in revelation •  3 years ago  (edited)


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I received a visit from a friend who came to do my hair.

She asked me, “What happened yesterday? I heard noises here.”

I said to my friend, “I gave a revelational message to a pastor but he called me a demon.”

My friend said, “He must be Tobiah and Sanballat.”

[Tobiah and Sanballat were enemies of the Jews who made several attempts to stop Nehemiah from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 2:10 “When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard about this, they were very much disturbed that someone had come to promote the welfare of the Israelites.”]

Suddenly I saw 2 soldiers entering our compound.

I said, “How can this pastor go to the point of accusing me to the authority and sending soldiers to arrest me?”

To my surprise my friend asked me, “Where are the soldiers you are talking about?”

I saw that my friend was unable to see the 2 soldiers. Quickly I was invaded by a deep sleep. While my body slept, my spirit stood before the 2 soldiers.

They told me, “We have come to take you.”

I said, “Where do you want to take me?”

They said, “This is the arrest warrant.”

On the forehead of the first soldier I saw it was written, “Angel Michael.” On the forehead of the second soldier, it was written, “Angel Rodolfo.” Quickly the 2 soldiers bound my hand. When this arrest was happening my friend continued to do my hair. As my body was sleeping, my friend tried to wake me up but I could not wake up and she sent children to go and call pastors who took my body to our church.

The 2 angels that came in the appearance of soldiers began to move in the air and the angel Michael began to brutalize me.

I said, “Lord, have mercy.”

The angel Michael told me, “Deborah, don't say the name of the Lord for you are rebellious. You are the one who has the gut to insult a man of God and you dare mention the name of the Lord. Do you really know the Lord? Which Lord are you talking about? Since you are rebellious you should have called Lucifer for you are like him. You have a hard heart and you don't listen to the Lord but you will see.”

As we moved, the angel Michael was assaulting me and said, “You have pained the Lord. You are breaking His heart.”

This journey was long. I saw that we were climbing a staircase that was heading to the sky.

The angel Michael said, “I will not stop the violence because I am a warrior of battle. I only know battle and the Lord always sends me to violent situations. And violence is my method.”

When we reached the top of the staircase, we saw a house in space where the 2 angels dropped me and locked the door. I was wondering where I was in this place in space. The Earth was really far beneath us. In the meantime, people were praying for my body. After casting out demons they saw no change. And they changed prayer and they began to ask for the Lord’s mercy. As a result, I receive the visit of a Man in this space prison.

He asked me, “Are you the one who insulted the pastor? Are you the one causing trouble on the land? How dare you insult a pastor that I called and set apart? You dare to tell him not to come to eat in your house. Are you the one who fed him since he was a child? Is it because of the little offering you gave that you think you can talk that way? Who asked you to get married? How can you get married without My permission? You were supposed to serve God not to get married or have children. Today I forgive you and you are going back but you will fast for 10 days. You will not drink or eat. You will only wash your body. Everything I will tell you to do in this fast you will do it. If you are called a demon don't you know that I was called Beelzebub?”

This fast and prayer were really hard for me but I still obeyed the voice of the Lord and all His instructions. Consequently, my spiritual level catapulted. At this time I saw visions and dreams and I was revealed hidden mysteries.

While I was in ten days of fasting and prayers from the 1st to the 7th day the Lord taught me brokenness. Jesus taught me how to go from childhood to spiritual maturity. How to get rid of the old man and how to crucify the flesh because I was an angry woman.

When I began this prayer, the Lord visited me and asked me, “Mama Deborah, are you fasting and praying as I asked you?”

I said, “Yes Lord, I am fasting.”

The Lord said, “I want to use you but beforehand we must agree that you will follow all My instruction. If you obey, I will do what I want in your life.”

I said, “Lord, what do you want to do in my life?”

The Lord said, “First and foremost I want you to bring down your house. This house you have built I want you to crush it. And I want you to build a new house in 3 days.”

I said, “Lord, how can I destroy my own house? I have no money and my husband is a simple student.”

The Lord said, “You are hardheaded. And since you are hard of heart, before I work with you, you gonna bring down this house otherwise there is no cooperation between you and Me.”

I said, “Lord alright. I can destroy the kitchen.”

I told pastors the Lord is asking me to bring down my house. The pastor said, “Whatever the Lord said we are instructed to obey. However, we don't know how to build a house in 3 days.” Pastor did not have discernment and failed to seek clarification from the Lord. As a result, I decided to break the wall of my house. As soon as I began to break the wall the Lord’s voice resonated.

