Review "Letter to my father" and The Sensitivity of Franz Kafka

in review •  7 years ago  (edited)

When we talk about the twentieth century literature and the great writers it has consecrated, we should think about Franz Kafka. Franz Kafka is born in Prague on July 3, 1883 and become one of the great figures of universal literature, without intending or foreseeing it.

Born in the cancer zodiac sign, if we were to take the astrologers, Kafka is a sensitive child, introverted, and with a low degree of self-confidence. All of this falls into the opposite of the father's personality, Herman Kafka, which will ultimately influence his son's life - in a negative way, in principle.

Kafka's entire work is hard to decipher, but not at all meaningless. From the novels like "The Process" or "The Castle," to stories such as the painful "Metamorphosis" or the amazing "Penitentiary Colony", Kafka retains its originality and imitation style, so its name led to Creating an adjective - kafkaesque; Perhaps such an adjective was called created, as Kafka's work was hard to associate with something already existing.

The writing became for him a refuge, the place where his father could not put his fingerprint, which he could not find. On the other hand, Kafka was able to retaliate against his father, and by writing, he tried to bring peace between them in the hope of succeeding, at least in the twelfth hour, to save some of their difficult relationship .

Kafka's last attempt is to address a father's letter, starting from the origins of their deficient relationship, to analyze his entire life and the role his father has had in making various decisions. More than a letter, the text proves a real introspection; Being an introvert, it is not surprising that he succeeds very well in the inner analysis, to which, in fact, he constantly underwent. The letter itself is also appreciated for her literary value, for Franz Kafka writes his thoughts in an emotional way, but without this intention; When Kafka recounts the first moment he considered the starting point for fear of his father, the reader trusts in front of a child who does not understand why exactly who should have given him protection improperly punishes him . Specifically, it is about remembering the moment when Kafka begins his journey to the depths of his soul, in which, as a small child, begins to cry in the middle of the night because of the need to drink water until his exasperated father Take out, on the balcony, where he lets him spend the rest of the night. Kafka will explain that his cry was just a form of drawing his father's attention, but what he managed to do was to awaken his anger; Thus, that moment becomes the starting point for the recurrent fear of the child against his father.

Because of these feelings, he never manages to open himself in front of his father, or to look like he is, because he has the certainty that he will consider him a loser. Moreover, on many occasions, Herman Kafka, without a little sensitivity, chooses his son's choices, the job or the potential wife.

As a result, Franz himself begins to think of himself that he is not good enough, that he is devoid of qualities and that he will never be able to rise to his father's expectations. He never succeeds in detaching himself from the influence of his father, because he sees him as a sentient - his strong figure is representative, for example, of the idea of manhood, and the way he manages his business inspires determination, even tyranny, that is The type ''a'' of behavior that Franz could never adopt.

However, through the letter he is addressing, he tries to explain all these things, dares to be himself and give free rein to the expression of feelings, but everything in the idea of restoring the so-early lost peace between him and father. He does not give up the idea of reconciliation, precisely because of the massive influence that Herman Kafka has had on him so powerful that he never succeeds in detaching himself from his father's image, and the only way to be quiet is for the father to give Signs of understanding the meaning of the whole story.

Unfortunately, the letter will remain only literature, Herman Kafka never in his possession; Franz handed the letter to her mother only, asking her to pass it on, which has not happen.

Franz Kafka disappears from life on June 3, 1924, and leaves behind him true masterpieces, but recognized too late.

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