]. The called stick even in the darkest hour! Keep it UP!

As you all are well aware. . .or you would not have withstood the test of time. . .
true growth is when you can remain STANDING as many who once were family or friends will disown you for your #beliefs, #dedication, #perseverance and daring to have that True Grit!

Thank you for standing No Matter What
For digging down to #HoldThatLine against all odds
For growing strong as the wheat among the tares
More difficult to see in the sunshine. . .but clear as a Bell when the drought sets in, or in some cases #TheFlood.
Never forget. . .Noah like us was mocked and ridiculed and THEN it started to rain. . .drip, drip, drip, then an Outpouring Came!

Check out the lyrics in I Still Believe in the comments of this post on my page if seeing elsewhere. . .
those of you who are NOT just Sunshine Patriots surely relate!

See the rest in the photo, but remember when Thomas Pain stated. . .
"“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. "

GodSPEED to all of you fine warriors as you don't require a numbers nor approval. . .for you have ascending beyond that and are interacting in a Far Higher Field of thought! Carry On Faithful Warriors, #CarryOn! #upwardandforward

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See more here included powerful songs.

Love that I was able to catch this in a literal 1111 moment ; )
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Common Law
If you were to get pulled over for having private plates on your car,
Step 1 send an affidavit which is a Notice of Fault stating what occurred and that you were unlawfully pulled over.
They have 15 days to submit a rebuttal if they disagree with the statements made in the affidavit on what went down.
Step 2 send 2nd letter, which is a Notice to Cure that the date is approaching and he needs to respond. A reminder that it was his obligation because he is a public servant.
Step 3 When he did not respond to the affidavit he defaulted.
This means he has accepted a Guilty Plea.
You file Guilty Pleas with Notary who is also a Magistrate.
A King records
A servant sues or goes to court.

As sovereigns we are kings handing our papers.

You create your own Court of Record because you are holding your own court.
We are men and women of honor and already know you should not hurt other people, their property or trespass on their rights.

The officer, who perjures his oath [as they are sworn to protect the rights of the people and the constitution OVER the system] is given an opportunity to respond.

This takes away their con of pushing corporate policies for the city as Sovereigns in Common Law have authority.

These police stations cannot just push policies at their corporate level for the city when someone is in the know. . . they also cannot access and use certain tactics if the sovereign knows they are about to operate in Commerce Law behind a sovereign's back which is Trust Law.
Trust Law is simply AIR. Sort of how the Security Employee at the United Nations building in Utah tried to tell someone they were no longer in the United States, but under UN territory and laws when they stepped in the building. So basically setting up their territory or domain if you will.

They act like they are operating in Maritime or Administrative Courts, but behind the scenes they are actually transferring.

In many cases they False Courts under a Corporate con system have already opened an escrow account and there are already people lined up to be paid on any Traffic Violation.

This means on a traffic ticket alone they might make $2million dollars and upwards.

These con artists are operating in private commerce, which means they have PMA's.
They have separate coffer accounts where they are moving the money, so it is not in the public, no transparency.

They may be running a traffic violation as a tribunal for the public eye, but privately, behind the scenes they are running money out of people's Cestui Que Vie and operating in commerce.

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They like to claim it "archaic" in an attempt to keep people from knowing their rights. No matter how they try to throw shade. . .Law is LAW!

A cestui que trust is a person for whose benefit a trust is created; a beneficiary. Although legal title of the trust is vested in the trustee, the cestui que trust is the beneficiary who is entitled to all benefits from a trust.

A cestui que use is an archaic term of PROPERTY LAW that describes one who has a beneficial interest in land held by someone else. Title and possession as well as the duty to defend the land is held by another, but the cestui que use has the right to rents, profits, and other benefits from the land.

What their systems, departments and courts do is all Corporate. . .in other words it is for profit and doesn't obey Universal or Natural Law.

Never forget. . .that serpent of old, that great dragon. . .master manipulator!

Just as with any corporation there is a man or a woman who owns the corporation conning people into believing they and their corporations are sovereign. . but that is flipped. . .We the People are the Sovereigns!

This makes officers, Revenue Collection Agents who are basically on the roads and on the streets looking for new business.

When they pull someone over who is not doing anything to harm another person. . .they are coming to that Sovereign because they want to create a case, the bonds in an effort to gain access to the sovereign's trust.

If they are granted access which they attempt by issuing a ticket.
Ultimately what grants them access is your signature.

Not supposed to have to sign, but they try to embarrass you and have guns so you are forced under duress.

Some tickets never make it to the docket if they think someone is awake and knows their scam.

You can make sure the principal hears by way of the camera that you are .
not their employee in their constructed fraud.