The Lord said, “Mama Deborah, where are you gonna sleep if you break the house? Understand that the house I am talking about is your body. I want to do great things in you. Unless you bring down the old self, unless you bring down yourself and the old man it will be difficult. You must mortify yourself and die. Otherwise, you won’t be able to cope with where I want to take you.”

I said, “Lord, what is the old body? How can I break myself? Should I hit myself with hood and stick?”

The Lord said, “Destroy the old flesh. The old body I am talking about is your character. You get angry quickly and you abuse others. You drink beer. All these evil habits must be broken. All these must be destroyed. Humble yourself, become patient. Change your life. When I said build a new house in 3 days, it's not literally 3 days for the number 3 is the number of change. People must see the change in your behavior.”

The Lord said, “You still don't understand. If you really want to understand this mystery, brush your teeth to smell good in front of God.”

I said, “Lord, I have already brushed my teeth in the morning.”

The Lord said, “Did you brush with toothpaste?”

I said, “Of course.”

The Lord said, “Do it again.”

I took my brush and toothpaste.

That's when I heard Jesus telling me, “Deborah, I am talking more about purification and sanctification. If you want to serve Me, you must have a pure white heart and regularly clean your heart. The way you brush your teeth to make it white so that your mouth won’t stink. I mean you have to regularly confess your sin, brush your heart and remove evil the way you brush your teeth. Your heart must be white just the way you make your teeth white.”

Jesus told me, “Deborah, when someone whose mouth stinks, as soon as he speaks to you, you move your face away to avoid the bad breath. Is it not the same when you present yourself before My Throne with a malicious and evil heart? When you come before My face, I will hide My face. Holiness will ensure that you have the scent and smell of a good aroma. When you come to the Throne of God in a hurry without purification and sanctification, this will make you smell bad. Those who approach the Throne of God must purify themselves so that they will be a fragrant aroma before God. Those who live in sin emit a bad smell in front of God.”


Then Jesus said to me, “Deborah, I want to come to visit you to live with you but however, you have to put your house in order. For this reason, you will clean your house.”

The Lord said, “You will start by removing the spider webs that are in your house. Then you will clean your own clothes so that it is clean. Then you will tidy up your room and put up the curtains. Once this is done, you will have to light a lamp in your house which should never be put out.”

Without delay I got to work. I removed all the spider webs which were on the roof of my house as instructed by Jesus Christ. Then I cleaned the house. I did the laundry. Finally, I turned on the lamp. Then I rested to wait for the arrival of the Lord who was to come to visit me.

While I was waiting for the Lord, suddenly I heard His voice.

He told me. “Deborah, when I asked you to clean your home, I did not mean to clean it physically. I was talking about your heart. Every day you have to learn to cleanse your heart by confessing your sins and giving up your bad habits. I want you to be clean and white so that I will come and dwell and make residence in you. I am talking about your heart, not your house. Each day you must crucify the flesh in order to restore order in your house. The Bible says in James 4:8-9 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness.

The Lord told me, “To clean your clothes means you must purify and sanctify yourself. Clean garments mean good works of righteousness. Revelation 19 verse 8, It was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.”

The Lord told me, “The white garment I want from you is good works that people have to see. I don't like your anger and conflict with people. When I said clean your plate and saucepan, it is your heart that is to be cleaned. When I said clean it, I want your soul, body, and spirit to be clean. Just like you bathe every day I want it to be like that for your heart but you went on to clean your physical garment. The Bible says in Rev 22 verse 14 Blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.”

“The Bible says in Revelation 19 verse 7, Let us be glad and rejoice. And give honor to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come. And His wife has made herself ready.”

“When I said put on the light, the lamp that I asked you to light and that should never die is the intercessory prayer. Remember I told you never to turn off this lamp. In other words, you must pray day and night. You must pray non-stop. You must always pray. The flame of prayer must never die. And any issue in your life must be presented to Me in prayer. Pray in order to keep in touch with Me. This is what I mean by turning on the light for when the house is dark and a snake enters you will not see it but the house that has a shining lamp when a snake, scorpion, or beast try to enter you will see them because of the light. If you have a prayer life when a witch comes, you will see him.”

