Behind Apple Watch 4

in review0821 •  5 years ago 

Behind Apple Watch 4

Some of you have expressed that Apple Destinations' destination is Apple Watch.

I've wanted to use it before, and you're crazy after seeing Apple Watch 4 last year. After feeling that

Thought to buy, after all, watch is analog! My love, my treasure, we watched and treasured the clock

After achieving my personal goals, I have made impulse purchases and used them as a gift for me.

At first, I bought a smart watch that only alerted me, but I admired the utility

Let's write down the viewer.

  1. Smartwatch is finally displayed!

It's an incredibly clear, incredibly bright display.

I imagined a display with something blurry and dots, but it's very clear, and I like the color gamut too much.

  1. The key is performance

When I was recommended, Apple Watch 3 had a good value for money, but it was a bit of a mess, and there would be refreshing.

I was hoping to be a mobile device, but I like the smooth performance and comfort without refreshing.

Apple Watch 4 is a bit pricey, but I think it's a device that can be used for a long time when it comes to performance and display.

  1. What is the function?

After my first purchase, I approached the fashion item rather than the alarm machine.

In fact, it fits well in casual styles and suits in fashion (there's a sloppy or young look)

Was. However, after several days of use, my hand does not come naturally.

I usually carry my iPhone and iPad with my iPad, but I get an alarm right away,

Sleep analysis, deep breathing (regularly alerts), exercise analysis, heart rate analysis, weather checks such as weather and fine dust every morning

I haven't used it yet since I've been in a car, but I've seen many features of the Apple Watch

We thought that you use.

Beyond the fashion items, I thought these functions would be enough for me.

  1. Overall comment

I think you've liked your device most recently.

And with a trivial but automatic MacBook Unlock feature, the iPhone-iPad-Macbook completes the ongoing experience.

I want to say device.

In fact, I had a lot of worries with Active Watch 2 coming up to the end, but when I bought it, I thought it was pretty and bling bling,

Clearly, the many features and benefits of working with Apple's Continuous are a big factor in satisfying your purchase.

So as soon as I woke up in the morning, I started working on my Apple Watch.

Of course, my conservative father's curse (...) seems to be a part of it.

Our father who preachs a smart watch because you don't know the clock and analog beauty.

I bought a good watch for my son, but I think I was upset because I was wearing my Apple Watch.

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