You can let them know you are a private American, one of the people, which means you are Sovereign.

Your rights are secured under the constitution.
It is the Supreme Law of the Land pursuant article 6 section 2.

For those who wonder if they need the Vital Statistics corrected and free to be a State National, it is not required.

You can claim the Standard in the moment as either a living being or a dead entity.

They way they attempt to view you in order to take advantage is as a fictitious corporate entity as they are generally operating as.

You have the right to follow the process of Bonds for the Event and intent to file a claim and go after public servants on our country for perjuring their oath and creating injury against our families, our businesses.

You can pull bonds on all of them. ..the judge, court, county.

Sometimes in an attempt to strong arm and bully, they will resurrect the case and elevate the charges from a misdemeanor to a felony hoping you will cave and submit your will to them when you don't have to.

If they are stopping people when no one is injured, they are using extortion in an attempt to coerce you to pay a traffic violation. This is a tell that you don't have a sheriff for the people, but rather they work for a corporate entity that does not abide by the constitution and this is happening all over towns and cities in America.

They keep people in prison who should not be jailed, they steal children from families and use Sovereign's cestui que vie to fund their mafia and that is Not their money. They just figure out how to coerce the populace into getting access to it!

It is the only way they are able to create money as we don't have lawful money.

This demonstrates we don't really have law enforcement as most cases are falsely assembled.

Someone has to make a complaint of injury in order for them to pull you over.

What it really is. . .control over your behavior.

Are you not Sovereign?

So now what we have is a police state.

What we have now is a Police State in Maritime Law, but if you take it in to the Common Law you don't have judges ruling.

Instead you have the Justice of the Peace overseeing the hearing, so trial by Jury and it is the Jury that convenes and rules.

This means after the first three notices to the perpetrators you can send a true bill of what they owe you, and you can increase the damages when they don't pay out on it.

If they continue to not pay, you can put a lien out on them which is a bond as their actions are their bonds.

You can have an Attorney General take your case and you can place your records in a body of evidence and have it as your Declaration.

It can include all the fraud and injuries committed against all the people in your Republic.

Involving corrupt court systems and judges stealing people's homes through foreclosures, kicking people on the street or doing other damage.

What do you have to do to become a Private Attorney General?

  • A regular citizen providing service to their community
  • knows Common Law and Constitutional rights
  • is acting as a prosecutor when our public servants fail to do their job

If those who were appointed are not doing it right. . .we have to get it done for ourselves.

Most of the judges that have been presiding on these cases are not in compliance.

To be in Compliance as a Judge [a Public Servant] they need to have

  • a Certified Oath of Office
  • Economic form of your financial interests form 700
  • You have to be bonded

Most of the judges are not in compliance as there are things missing from their financial statements.

Many have conflicts of interests by being on things like real estate firms, groups and networks where it benefits them to have the people taken advantage of as they are able to reap rewards and pocket income from the predatory actions of these corporations.

These people posing as if they are for protecting the people are robbers and liars.

For those foreclosures, they had already sold the mortgages so couldn't even provide the mortgages, yet they were repossessing and reclaiming these properties.

They stole millions of properties back in 2008 and onward, so the judges were involved in that Ponzi scheme.

An example of how to disqualify the judge.

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You can show there are things missing from their form 700 which disqualifies them as a public servant which is what a judge is.

Whoever the accuser is in your case, they are to be present, if they are not, trial cannot be held.

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Every judge that is disqualified receives a copy of the declaration showing how they violated their oath.

Many times they will appoint a new judge and research on them shows they are also disqualified for breaking their oath.

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When they have to appoint you a new judge, many times the will do so in a private courtroom as they do not want the rest of the population to know their rights and to be aware that many of these judges are out of compliance.

You can always give them a chance to recuse themselves.

If the judge is not in compliance, doesn't have the complete form 700 they cannot hear the case as they are out of compliance.

Can file a motion to dismiss due to lack of jurisdiction.

Provided 30 days when told they are not functioning as proper public service.

They are not functioning as proper public servants so they will not be able to produce their papers.
They are not functioning on lawful authority.
You request from them to provide their papers of Proof of Authority. They will not be able to provide them because. . .

they are rather operating under the 1879 constitution which is the Corporate Charter of the Organic Constitution

Sherrif Lenka is back with a Public Announcement you won’t want to Miss!