Then the Lord said to me, “Deborah, when I asked you to remove the spider web in your house, I meant you have to get out of the customs and traditional rites of the house of your father and your mother. You have to get out of idolatry of fetishism and superstition from your tribe. I cannot be mixed with that. You were washed with a monkey skull when you are in superstitious rule. Your house and heart are like with cobweb and not clean. This is dirt. I am not in those who are in idol and tradition of the ancestors. Tell Christians to remove spiderweb in their heart for I must dwell there.”

Jesus said, “I asked you to put the curtain in your house means that I wanted to say that since you are My servant, you must be careful in this world. Here I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves so be careful like snakes and simple like doves. Caution and prudence must characterize you. You must know what to say and what not to say. I wasn’t speaking of the cleaning that you had just done in your house.”

Brother and sister, during the 5th day of this fast and prayer, the Lord said to me, “Deborah, today this December 25 this Christmas, you are going to prepare chicken and you are going to eat.”

So I prepared the chicken as instructed by the Lord. When the food was ready, I was about to eat the food that was prepared when suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord who said to me, “Deborah, eat the bones but not the flesh.”

So while everyone is eating the chicken, they gave me the bones and while I was eating the bones, suddenly the Lord told me, “Deborah, how can you eat while you are in fast and prayer?”

Jesus said to me, “When I spoke of the bones, I spoke of solid food. You must grow spiritually and eat solid food but you are still in the milk.”

On the fifth day of this fasting and prayer, Jesus said to me. “Deborah, today you will wash with the boiling soap and you will use a lotion having 1 star. You are also going to wash the children with this soap and these lotions. Anyone who visits you, you will give him this soap so that they can wash their hands.”

I went to the market and I bought the boiling soap. Then I looked for the lotion having 1 star but as soon as I spoke to my pastors about the instructions of the Lord, they told me that I was losing my mind.

Then I went to wash with the soap and lotions recommended by the Lord and while I was washing suddenly I saw an intense light in the bathroom. I could not understand the meaning of this light that has entered the water. Sometime after I washed my children with this soap and I rubbed them with lotion recommended by the Lord, I started to give this soap and lotion to the people who visited me.

Finally one day the Lord told me, “Deborah, why don't you still understand these things? When you wash with the water and with the soap, you must know that the water with the soap which you wash is the Word of God. Each time you read the Bible and listen to the Word of God which is the water of life, you wash and clean yourself with the blood. Water is the Word. When you keep hearing it you are being purified.”

John 15:3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

“The soap I told you about is the purifying and cleansing agent that comes when you read the Bible and listen to My Word. So, therefore, every time you listen to the Word of God, you are washed by the Word and your sins, your carnal and Adamic nature is washed and purified by My Word. It is then that I fill you with the power and the anointing of My Spirit which is here symbolized by the lotion that I had recommended to you.”

“I laugh whenever you call the Holy Spirit. How can He come when you have dirt on you? You must first remove the dirt then He would come. When a child is dirty and he applies oil, do you see how he become?”

I said, “He becomes dirtier.”

The Lord said, “That's how I see My children living in sin and asking My Holy Spirit. They must first remove dirt and purify themselves before invoking My Spirit. Don't ask My Spirit when your heart is in sin. Only when you have clean up.”

“Deborah, the more you read the Bible and the more you listen to My Word, you will be purified by My blood which acts as a soap. The more you are purified by water and blood, it is then that My power and My action will fill you. You will receive the power the Holy Spirit falling on you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria until the ends of the Earth.”

Then the Lord Jesus said to me, “Deborah, when I said your children must also be washed, I wanted to say that you are a child. You too must know Me. You must teach them My Word. When I told you that visitors must be washed with this soap, I meant that everyone who visits you, you must speak to them about the Good News of the Gospel so that they can know Me and be also purified. Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teach them to observe all that I prescribed you.”

Jesus told me, “The mission that I give you is this: if you must know Me, your children must know Me, your family must know Me and friends must know Me.”

While I was talking to Jesus, my family transported me to the hospital because I had lost weight. When I spoke to Jesus, they thought that I was talking to myself and that I had lost my mind.

From Peniel Ngonde video.

Remember; Your soul is precious and was costly purchase by the Blood of Jesus Christ and you can't afford to lose "yours" in Hell for Billions and Trillions of years in ETERNITY for mere pleasure and fashion of this world that PASSETH-AWAY.
God bless you as you do so, please share...and save a soul today............................................

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