Tamora Pierce is a lover of strong female role models and most of her books are aimed towards young women ages 8 - 16. This series is a perfectly wholesome series, age recommendation is a loose thing. If you have a junior younger than 8 who churns through books, then by all means get them to read some of Pierces work. Though there are plenty of fighting scenes and wars so it may also appeal to young men out there too. So Steemians! If you enjoy some light reading or have some young adults and would like to give some wholesome reading, this is for you.
She takes in a few more underdogs, including a maid who had been physically abused by a noble man and an actual dog. As the years pass and the troublesome pages become squires and leave Kel begins to earn her stripes so to speak.
This is the story of Kel slowly letting people know just how serious and determined she is to become a knight. It's about facing fears, doing your best at all that life throws at you.
It's books like these that make me adore stalwart characters. Some stalwart characters are portrayed as stiff necked, proud and obnoxious. But books like these though arguably just as stiff-necked, proud and obnoxious but little things happen to make them more human and more humane. Make you feel like you could almost, ALMOST sit down and have a coffee with one of them.
Again, wonderous book and brilliant series for the young adults but seriously an enjoyable read for the adults too. Any one else whose read the series tell me, what breed of dog do you think Jump is. I'm fairly certain I know exactly what he is but I want to see other people take on him.
9.3/10 for young adults. 7.6/10 for adults. As with most series the second/third books tend to be builders but it's well done and well written.
If you enjoyed, please read my review of Book One: First Test