Operation Alert Continuity of Government More evidence and a merger with Great Voice/FEMA historical article of bunkers throughout the US in Minds

See more info in here and check replies for updates and more connections, #MilitaryTribunals, #RepublicReborn

#RebulicOfTexas, #RepublicReborn, #Sovereignty, #StateRights, #NewMexico, #SheriffLenka, #California, #SheriffJoshuaJames, #SheriffDeJour, #LieberCode

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Some are allowed to get away with their infiltrators/infilTRAITORS wreaking havoc. We have observed some of them compromised just as in New York during the Weiner laptop ordeal. Lots of officers, who viewed the contents of that laptop ended up "suicided." You are right about the Constitution for sure as we are seeing more and More people stand up for themselves and appoint Sheriff De Jours who work for We the People and Not a compromised group.

So difficult to suss all of them out as you are clearly well aware they infiltrate virtually every sector of society. They are in our schools, police depts., churches, ho$pit&ls, court systems local and federal. People are being trained to take back at the local level and spread out. The Sheriff De Jour for the Republic of Texas was asked to run and he is from New Mexico which works out because the original Republic of Texas included a large chunk of New Mexico. He is from the county where I worked and until he came on the scene. . .one of the most crime infested areas around. There was a great deal of gang related activity and when you pulled up to a stop light. . .you knew there was always the chance of a shooting going down.

Makes sense it's so corrupt. If you take Epstein's ranch and know about their underground lair. . .it is 111 smack in the middle of Trinity test site, Tremintina Base where you can see an opening to a tunnel from a helicopter in the side of the mountain. . .not only our local station, but one from Australia took footage. Also not far from Bonanza Creek Ranch where Alec Baldwin shot Halyna Hutchins, who grew up in Ukraine as her father was military and stationed at a well known base there. ..which oddly enough was part of the location for the plot of a movie Alec Baldwin played in a long time ago. . .#TheHuntForRedOctober

Halyna Hutchins shot by Alec Baldwin on set. Why wasn't the first gun of safety protocol followed especially since Alec Baldwin has spoken against guns? Halyna's history, born in Ukraine, family's military background. What Lies Beneath? Dark to LIGHT?



In order to go Forward, we must go BACK.
Facebook Frames How slim are the pickin's to the asleep? Who in the world was Slim Pickens and the tie in to JFK?

Do the elitists attempt to better their odds by using humanity and enslaving them while creating certain events?
Is much of what they put out littered with lies? You decide!
Would you CHOOSE the truth if it were offered to you?
In 1961, Slim Pickens, who was born. . .Louis Burton Lindley Jr. had a recurring role as Johnson in the 17-episode NBC series The Americans, the story of how the American Civil War divided families.
Interesting how he also played in Dr. Strangelove. . .

Another going back in time tidbit is. . .The IBM 7094 is The First Computer to Sing 1961

First computer to sing - Daisy Bell. The 7094 was portrayed in the movie #DrStrangelove

Now that song is of interest because it was played in a moving diorama scene created by Mark Ryden, who is part of the counter culture movement involving what are predatory themes and collected by people like Mark Parker, former CEO of Nike and board member of Disney.

Take heart. . .the flip is coming and the Veil will be lifted #OperationTorsionField, #DarkToLight, #ContinueToStand, #stanleykubrick, #theshining, #Apollo11, #eleveneleven, #GreatAwakening, #HoldTheLine, #NeverGiveUpTerritory, #GodSPEED

See entire facebook frames thread with full sources here,


Do you remember Charles Lieber.
The name Lieber for the Lieber code shot out some #Synchronicity for me!

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is an American chemist, a pioneer in nanoscience and nanotechnology. In 2011, Lieber was named the leading chemist in the world for the decade 2000–2010 by Thomson Reuters, based on the impact of his scientific publications. He is known for his contributions to the synthesis, assembly and characterization of nanoscale materials and nanodevices, the application of nanoelectronic devices in biology, and as a mentor to numerous leaders in nanoscience.

Lieber, a professor at Harvard University, has published over 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has edited and contributed to many books on nanoscience. Until 2020 he was the chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, and held a joint appointment in that department and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as the Joshua and Beth Friedman University Professor. He is the principal inventor on over fifty issued US patents and applications, and joined nanotechnology company Nanosys as a scientific co-founder in 2001 and Vista Therapeutics in 2007.

In December 2021, Lieber was convicted of six felonies, including two counts of making false statements to the FBI and investigators from the Department of Defense and National Institutes of Health regarding his participation in the Chinese government's Thousand Talents Program, as well as four counts of filing false tax returns. The US government began its investigation of Lieber as part of the China Initiative, a program established by the Department of Justice in 2018 to investigate academic espionage at American universities.

Lieber has been on paid leave from Harvard since his arrest in 2020as a result of his criminal charges.

Facebook Frames Harvard University Professor who worked at Wuhan University of Technology and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases.

I will show you how there are Connections All over the MAP!

a Harvard Professor who was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University...